postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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somehow assumes that what separateshim from that dream can be remediedby a “money charm”. Not only arethese people radicallymisunderstanding the true purpose ofmagick, they are destined to have lesssuccess than if they had neverchanced across the idea in the firstplace and rather had focused theirenergies on skillful means. No, magickis a tool (among many) for expandingconsciousness - thereby raising energy,focusing the Will, and acting across ametaphysical gulf. It is not normalaction, but rather mythic action, andits means are confined to a differenttype of space than the external. Andthough many have chanced to definewhat magick is, few, if any, haveproposed the correct mechanism orvehicle by which it is operative. Weare continually reminded that the laws

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