postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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this having been said, it falls to theauthor to provide a specific range ofmeaning for the term, which, whilenot negating the complexitiesindicated above, grants a robust andrelevant reference which is necessaryfor any specified worldview. If<strong>Satanism</strong> is to be no more thanatheism with “dark” trappings, thenperhaps this would not be required.But I have to question anyone whowould settle on such a limitation, justas I question the atheist with rosecoloredglasses. There is really nopoint in adopting a label for oneself ifthat label represents nothing morethan a transparent and surface-deepmeaning - one should search for abetter label. In other words, if theSatan of one’s <strong>Satanism</strong> is no morethan attitude, perhaps one is puttingon airs. Certainly attitude is required,

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