postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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Satanist stands. At some point inevery life, there comes a time at whichthe numinous presents itself. For mostof us, there are many such moments.And the more of them there are,combined with a left-brain dominancein the recipient, can combine toproduce a leathery skin of sorts, aresistance to what can only be felt.And, honestly, this volume is notaddressed toward those who havebecome so blinded by their own sightthat they are unable to see. No, suchpersons must invariably break thesemolds for themselves, and the point ofinterface is trans-rational, so noamount of logic will be able todemonstrate the reality. Rather, thistreatise will be directed at those whohave not constrained themselves insuch a manner. But make no mistakeabout it, to have transcended

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