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CHROMIUM 482. HEALTH EFFECTSdamage or impairment of kidney function, as measured by routine urinalysis. Serum levels of blood ureanitrogen, creatinine, and bilirubin were also normal (Lee et al. 1989).Endocrine Effects. No studies were located regarding endocrine effects in humans followinginhalation exposure to chromium(VI) or (III) compounds. Male rats exposed 22 hours/day for 18 monthsto 0.1 mg chromium(VI)/m 3 as sodium dichromate or exposed to a mixture of chromium(VI) andchromium(III) (0.06 mg chromium(VI)/m 3 plus 0.04 mg chromium(III)/m 3 ) as chromium(VI) trioxide andchromium(III) oxide did not result in any histopathological changes in adrenal glands (Glaser et al. 1986,1988). Rats exposed to 15.5 mg chromium(IV)/m 3 as chromium dioxide for 2 years showed nohistopathological abnormalities in adrenals, pancreas, and thyroid glands (Lee et al. 1989).Dermal Effects. Acute systemic and dermal allergic reactions have been observed in chromiumsensitiveindividuals exposed to chromium via inhalation as described in Sections and studies were located regarding systemic dermal effects in animals after inhalation exposure tochromium(VI) or chromium(III) compounds.Ocular Effects. Effects on the eyes due to direct contact of the eyes with airborne mists, dusts, oraerosols or chromium compounds are described in Section An extensive epidemiological surveywas conducted of housewives who lived in an area of Tokyo, Japan, in which contamination fromchromium slag at a construction site was discovered in 1973. The housewives included in the study werethose who lived in the area from 1978 to 1988, and controls included housewives who lived inuncontaminated areas. Questionnaires, physical examinations, and clinical tests were conducted annually.Higher incidences of subjective complaints of eye irritation were reported by the exposed population thanthe control population in the early years of the survey, but in later years the difference between the twogroups became progressively less (Greater Tokyo Bureau of Hygiene 1989).No studies were located regarding systemic ocular effects in animals after inhalation exposure tochromium(III) compounds.Histopathologic examination of rats exposed to 15.5 mg chromium(IV)/m 3 as chromium dioxide for2 years revealed normal morphology of the ocular tissue (Lee et al. 1989).

CHROMIUM 492. HEALTH EFFECTSBody Weight Effects. In a report of a case of acute exposure to "massive amounts" of chromiumtrioxide fumes, the patient became anorexic and lost 20–25 pounds during a 3-month period followingexposure (Meyers 1950).In rats exposed to an aerosol of sodium dichromate for 30 or 90 days or for 90 days followed by anadditional 30 days of nonexposure, body weight gain was significantly decreased at 0.2 and 0.4 mgchromium(VI)/m 3 for 30 days (p

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 492. HEALTH EFFECTSBody Weight Effects. In a report of a case of acute exposure to "massive amounts" of chromiumtrioxide fumes, the patient became anorexic and lost 20–25 pounds during a 3-month period followingexposure (Meyers 1950).In rats exposed to an aerosol of sodium dichromate for 30 or 90 days or for 90 days followed by anadditional 30 days of nonexposure, body weight gain was significantly decreased at 0.2 and 0.4 mgchromium(VI)/m 3 for 30 days (p

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