postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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Epilogue: The SatanistThe Satanist is not looking for a bookto define their worldview. Not onlycould this text never pretend to servesuch a purpose, but any which didbetrays not only the author (as a fake),but the recipient (as a stooge). Thebest that can be accomplished is for asignpost to be offered, a helpfulpointer or two, which the true Satanistwill take with the same grain of salt(s)he does everything else, and goabout the business of manifesting andcreating. <strong>Satanism</strong> is a path intendedfor, and designed by the individual.There are no essential creeds ordogmas, only an inner gnosis of anouter facticity. Though the parametersof this reality are undeniable, and tothe core Satanic, the task rests witheach individual - to intuit and act in

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