postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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do not act according to this sameCode. There are those who wouldseek to violate the Freedom of eitherthe Satanist or those held dear - andthese are the proper recipients of likemeasure, either in return or even inpreemption. In other words, the Codeof Satanic ethics applies only towardsthose who do not violate it upon youor yours. Those who would so act areworthy of recompense, revenge, andeven a painful death as the situationmerits. But again, any such actionmust always be undertaken with a fullcognizance of consequence.Q & AThe following questions were submitted specifically for publication inthis volume. They concern various topics related to the <strong>postmodern</strong><strong>Satanism</strong> being described herein. Some of the original wording hasbeen altered to satisfy both grammatical and aesthetic concerns,however each retains its original thrust. Please note: this is not a“FAQ” - which more often than not is a list of “questions” generatedby the author him/herself, and which represent not a series of“frequently asked questions,” but rather a dumbed-down summary

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