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CHROMIUM 3988. REFERENCES*Schuhmacher M, Domingo JL, Llobet JM, et al. 1993. Chromium, copper, and zinc concentrations inedible vegetables grown in Tarragona Province, Spain. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 50:514-521.Schwarz Y, Kivity S, Fischbein A, et al. 1998. Evaluation of workers exposed to dust containing hardmetals and aluminum oxide. Am J Ind Med 34:177-182.*Scott PK, Proctor DM. 1997. Evaluation of 10% minimum elicitation threshold for Cr(VI)-inducedallergic contact dermititis using benchmark dose methods. J Soil Contam 6(6):707-731.*Scott PK, Finley BL, Harris MA, et al. 1997a. Background air concentrations of Cr(VI) in HudsonCounty, New Jersey: Implications for setting health-based standards for Cr(VI) in soil. J Air WasteManage Assoc 47:592-600.*Scott PK, Finley BL, Sung H-M, et al. 1997b. Identification of an accurate soil suspension/dispersionmodeling method for use in estimating health-based soil cleanup levels of hexavalent chromium inchromite ore processing residues. J Air Waste Manage Assoc 47:753-765.*SD Dept Env Natural Resources. 1998. Water hygiene. South Dakota Department of Environment andNatural Resources, Drinking Water Program. Article 74:04. CD, Cheng N, Adeleye B, et al. 1994. Chromium and chronic ascorbic acid depletion effects ontissue ascorbate, manganese, and 14 C retention from 14 C-ascorbate in guinea pigs. Biol Trace Elem Res41:279-294.Seldén AI, Persson B, Bornberger-Dankvardt SI, et al. 1995. Exposure to cobalt chromium dust and lungdisorders in dental technicians. Thorax 50:769-772.Sen P, Conway K, Costa M. 1987. Comparison of the localization of chromosome damage induced bycalcium chromate and nickel compounds. Cancer Res 47:2142-2147.*Setchell BP, Waites GMH. 1975. The blood testis barrier. In: Creep RO, Astwood EB, eds.Handbook of physiology: Endocrinology V. Washington, DC: American Physiological Society.Sharma VK, Chakrabarti A. 1998. Common contact sensitizers in Chandigarh, India. Contact Dermatitis38:127-131.*Sharma BK, Singhal PC, Chugh KS. 1978. Intravascular haemolysis and acute renal failure followingpotassium dichromate poisoning. Postgrad Med J 54:414-415.Sheehan HE. 1995. An urban community faces an environmental hazard: “Let them eat chromium”? MtSinai J Med 62(5):332-338.*Sheehan P, Ricks R, Ripple S, Paustenbach D. 1992. Field evaluation of a sampling and analyticalmethod for environmental levels of airborne hexavalent chromium. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 53(1):57-68.Sheehan PJ, Meyer DM, Sauer MM, et al. 1991. Assessment of the human health risks posed byexposure to chromium-contaminated soils. J Toxicol Environ Health 32:161-201.*Sheffet A, Thind I, Miller AM, et al. 1982. Cancer mortality in a pigment plant utilizing lead and zincchromates. Arch Environ Health 37:44-52.

CHROMIUM 3998. REFERENCES*Sheppard MI, Thibault DH. 1991. A four-year mobility study of selected trace elements and heavymetals. J Environ Qual 20:101-114.*Sheppard SC, Evenden WG, Schwartz WJ. 1995. Heavy metals in the environment: Ingested soil:Bioavailability of sorbed lead, cadmium, cesium, iodine, and mercury. J Environ Qual 24:498-505.*Sheridan PJ, Zoller WH. 1989. Elemental composition of particulate material sampled from the arctichaze aerosol. J Atmospher Chem 9:363-381.Shi X, Chiu A, Chen CT, et al. 1999a. Reduction of chromium(VI) and its relationship tocarcinogenesis. J Toxicol Environ Health 2(part B):87-104.*Shi X, Dalal NS, Kasprzak KS. 1993. Generation of free radicals from hydrogen peroxide and lipidhydroperoxides in the presence of Cr(III). Arch Biochem Biophys 302(1):294-291.Shi X, Ding M, Ye J, et al. 1999b. Cr(VI) causes activation of nuclear transcription factor-KB, DNAstrand breaks and dG hydroxylation via free radical reactions. J Inorg Biochem 75:37-44.*Shi X, Leonard SS, Liu KJ, et al. 1998. Cr(III)-mediated hydroxyl radical generation via Haber-Weisscycle. J Inorg Biochem 69:263-268.Shimkin MB, Leiter J. 1940. Induced pulmonary tumors in mice. III. The role of chronic irritation in theproduction of pulmonary tumors in strain A mice. J Natl Cancer Inst 1:241-254.*Shindo Y, Toyoda Y, Kawamura K, et al. 1989. Micronucleus test with potassium chromate(VI)administered intraperitoneally and orally to mice. Mutat Res 223:403-406.*Shmitova LA. 1978. [The course of pregnancy in women engaged in the production of chromium andits compounds]. Vliy Prof Fakt Spet Funk Zhensk Organ, Sverd 108-111. (Russian).*Shmitova LA. 1980. [Content of hexavalent chromium in the biological substrates of pregnant womenand women in the immediate post-natal period engaged in the manufacture of chromium compounds].Gig Trud Prof Zabol 2:33-35. (Russian)*Shubochkin LN, Pokhodzie YI. 1980. Toxic properties of strontium chromate. Gig Sanit 45:76-77.*Shumilla JA, Wetterhahn KE, and Barchowsky A. 1998. Inhibition of NF-κB binding to DNA bychromium, cadmium, mercury, zinc, and arsenite in vitro: Evidence of a thiol mechanism. Arch BiochemBiophys 349(2):356-362.Shupack SI. 1991. The chemistry of chromium and some resulting analytical problems. Environ HealthPerspect 92:7-11.*Siegel NJ, Gaudio KM, Katz LA, et al. 1984. Beneficial effect of thyroxin on recovery from toxic acuterenal failure. Kidney Int 25:906-911.*Silverstein M, Mirer F, Kotelchusk D, et al. 1981. Mortality among workers in a die-casting andelectroplating plant. Scand J Work Environ Health 7(suppl 4):156-165.*Simonoff M, Llabador Y, Hamon C, et al. 1984. Extraction procedure for the determination of tracechromium in plasma by proton-induced X-ray emission spectrometry. Anal Chem 56:454-457.

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 3988. REFERENCES*Schuhmacher M, Domingo JL, Llobet JM, et al. 1993. Chromium, copper, and zinc concentrations inedible vegetables grown in Tarragona Province, Spain. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 50:514-521.Schwarz Y, Kivity S, Fischbein A, et al. 1998. Evaluation of workers exposed to dust containing hardmetals and aluminum oxide. Am J Ind Med 34:177-182.*Scott PK, Proctor DM. 1997. Evaluation of 10% minimum elicitation threshold for Cr(VI)-inducedallergic contact dermititis using benchmark dose methods. J Soil Contam 6(6):707-731.*Scott PK, Finley BL, Harris MA, et al. 1997a. Background air concentrations of Cr(VI) in HudsonCounty, New Jersey: Implications for setting health-based standards for Cr(VI) in soil. J Air WasteManage Assoc 47:592-600.*Scott PK, Finley BL, Sung H-M, et al. 1997b. Identification of an accurate soil suspension/dispersionmodeling method for use in estimating health-based soil cleanup levels of hexavalent chromium inchromite ore processing residues. J Air Waste Manage Assoc 47:753-765.*SD Dept Env Natural Resources. 1998. Water hygiene. South Dakota Department of Environment andNatural Resources, Drinking Water Program. Article 74:04. CD, Cheng N, Adeleye B, et al. 1994. Chromium and chronic ascorbic acid depletion effects ontissue ascorbate, manganese, and 14 C retention from 14 C-ascorbate in guinea pigs. Biol Trace Elem Res41:279-294.Seldén AI, Persson B, Bornberger-Dankvardt SI, et al. 1995. Exposure to cobalt chromium dust and lungdisorders in dental technicians. Thorax 50:769-772.Sen P, Conway K, Costa M. 1987. Comparison of the localization of chromosome damage induced bycalcium chromate and nickel <strong>com</strong>pounds. Cancer Res 47:2142-2147.*Setchell BP, Waites GMH. 1975. The blood testis barrier. In: Creep RO, Astwood EB, eds.Handbook of physiology: Endocrinology V. Washington, DC: American Physiological Society.Sharma VK, Chakrabarti A. 1998. Common contact sensitizers in Chandigarh, India. Contact Dermatitis38:127-131.*Sharma BK, Singhal PC, Chugh KS. 1978. Intravascular haemolysis and acute renal failure followingpotassium dichromate poisoning. Postgrad Med J 54:414-415.Sheehan HE. 1995. An urban <strong>com</strong>munity faces an environmental hazard: “Let them eat chromium”? MtSinai J Med 62(5):332-338.*Sheehan P, Ricks R, Ripple S, Paustenbach D. 1992. Field evaluation of a sampling and analyticalmethod for environmental levels of airborne hexavalent chromium. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 53(1):57-68.Sheehan PJ, Meyer DM, Sauer MM, et al. 1991. Assessment of the human health risks posed byexposure to chromium-contaminated soils. J Toxicol Environ Health 32:161-201.*Sheffet A, Thind I, Miller AM, et al. 1982. Cancer mortality in a pigment plant utilizing lead and zincchromates. Arch Environ Health 37:44-52.

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