postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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Their nature is unceasing, and that is the appearance ofsambogakaya;Their characteristics are various and that is the nirmanakaya.By knowing this, everything is the three bodies, primordial wisdom,and pure land.There is no [need of] modification, transformation, renunciation, andantidote, so it is completely satisfying.E ma! Living beings, by holding on to duality, when they dwell in thisdream-like delusory samsara, whatever efforts they make are causesand effects of samsara.By experiencing the non-conceptual universal ground, they stray intothe formless realm;Experiencing the clear-empty consciousness of the universal ground,they stray into the form realm;Experiencing the six consciousness they stray into the desire realm.The changes of the mind are the steps [to different realms] ofsamsara.For people who want enlightenment, the meaning of the unmodifiedabsolute is to let the mind be at ease without effort.The ordinary mind, unmodified and natural, unstained byapprehension of samsara and nirvana, attains liberation in its naturalstate.By attaining liberation in that way, dwelling in the instantaneousnature without thought is the state of dharmakaya;The unceasing ground of arising, clarity, and emptiness is thesambhogakaya, and the emanation, liberation upon arising, is thenirmanakaya.

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