postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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ationality in no way makes oneirrational. This would be a categoryerror. And a rational appraisal of anyfield of enquiry should make thisevident, for all knowledge has its basisin art, rhythm, and intuition, as everystudent of its development shouldunderstand. The prospective Satanistis one who stands at the threshold ofa gateway to genuine gnosis, and whoalso refuses to whitewash the results.Many spiritual traditions exist whichprovide genuine insight into the worldof the unseen, and the Satanist shouldbe not only capable, but alsodetermined to gain as much of thisvaried insight as possible. But thething that distinguishes the Satanistfrom these other traditions is hisrecognition of the inherent hostilityof the world. This central fact isobscured by nearly every mystical

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