postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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along the RHP and LHP respectively.Q: Why does <strong>Satanism</strong> continue to be marginalized by its ownadherents?A: Because most of them are either atheists with an attitude problemor Christians with multiple neuroses.Q: Is contemporary <strong>Satanism</strong> deterministic or existentiallyautonomist?A: The dichotomy between free will and determinism is false. This isanother qualitative distinction which achieves a reality only on aparticular fractal scale. Given a pair of dice in a game of craps, wecan see that the individual freely determines the motion of their handupon release, and yet from that point on, physical processesdetermine the outcome - free will and determinism have conspiredwith perceptual limitation to create the illusion of randomness orchance. But, upon further reflection, we can see that the free choiceof hand motion and release is likewise constrained by supervenientfactors, and so on up the chain of causality. At the highest scale,when all factors have been perceptually flattened (including the allimportantillusion of temporal flow), everything is determined. Andyet, similar to the manner by which individuated consciousness isenumerated from the totality of the Logos, the scalar limitation ofawareness grants emergent reality to the free and unconstrained will.It’s analogous to one of those pictures where you have to be at justthe right distance and have just the right focus to see the image,otherwise a repeating visual pattern is all that presents itself. Butwhen standing at the proper remove, and concentrating the visionever so subtly - a three dimensional image reveals itself.Q: What schisms are there in the history of <strong>Satanism</strong> that are/werebeneficial and/or destructive to its existence and proliferation?A: Nothing can be destructive to <strong>Satanism</strong>, as it is not aninstitutionally based ideology. As an analogy, imagine I asked whatideas in the history of thought have been detrimental to theheliocentric model of the Solar System. Certainly we can point toboth thoughts and thinkers, both models and institutions, yet none ofthis interplay made it any less of a fact that the Earth moves aroundthe Sun and not vice versa. The reality intuited by <strong>Satanism</strong> isempirical fact, and yet the proliferation/propagation of this system is

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