postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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In all truth, this is a view which, in and of itself, needs no label. Thelabels serve only to make relevant to a linguistically dependentculture that which is empirically inescapable. The Master is theMaster, whether He is intuited as such or not.Q:In a world where proof is almost demanded of a deity how do youjustify this meta paradigm of Satan’s interaction with the materialworld ?A: I don’t really have to, for the empirical world of phenomena doesthe job for me. If a fool were to ask me to “prove” the existence ofthe Master, I would simply invite them to take this here porterhouseand hand-feed it to that tiger over there.Q:What leads you to believe this idea of Satan could ultimately leadto Dharmakaya ?A: The One is a fractal value of the Other. The path of gnosis leadsfrom a base intuition of the facticity of the phenomenal worldtowards a pure intuition of undiluted holism.Q: What is the intrinsic value of <strong>postmodern</strong> <strong>Satanism</strong>, both to theindividual, and the collective ?A: There is no intrinsic value to any worldview, <strong>Satanism</strong> included.The best that can be had is a relative value, and this would be judgedagainst the way in which holding a particular set of beliefs modifiesthe lives of its adherents. If such a view promoted the betterment ofthe individual, made them more cognizant and more effective, thenwe can say the view has a positive relative value. There is adistinction between a fact and the belief-state whereby said fact isapprehended - this is crucial. The fact of the Current definitely doeshave an intrinsic value, but the apprehension of this fact can onlyhave a relative value, again, depending on how it is put to productiveuse.Q: How does the universal mind become veiled?A: The word “become” betrays a temporal bias which should beabandoned for a pure understanding. The Logos is shattered throughEnumeration, which serves to demarcate each possibleparticularization categorically, allowing perspective to manifest as alimitation. An infinite reality can have no boundaries, and hence noparticularity, but concealed within the continuum are the various

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