postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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standalone interludes. There will beno table of contents, no pagenumbers, and no index. It is my desireto achieve a middle-ground withregard to the delivery of the material,however, invariably I will be talkingdown to some of you and up toothers. Such are the hazards indelivering a volume which aims to bea complete introduction to a broadapproach to life, as is <strong>Satanism</strong>. Andyes, that is the purpose of this book.“But wait,” you say, “wasn’t thisalready done by one Anton SzandorLaVey in his seminal The SatanicBible?” Indeed, Anton LaVey didauthor the definitive work on modern<strong>Satanism</strong> in 1969, but as the title ofthis treatise makes evident, thingshave moved beyond his particularcodification. And that, my friends, is abig part of the viewpoint being offered

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