postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then thisline drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also.And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him notseek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it.Exegesis: “no Beast” is important. The Beast 666 was Crowley’sprime gematrial self-identification, so the wording here equivocatesto “no gematrial understanding” - which is to the thesis. The two keysgiven in this verse are both mathematical analogies, and areinterpreted by the author as follows: the significance of “this linedrawn” lies in its slope, which, as can be seen, is exactly -2; the“circle squared in its failure” was alluded to in the prefatory materialabove. The significance of -2 within the scope of the thesis is that theformula 0=2 being indicated in the reverse: 2 –> 0, i.e. what is beingcommunicated by the line is the zero, naught, or nothing, which asseen above is indeed a key to the resolution of the cipher. This isreinforced by the “circle squared in its failure,” which, as hintedabove, indicates the impossibility of reducing the transcendental intorational categories. These two ideas go hand in hand, and togetherthey deliver the central thesis that the magickal rationalism of thegematria is incapable of squaring the circle of reality.Though the direction of magickal flowappears to be unidirectional even in itsduality as LHP/RHP, the reality isslightly more complex and distributesa cyclical balance. In the case of LHP,this cycle is given as world v self vworld, or in more detail, macrocosmicenergy is first drawn into the self, thenexpended out into the world as an act

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