postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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discrete limits. As potential actuals, they appear inwardly as sentientbeings, but in fact, have never departed from Dharmakaya. In reality,the Logos is not shattered, however, it invariably appears so to eachbeing capable of ascertaining duality. This is the meaning of thephrase “natural unenlightenment”.Q: What is your take on ghosts, aliens, and the like?A: Paranormal phenomena should not simply be dismissed out ofhand, for in many cases there are large numbers of people whoreport such experiences. However, in most cases, the explanationsgiven are overly physical and generally wrong. I’ll use ghostingphenomena as an example: the most common explanation is thatthese apparitions are physical incursions being made by souls in astate of supernatural unrest. This is an analysis which has a dualdependence - both on the materialistic paradigm and on thephilosophical notion of a discrete soul. Both assumptions are wrong.What is really transpiring is far more complex and also far moreinteresting. To give a simple analogy: ghosting is a “phosphor-burn”occurring at a conjunction of physical and psychological spaces. Inother words, an event/experience of suitable psychic magnitudeimpresses itself faintly onto a relative physical space, whichevent/experience can then be intuited at a temporal remove by aperson of requisite sensitivity. And, in fact, a related phenomenoncan manifest in nearly any psychically charged space, as a reflectionon sacred sites will make evident. The difference between the twoconcerns the nature of the burnt-in energy - generally ghostingimparts psychic pain and sacred sites impart psychic well-being.Although an interesting hybrid can be seen in the “Jerusalemsyndrome”.<strong>Satanism</strong>, in a nutshell, is just themost natural way of interacting withand comprehending the world ofphenomena. Though, it must be

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