postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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activity. Many who lack a depth of true comprehension will often saythat one meditates in order to “silence the mind” - in fact, nothingcould be further from the truth. One meditates in order to clarify andfocus the “noise,” which is just the activity of consciousness itself.Thus, the first task presented to the novice is to simply be mindful ofmind. Any attempt to “clear” the mind will backfire, as it must.Rather, the novice is to do nothing more than observe the naturalworkings of mind, and understand that the flashing of variousconscious states is spontaneous - coming from and departing into thesame Void. If one were to be unduly philosophical here, they mightremark that this is the true “uncaused cause” - and it is thefundamental nature of Mind. The divinity of the exotericunderstandings is none other than the identity of consciousapperception - this is the third thing to understand.Given these prescriptions, the novice is ready to begin anundertaking which will probe the boundaries of mind and theircoalescence with the unlimited power of Mind. The exercise istwofold, or more properly, progressively dual as follows:White MeditationThere is something of a prerequisite for this practice, namelya room/space which presents an uninterrupted white background.The more of the visual field which can rest on a dull white,nonreflective surface, the better. Do the best you can with the toolsavailable to you, but understand that the ideal is to be preferred, asit removes one of the prime barriers: the cognizing/categorizingfaculty.Once enveloped by such a background, the novice shouldproceed to relax the visual apparatus by settling on a focal mode justshort of squinting. The goal is to maximize phenomenal entry to mindwhile minimalizing associated distractions such as blinking, tearing,etc. Body posture is irrelevant (at least for now), and should bepersonally selected to minimize discomfort and associatedbiochemical interference. The goal is to visually focus loosely on theneutral background without actually focusing on anyTHING. This isperhaps the closest we can come to giving the mind a blankperceptual slate upon which to function, and such is the object of the

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