postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!Exegesis: Confounding the space-marks is a reference to theirenumeration, as evidenced in the “saying: They are one; or saying,They are many” - i.e. counting them. This is an additional level ofgematrial rejection, and hints of the set-theoretic notion that numbersthemselves (letters; words) are simply nested series of null sets(spaces; voids).I:54 – Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou,o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.Exegesis: Here begins a joke of sorts, as stylistics has nothingwhatsoever to do with gematria. It is as though Aiwass is playing aprank on Crowley and his orthodox followers by inducing them topay neurotic attention to even the styles of letters. Thus thesuperstitions of the past age are indulged upon those who cannot getenough of them.I:56 – Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from noexpected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and allprophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the firsthalf of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast allin the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark.Exegesis: Another reference to the 0, ½, 1 series, tying back to I:47above. The final sentence of the verse is an indication of the fact thatLiber AL contains the solution to its own riddles and non-sense,however these are in the dark, i.e. hidden from, and inaccessible to,gematrial analysis. “Expect him not . . .” and “from no expectedhouse . . .” are communicative of the reality that the old, establishedworldviews are incapable of resolving the riddles. The solution will behad only when all boxes and categories have been jettisoned and theNew Aeon is allowed to achieve its natural equanimity.II:27 – There is great danger in me; for who doth not understandthese runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pitcalled Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.Exegesis: This verse offers an explicit renunciation of magickal

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