postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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undeniable, and to abandon this whenexamining the possibility of unseenrealities is to forever separate themfrom the realm of possible experience.And also from the sphere of relevance.That which has no definitive ontologycannot possibly be of any realsignificance to those of us who inhabitsuch a world (of indicative rather thansubjunctive moods). Perhaps ourability to definitively answer thesequestions is (at least at the moment)limited, but this in no way argues for aset of equally valid answers whichcontradict each other - such a stanceconfuses epistemology withmetaphysics. And in fact, thislimitation is precisely what’s at issuewith regard to the unseen, or what iscommonly called the “spirit world”.And, as science (of all types) hasdemonstrated, the empirical world of

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