postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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of value to the self, such as knowledgeor comradery. Short of such goals, alla group can offer you is a dilution ofthe very individualism which aSatanist must exemplify. Perhaps thebiggest challenge for the Satanist(given the nature of man as the “socialanimal”) is the necessity of adoptingan approach towards society bestdescribed as voluntary exile. Thatwhich the sheep value, we oppose,and therefore we can only achieve alimited empathic connection withthem. This causes many so-calledSatanists to succumb to peer pressureand ultimately conform to the herdreligions which surround us andincessantly berate us with theirdogmas and morals. I am reminded ofa particular incident when asupposedly “benchmark” Satanistconverted to Christianity simply to

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