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CHROMIUM 3648. REFERENCES*Hallmark MA, Reynolds TH, DeSouza CA, et al. 1996. Effects of chromium on resistance training onmuscle strength and body composition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 28:139-144.*Hamamy HA, Al-Hakkak ZS, Hussain AF. 1987. Chromosome aberrations in workers in a tannery inIraq. Mutat Res 189:395-398.Hamdan S, Morse B, Reinhold D. 1999. Nickel subsulfide is similar to potassium dichromate inprotecting normal human fibroblasts from the mutagenic effects of benzo [a]pyrene diolepoxide. EnvironMol Mutagen 33:211-218.Hanaoka T, Yamano Y, Katsuno N, et al. 1997. Elevated serum levels of pantropic p53 proteins inchromium workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 23:37-40.Hanna PM, Kadiiska MB, Jordan SJ, et al. 1993. Role of metallothionein in zinc(II) and chromium(III)mediated tolerance to carbon tetrachloride hepatoxicity: Evidence against a trichloromethy radicalscavengingmechanism. Chem Res Toxicol 6:711-717.*Hanslian L, Navratil J, Jurak J, et al. 1967. [Damage to the upper respiratory tract by a chromic acidaerosol]. Pracovni Lekarstvi 19:294-298. (Czechoslovakian).*Harnley JM, Patterson KY, Veillon C, et al. 1983. Comparison of electrothermal atomic absorptionspectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry for determination of chromium in urine. Anal Chem55:1417-1419.*Hartford WH. 1979. Chromium compounds. In: Grayson M, ed. Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia ofchemical technology. 3rd ed. Volume 6. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 82-120.Hartwig A. 1998. Carcinogenicity of metal compounds: possible role of DNA repair inhibition. ToxicolLett 102-103:235-239.*Harzdorf C, Janser G. 1984. The determination of chromium(VI) in waste water and industrial effluentsby differential pulse polarography. Anal Chim Acta 165:201-207.Hasten DL, Hegsted M, Keenan MJ, et al. 1997. Effects of various forms of dietary chromium in growthand body composition in the rat. Nutr Res 17(2):283-294.*Hasten DL, Rome EP, Franks BD, et al. 1992. Effects of chromium picolinate on beginning weighttraining students. Int J Sport Nutr 2:343-350.*Haworth S, Lawlor T, Mortelmans K, et al. 1983. Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250chemicals. Environ Mutagen Suppl 1:3-142.Hayashi M, Sutou S, Shimada H, et al. 1989. Difference between intraperitoneal and oral gavageapplication in the micronucleus test. Mutat Res 223:329-344.Hayes RB. 1988. Review of occupational epidemiology of chromium chemicals and respiratory cancer.Sci Total Environ 71:331-339.Hayes RB. 1997. The carcinognicity of metals in humans. Cancer Causes Control 8:371-385.*Hayes RB, Lilienfeld AM, Snell LM. 1979. Mortality in chromium chemical production workers: Aprospective study. Int J Epidemiol 8(4):365-374.

CHROMIUM 3658. REFERENCES*Hayes RB, Sheffet A, Spirtas R. 1989. Cancer mortality among a cohort of chromium pigment workers.Am J Ind Med 16:127-133.HazDat. 1998. Hazardous substances database. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR), Atlanta, GA.*HazDat. 1999. Hazardous substances database. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR), Atlanta, GA.*HazDat. 2000. Hazardous substances database. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR), Atlanta, GA.*Hemminki K, Vainio H. 1984. Human exposure to potentially carcinogenic compounds. IARCScientific Publ No. 59:37-45.*Henderson RF, Rebar AH, Pickrell JA, et al. 1979. Early damage indicators in the lung. III.Biochemical and cytological response of the lung to inhaled metal salts. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 50:123-136.*Henshaw JM, Heithmar EM, Hinners TA. 1989. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometricdetermination of trace elements in surface waters subject to acidic deposition. Anal Chem 61:335-342.Hernberg S. 1977. Incidence of cancer in population with exceptional exposure to metals. Cold SpringHarbor conference: Cell proliferation 4:147-157.Hewitt PJ. 1988. Accumulation of metals in the tissues of occupationally exposed workers. EnvironGeochem Health 10:113-116.*HI Dept Health. 1999a. Water quality standards. Hawaii Department of Health, Environmental Health.*HI Dept Health. 1999b. Rules relating to potable water systems. Hawaii Department of Health,Environmental Health, Safe Drinking Water. N, Taki H, Nishimura Y, et al. 1993. Chromium and tritiated thymidine releases from targetcells are differential events in human monocyte/macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity. Cell Immunol150:333-342.*Higgins TE, Halloran AR, Petura JC. 1997. Traditional and innovative treatment methods for Cr(VI) insoil. Journal of Soil Contamination 6(6):767-797.Hilaski R, Katz S, Salem H. 1992. Inhalation toxicity of chromium from Whetlerite dust in rats. ToxicolLett 62:25-31.*Hill WJ, Ferguson WS. 1979. Statistical analysis of epidemiological data from a chromium chemicalmanufacturing plant. J Occup Med 21:103-106.*Hjollund NHI, Bonde JPE, Hansen KS. 1995. Male-mediated risk of spontaneous abortion withreference to stainless steel welding. Scand J Work Environ Health 21:272-276.Hjollund NHI, Bonde JPE, Jensen TK, et al. 1998. Semen quality and sex hormones with reference tometal welding. Reprod Toxicol 12(2):91-95.

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 3648. REFERENCES*Hallmark MA, Reynolds TH, DeSouza CA, et al. 1996. Effects of chromium on resistance training onmuscle strength and body <strong>com</strong>position. Med Sci Sports Exerc 28:139-144.*Hamamy HA, Al-Hakkak ZS, Hussain AF. 1987. Chromosome aberrations in workers in a tannery inIraq. Mutat Res 189:395-398.Hamdan S, Morse B, Reinhold D. 1999. Nickel subsulfide is similar to potassium dichromate inprotecting normal human fibroblasts from the mutagenic effects of benzo [a]pyrene diolepoxide. EnvironMol Mutagen 33:211-218.Hanaoka T, Yamano Y, Katsuno N, et al. 1997. Elevated serum levels of pantropic p53 proteins inchromium workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 23:37-40.Hanna PM, Kadiiska MB, Jordan SJ, et al. 1993. Role of metallothionein in zinc(II) and chromium(III)mediated tolerance to carbon tetrachloride hepatoxicity: Evidence against a trichloromethy radicalscavengingmechanism. Chem Res Toxicol 6:711-717.*Hanslian L, Navratil J, Jurak J, et al. 1967. [Damage to the upper respiratory tract by a chromic acidaerosol]. Pracovni Lekarstvi 19:294-298. (Czechoslovakian).*Harnley JM, Patterson KY, Veillon C, et al. 1983. Comparison of electrothermal atomic absorptionspectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry for determination of chromium in urine. Anal Chem55:1417-1419.*Hartford WH. 1979. Chromium <strong>com</strong>pounds. In: Grayson M, ed. Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia ofchemical technology. 3rd ed. Volume 6. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 82-120.Hartwig A. 1998. Carcinogenicity of metal <strong>com</strong>pounds: possible role of DNA repair inhibition. ToxicolLett 102-103:235-239.*Harzdorf C, Janser G. 1984. The determination of chromium(VI) in waste water and industrial effluentsby differential pulse polarography. Anal Chim Acta 165:201-207.Hasten DL, Hegsted M, Keenan MJ, et al. 1997. Effects of various forms of dietary chromium in growthand body <strong>com</strong>position in the rat. Nutr Res 17(2):283-294.*Hasten DL, Rome EP, Franks BD, et al. 1992. Effects of chromium picolinate on beginning weighttraining students. Int J Sport Nutr 2:343-350.*Haworth S, Lawlor T, Mortelmans K, et al. 1983. Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250chemicals. Environ Mutagen Suppl 1:3-142.Hayashi M, Sutou S, Shimada H, et al. 1989. Difference between intraperitoneal and oral gavageapplication in the micronucleus test. Mutat Res 223:329-344.Hayes RB. 1988. Review of occupational epidemiology of chromium chemicals and respiratory cancer.Sci Total Environ 71:331-339.Hayes RB. 1997. The carcinognicity of metals in humans. Cancer Causes Control 8:371-385.*Hayes RB, Lilienfeld AM, Snell LM. 1979. Mortality in chromium chemical production workers: Aprospective study. Int J Epidemiol 8(4):365-374.

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