postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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700's AD). It would appear to have been inscribed as a sort ofcharm or ward, although the significance of the selection of thisparticular surah remains unclear. Though likely contemporaneouswith him, we regard it unlikely that the breastplate was that ofCaliph Umar himself, as has been claimed by one or more Islamichistorians. It can be seen why Suratush-Shaitan was not includedin the official text of the Qur'an, since the prayer in verse fiveshows some theological peculiarities from the standpoint oforthodox Islam. Although the breastplate bearing the text hadbeen damaged in areas, the original surah could not have beenlonger than ten verses or so. The largest amount of damageoccurred between the verses numbered two and three, roughly fivelines of text have been destroyed. The latter half of verses threeand four were also thoroughly damaged, and one or two wordsare missing from the conclusion of verse five. Also, the text wouldappear to have been deliberately altered to efface the name ofAllah in the opening Bismillah, although any possible reasons forthis remain unclear. If genuine, which is doubtful though notentirely impossible, the style of the text would place it in the earlyMeccan period of Qur'anic revelation. Also, this text should not beconfused with the so-called "Satanic verses", which concerned achange made to the text of 53:20-21 by Muhammad himself.]Suratush-Shaitan (The Surah [of] Satan)In the name of [Allah], the compassionate, the merciful.1. Shin Ta2. Say to the unbelievers and those who ask concerning theconcealed verse and the 991 jinn [ . . . ] which have been deemedunlawful [ . . . ] will never be [ . . . ]3. Of the Jinn, and their lord Shaitan, say: "That which We havecommanded concerning the ju [dgement ?] of fire will take placewhen the mountains [ . . . ] can be seen and angels and jinn alikeare [ . . . ] as in the day when many-pillared Irem [ . . . ]4. The one who refused Our will to bow to Ad [am ?] and lost hisfavor will redeem [ . . . ] as a sacrifice to [ . . . ] flame of midnight

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