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CHROMIUM 3668. REFERENCESHneihen AS, Standeven AM, Wetterhahn KE. 1993. Differential binding of chromium(VI) andchromium(III) complexes to salmon sperm nuclei and nuclear DNA and isolated calf thymus DNA.Carcinogenesis 14(9):1795-1803.*Hoel DG, Davis DL, Miller AB, et al. 1992. Trends in cancer mortality in 15 industrialized countries,1969-1986. J Natl Cancer Inst 84(5):313-320.*Hojo Y, Satomi Y. 1991. In vivo nephrotoxicity induced in mice by chromium(VI): Involvement ofglutathione and chromium(V). Biol Trace Elem Res 31:21-31.Hooper JW, Fields BN. 1996. Role of the µ1 protein in reovirus stability and capacity to causechromium release from host cells. J Virol 70(1):459-467.Hopkins Jr LL. 1965. Distribution in the rat of physiological amounts of injected Cr 51 (III) with time.Am J Physiol 209:731-735.Hopkins Jr LL, Schwarz K. 1964. Chromium(III) binding to serum proteins, specifically siderophilin.Biochim Biophys Acta 90:484-491.Horng CJ, Lin SR. 1996. Determination of urinary zinc, chromium, and copper in steel productionworkers. Biol Trace Elem Res 55:307-314*Horowitz SB, Finley BL. 1993. Using human sweat to extract chromium from chromite ore processingresidue: Applications to setting health-based cleanup levels. J Toxicol Environ Health 40:585-599.Horowitz SB, Finley BL. 1994. Setting health-protective soil concentrations for dermal contactallergens: A proposed methodology. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 19:31-47.*HSDB. 1998. Hazardous Substance Data Bank. National Library of Medicine, National ToxicologyInformation Program, Bethesda MD.*HSDB. 1999. Hazardous Substance Data Bank. National Library of Medicine, National ToxicologyInformation Program, Bethesda MD.Huang Y-L, Chen C-Y, Sheu J-Y, et al. 1999. Lipid peroxidation in workers exposed to hexavalentchromium. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health,Part A 56:235-247.*Hueper WC. 1955. Experimental studies in metal carcinogenesis. VII. Tissue reactions to parenterallyintroduced powdered metallic chromium and chromite ore. J Natl Cancer Inst 16:447-469.*Hueper WC. 1958. Experimental studies in metal carcinogenesis. Arch Ind Health 18:284-291.Hueper WC. 1961. Environmental carcinogenesis and cancers. Cancer Res 21:842-857.*Hueper WC, Payne WW. 1959. Experimental cancers in rats produced by chromium compounds andtheir significance to industry and public health. Ind Hyg J 20:274-280.*Hueper WC, Payne WW. 1962. Experimental studies in metal carcinogenesis. X. Cancerigenic effectsof chromite ore roast deposited in muscle tissue and pleural cavity of rats. Arch Environ Health 5:51-68.Hughes LS, Cass GR, Gone J, et al. 1998. Physical and chemical characterization of atmosphericultrafine particles in the Los Angeles area. Environ Sci Technol 32(9):1153-1161.

CHROMIUM 3678. REFERENCESHunt CD, Stoecker BJ. 1996. Deliberations and evaluations of the approaches, endpoints, and paradigmsfor boron, chromium, and fluoride dietary recommendations. RDA Workshop: New approaches,endpoints and paradigms for RDAs of mineral elements: 2441S-S2451.*Hunter WC, Roberts JM. 1932. Experimental study of the effects of potassium bichromate on themonkey's kidney. Am J Pathol 9:133-147.*Hurlbut CS Jr, ed. 1971. Dana's manual of mineralogy. 18th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley andSons, Inc., 346-347.*Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Kalliomaki P-L, Sorsa M. 1982. A chromosome study among stainless steelworkers. J Occup Med 24:762-766.Huvinen M, Oksanen L, Kalliomaki K, et al. 1997. Estimation of individual dust exposure bymagnetopneumography in stainless steel production. Sci Total Environ 199:133-139.*Huvinen M, Uitti J, Zitting A, et al. 1996. Respiratory health of workers exposed to low levels ofchromium in stainless steel production. Occup Environ Med 53:741-747.*Hyodo K, Suzuki S, Furuya N, et al. 1980. An analysis of chromium, copper, and zinc in organs of achromate worker. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 46:141-150.*Hyland JL, Snoots TR, Balthis WL. 1998. Sediment quality of estuaries in the southeastern U.S.Environ Monitor Assess 51:331-343.*IARC. 1980. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans.Some metals and metallic compounds: Volume 23. Lyons, France: World Health Organization, 205-323.*IARC. 1986a. Selected methods of analysis: Some metals. In: O'Neill IK, Schuller P, Fishbein L, ed.Vol. 8: IARC Scientific Publications No. 71. World Health Organization, Lyon, France, 141-158; 291-317; 433-440.IARC. 1986b. Sources of exposure and biological effects of chromium. In: O’Neill IK, Schuller P,Fishbein L, eds. Environmental carcinogens selected methods of analysis. IARC Sci Publ No. 71,63-77.IARC. 1987. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans:Overall evaluations of carcinogenicity. Vol. 1 to 42: Supplement 7: An updating of IARC monographs.World Health Organization, Lyons, France.*IARC. 1990. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Chromium, nickeland welding. Vol. 49. World Health Organization, Lyons, France, 49-256.*ID Dept Health Welfare. 1999a. Ground water quality. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.Ground water quality rule 16.01.11.*ID Dept Health Welfare. 1999b. Air pollution control. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Rule16.01.01.*Iijima S, Matsumoto N, Lu C-C. 1983. Transfer of chromic chloride to embryonic mice and changes inthe embryonic mouse neuroepithelium. Toxicology 26:257-265.

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 3678. REFERENCESHunt CD, Stoecker BJ. 1996. Deliberations and evaluations of the approaches, endpoints, and paradigmsfor boron, chromium, and fluoride dietary re<strong>com</strong>mendations. RDA Workshop: New approaches,endpoints and paradigms for RDAs of mineral elements: 2441S-S2451.*Hunter WC, Roberts JM. 1932. Experimental study of the effects of potassium bichromate on themonkey's kidney. Am J Pathol 9:133-147.*Hurlbut CS Jr, ed. 1971. Dana's manual of mineralogy. 18th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley andSons, Inc., 346-347.*Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Kalliomaki P-L, Sorsa M. 1982. A chromosome study among stainless steelworkers. J Occup Med 24:762-766.Huvinen M, Oksanen L, Kalliomaki K, et al. 1997. Estimation of individual dust exposure bymagnetopneumography in stainless steel production. Sci Total Environ 199:133-139.*Huvinen M, Uitti J, Zitting A, et al. 1996. Respiratory health of workers exposed to low levels ofchromium in stainless steel production. Occup Environ Med 53:741-747.*Hyodo K, Suzuki S, Furuya N, et al. 1980. An analysis of chromium, copper, and zinc in organs of achromate worker. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 46:141-150.*Hyland JL, Snoots TR, Balthis WL. 1998. Sediment quality of estuaries in the southeastern U.S.Environ Monitor Assess 51:331-343.*IARC. 1980. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans.Some metals and metallic <strong>com</strong>pounds: Volume 23. Lyons, France: World Health Organization, 205-323.*IARC. 1986a. Selected methods of analysis: Some metals. In: O'Neill IK, Schuller P, Fishbein L, ed.Vol. 8: IARC Scientific Publications No. 71. World Health Organization, Lyon, France, 141-158; 291-317; 433-440.IARC. 1986b. Sources of exposure and biological effects of chromium. In: O’Neill IK, Schuller P,Fishbein L, eds. Environmental carcinogens selected methods of analysis. IARC Sci Publ No. 71,63-77.IARC. 1987. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans:Overall evaluations of carcinogenicity. Vol. 1 to 42: Supplement 7: An updating of IARC monographs.World Health Organization, Lyons, France.*IARC. 1990. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Chromium, nickeland welding. Vol. 49. World Health Organization, Lyons, France, 49-256.*ID Dept Health Welfare. 1999a. Ground water quality. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.Ground water quality rule 16.01.11.*ID Dept Health Welfare. 1999b. Air pollution control. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Rule16.01.01.*Iijima S, Matsumoto N, Lu C-C. 1983. Transfer of chromic chloride to embryonic mice and changes inthe embryonic mouse neuroepithelium. Toxicology 26:257-265.

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