postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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exactly what it is that answers to theterm <strong>Satanism</strong>. Quite simply put,<strong>Satanism</strong> is the ISM of Satan, soultimately, any search for meaning inthe term rests with our understandingof who or what is being indicated bythe word Satan. Originally derivedfrom the Hebrew common noun hasatan(the adversary), and first put tospecific theological use by the authorof the Biblical book of Job (ca. 1000B.C.E.), the word has invariably beenunderstood to refer to a person,character, or entity, though not always“the devil” (cf. Numbers 22:22). Aswith any linguistic construct, the termwas developed over time, with newerand more precise meanings replacingolder and less specific ones. And torest one’s understanding of any livingterm upon a snapshot taken at aparticular time and place is to employ

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