postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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Magus employs a balancedexpression. Successful magick is amean, not an extreme. As wasremarked by a certain sage twomillennia ago, “what does it profit aman if he gain the whole world andyet lose his own soul in the process?”Syllabus 3: History and the Humanities(Perhaps the most eclectic syllabus offered, and not withoutreason. The Humanities encompass all the fields which mark ouroriginality and creativity as a species - to be ignorant of these is tobe ignorant of Self. History and Fiction blend together into thatwhich for lack of a better designation can be called The Epic ofExistence, and the student is encouraged to discover that verything which transcends such seemingly disparate categories.)The Lucifer Principle - Howard BloomHuman Accomplishment - Charles MurrayThe Modern Mind - Peter WatsonThe Age of Spiritual Machines - Ray KurzweilFoucalt’s Pendulum -Umberto EcoA People’s History of the United States - Howard ZinnTheories of Personality - Calvin S. Hall, Gardner LindzeyThe Odyssey - HomerGardner’s Art through the Ages - Fred Kleiner, Christin MamiyaA History of Knowledge - Charles Van DorenSupernatural - Graham HancockCosmos and Psyche - Richard TarnasHumanity - James Peoples, Garrick BaileyHyperion - Dan Simmons

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