postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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all too real, undeniable, andunavoidable. One does not have toread tea leaves to intuit his reality, norgloss the empirical world to discoverhis power. When you are cognizant ofthe world as it is, then you areexperiencing the Master. No excusesneed to be offered, no elaboratestories need to be concocted.An Introduction to Mythology (II)Deus Otiosus - the irrelevant or withdrawn god. Identifies aprevalent mythological typology whereby the highest creator (sky)god has withdrawn himself from the affairs of men and is no longerthe object of veneration or supplication, except in cases of extremecalamity.The Dragon of the Abyss - the mythologized vital energies ofdestructive creation. Usually presented as the primordial opponent ofthe creative pantheon, it represents both the infinite magnitude ofpure potency and also the chaotic world order prior to the emergenceof the Logos.Al Dajjal - the “antichrist” of Islamic tradition. The real-worldmanifestation of the energies which are working towards theoverthrow of the paradigms of the one god. Al-Dajjal reaches itsparadigmatic apogee in the Singularity.Transfinite Decay - the state of expression whereby the monarchial

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