postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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of the world and an overwhelmingdesire to succeed in the face ofhostility. There is no such thing as afree lunch; existence must becontinually earned. This realization, asa metaphysical understanding, is thefoundation of any true <strong>Satanism</strong>, aswell as the genesis of all that opposessuch unavoidable ontologies, chieflythe religions of tyranny and altruismtypified by the “one god”. Let no onedeceive you, it is not our side whichstands in opposition to reality. On thecontrary, it is we who are most firmlygrounded in the nature of the world asit is. Thus, the Satanist is first andforemost a realist and a pragmatist,adopting precisely those strategieswhich the world requires of all thingsin order to survive. We do not opposethe world, but rather accept the worldas metaphysical opposition, which is

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