postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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prosperous) effect on the future of the planet...or even the universe?A: Yes. However, the phrasing of the question belies the truecomplexity of physical processes, and how determinism can melt intofree will at certain phenomenal scales. Given any state of affairs, nosingle cause can ever be identified, only a hierarchy of interrelatedcauses. The butterfly effect is real, it’s just that there are a billionbillion butterflies flapping their wings at the crux of every physicalevent. Attempting to parse this out is sheer folly, see Chaos Theory.Q: Why is <strong>Satanism</strong> relevant?A: Simply because it presents the most natural understanding of thefacticity of the world of phenomena.Q: Is there a benefit to non-Satanists that <strong>Satanism</strong> provides?A: Distinguish between the reality and the comprehension. One doesnot have to comprehend a reality in order to benefit from itsapplicability. Few of us could build a television or computer, yet weall utilize them as benefits. In that case, the benefit is the veryexistence of all things, for all partake of the emergent Current.Q: What goals does <strong>Satanism</strong> look to achieve?A: Betterment. Progress. The Next. But these are not goals which weact at achieving as though they were not inevitable. Rather, weunderstand the irresistability of the Current and either choose to ridethe wave or be swallowed by it.Q: What, if any, contention is there between <strong>Satanism</strong> and atheism?A: Atheists tend to see all non-atheists as deluded. They probablyconsider Satanists to be doubly so. However, what I’ve come todiscover about atheists is that they have a universal quality: surfacedepth. In other words, they are generally bright, yet think entirely interms they do not understand the philosophical and metaphysicalbasis for. I personally consider atheists as Satanists-in-waiting.Q:What is your view on the Qlippoth?A: There are many answers to this question, even when consideringthe possessive pronoun “your”. My own view (contained in the FiveBooks of Cain, ongoing) is one of rebalancing Samsara off againstNirvana, or a completion of the cycle towards enlightenment.Sephiroth and Qlippoth may be likened to crystalizations of steps

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