postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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humankind, which creates a backlashwe have come to know asfundamentalism. Fundamentalism isthe answer to Nihilism, and yet bothare flawed, so there is no real“answer” to be found in either camp.This modern failure (of science) isrightly seen as an opportunity totraverse the bounds of nihilism anddiscover a new, <strong>postmodern</strong> level ofmeaning that is at once scientific andmythological. Science is, in and ofitself, amythological, which is not tosay that it is anti-mythological. Inother words, science is incapable (byits own definition of scope) ofproviding relevant meanings to themodels it offers, so these must besought elsewhere. Science is not atotal worldview. It is, for all intents andpurposes, simply the best and mostconfirmed tool for constructing such a

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