postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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as mentioned above: inner v outer, or outer v inner, whichcorrespond to the Red and Blue/ LHP and RHP respectively. Andthough these twin dichotomies are not exact identities, they are ofclose enough relation that only the Magus needs distinguish betweenthem, and in that case, each will invariably be intuited precisely.What must be understood at this point is simply the fact that anincrease in frequency and/or wavelength over the baseline requiresan influx of energy, whereas a reduction in the same results in asurplus. And this counterintuitive fact acts as an inbuilt and naturalinhibition to those who would naively view “getting excited” as aprerequisite for a Red operation. Is it any wonder they clutch atresults as though they were simple straws? Again, one must bemindful of the way in which each direction of flow gives rise to theother, and how to ride the wave of balance properly.If one is engaging in a dynamic geared towards directingenergy outward from the self, then a process of gradually increasingthe flow upward from the baseline must be employed - engaging thesympathetic nervous system at the same time. Paradoxically, thisrequires a shortening of the breathing cycle: a briefer period ofoscillation combined with less oxygen transfer. And likewise theconverse, for a dynamic directed at moving energy inward, thewavelength must be elongated and the oxygen flow must increase.What these directed mechanisms accomplish is a transformation ofthe body’s normal way of processing energy (specifically oxygen),thereby forcing it to compensate and thereby unconsciously act in themanner desired. Given this understanding, it can be little wonder thatfasting is used as a tool for directing Blue vector flow, as it operatesvia the same alternating feedback mechanism.Ritual, in and of itself, is no more thana means to an end. The difficulty ofthe end invariably leads to thecomplication of the ritual, as the

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