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CHROMIUM 2322. HEALTH EFFECTSmentioned above, the reduction of chromium(VI) to chromium(III) by these various processes within thelungs serves as a natural defense mechanism by decreasing the amount of chromium absorbed andenhancing mucociliary clearance of chromium(III). Theoretically, further clearance from the lungs mightbe achieved by the administration of expectorants, but the efficacy of such a procedure has not beentested.Chromium(III) is also poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and chromium(VI) is reduced tochromium(III) in the gastric environment, limiting the bioavailability of chromium(VI) (De Flora et al.1987a; Donaldson and Barreras 1966). Thus the oral toxicity of chromium metal is low. However,chromium(VI) compounds are highly corrosive to the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to hepatic, renal,hematological, and neurological effects (Clochesy 1984; Coogan et al. 1991a; Diaz-Mayans et al. 1986;Iserson et al. 1983; Kaufman et al. 1970; Kumar and Rana 1982, 1984; Samitz 1970; Saryan and Reedy1988). The reduction of chromium(VI) to chromium(III) in the stomach is greatly enhanced at low pHand shortly after meals due to increased gastric juice secretion (De Flora et al. 1987a). Therefore,administration of food might help decrease the gastrointestinal absorption of chromium. The enhancedreduction of chromium(VI) at low pH suggests that, theoretically, oral administration of bicarbonates andantacids should be avoided. Oral administration of ascorbic acid to further reduce chromium(VI) tochromium(III) might further decrease bioavailability (HSDB 1998), although this has not been proven(MEDITEXT ® 1997). Other recommendations for reducing gastrointestinal absorption of chromiuminclude diluting with water or milk followed by gastric lavage. Inducing emesis with syrup of ipecac isnot recommended because of the possibility of irritation or burns to the esophagus (Nadig 1994;MEDITEXT ® 1997). Activated charcoal has not been evaluated in chromate poisoning, but activatedcharcoal adsorbs metals poorly, so it would probably be of little use (MEDITEXT ® 1997).In cases of dermal exposure, the skin should be thoroughly washed to prevent chromium absorption bythe skin (HSDB 1998). As chromium(VI), but not chromium(III), is readily absorbed by the skin,ascorbic acid in the washing solution could reduce chromium(VI) to chromium(III), thus decreasingabsorption. Application of the calcium disodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), whichacts as a chelating agent, has also been recommended after washing with water and application ofascorbic acid (Nadig 1994), especially in cases where the skin has been cut or abraded (Burrows 1983).Ascorbic acid was found to protect chromium-sensitive workers who handled chromates in thelithographing and printing industries from dermatitis. The ascorbic acid (10% solution) was kept near thework areas, and the workers soaked their hands and forearms as soon as possible after handling thechromate mixtures. In addition, ascorbic acid prevented ulcerations of the skin in rats treated with

CHROMIUM 2332. HEALTH EFFECTSpotassium dichromate dermally (Samitz 1970). An antichrome powder consisting of a mixture of 40%sodium metabisulfite, 20% ammonium chloride, 20% tartaric acid, and 20% sucrose as a 10% aqueoussolution was effective in reducing the healing time of chrome sores on the skin of guinea pigs to whichpotassium dichromate had been applied (Samitz and Epstein 1962). In cases of severe dermal exposure,excision of the skin has been recommended to prevent chrome sores (HSDB 1998). Thorough irrigationwith water has been recommended if the eyes have been exposed (HSDB 1998).Both the cytotoxic effects of chromium(III) chloride, chromium(III) nitrate, sodium chromate, sodiumdichromate, potassium dichromate(VI), and chromium(V) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate and the abilityof ascorbic acid, glutathione 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanato-2,2-stibenedisolphonic acid (SITS) to preventchromium toxicity in transformed human keratinocytes were examined (Little et al. 1996). This cell linewas used because histopathological studies have shown that dichromate compounds have causedkeratinocyte necrosis. Cells were exposed to the chromium salts for 24 hours, and the viability of thecultures was examined for their ability to take up neutral red dye and release lactate dehydrogenase intothe media. None of the chromium(III) or chromium(V) salts seemed toxic to the cells at concentrationsup to about 100 µM. The chromium(VI) salts showed toxicity at about 8 µM and there was little cellsurvival at 100 µM. The dose-response curves were similar for all chromium(VI) salts tested. Similarexperiments were conducted with normal human keratinocytes obtained from abdominoplasties or breastreductions from six donors and treated with sodium dichromate. The toxicity to normal cells overallseemed to be less than in the transformed line. Ascorbic acid at 500 µM completely inhibited the celltoxicity caused by chromium(VI), whereas glutathione and SITS were less effective. Ascorbate probablyprotected cells by reducing chromium(VI) and chelation to the reduced complex. Glutathione may haveformed complexes with the chromium(VI) which eventually led to chromium(III), whereas SITS mayhave inhibited the cellular uptake of the chromate by altering the non-specific membrane anion carrier.The authors conclude that these available drugs provide protection against cytotoxicity to keratinocytesinvolved in dermatitis and may be useful to prevent toxic reactions to metals contacting the skin.The effect of decreasing the concentration of water-soluble chromium in cement from about 10 to below2 ppm on the incidences of chromium-induced dermatitis was examined among construction workers inFinland (Roto et al. 1996). After 1987, when the decrease occurred, allergic dermatitis caused bychromium in the industry was reduced by 33% from previous levels, whereas irritant contact dermatitisremained unchanged.

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 2332. HEALTH EFFECTSpotassium dichromate dermally (Samitz 1970). An antichrome powder consisting of a mixture of 40%sodium metabisulfite, 20% ammonium chloride, 20% tartaric acid, and 20% sucrose as a 10% aqueoussolution was effective in reducing the healing time of chrome sores on the skin of guinea pigs to whichpotassium dichromate had been applied (Samitz and Epstein 1962). In cases of severe dermal exposure,excision of the skin has been re<strong>com</strong>mended to prevent chrome sores (HSDB 1998). Thorough irrigationwith water has been re<strong>com</strong>mended if the eyes have been exposed (HSDB 1998).Both the cytotoxic effects of chromium(III) chloride, chromium(III) nitrate, sodium chromate, sodiumdichromate, potassium dichromate(VI), and chromium(V) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate and the abilityof ascorbic acid, glutathione 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanato-2,2-stibenedisolphonic acid (SITS) to preventchromium toxicity in transformed human keratinocytes were examined (Little et al. 1996). This cell linewas used because histopathological studies have shown that dichromate <strong>com</strong>pounds have causedkeratinocyte necrosis. Cells were exposed to the chromium salts for 24 hours, and the viability of thecultures was examined for their ability to take up neutral red dye and release lactate dehydrogenase intothe media. None of the chromium(III) or chromium(V) salts seemed toxic to the cells at concentrationsup to about 100 µM. The chromium(VI) salts showed toxicity at about 8 µM and there was little cellsurvival at 100 µM. The dose-response curves were similar for all chromium(VI) salts tested. Similarexperiments were conducted with normal human keratinocytes obtained from abdominoplasties or breastreductions from six donors and treated with sodium dichromate. The toxicity to normal cells overallseemed to be less than in the transformed line. Ascorbic acid at 500 µM <strong>com</strong>pletely inhibited the celltoxicity caused by chromium(VI), whereas glutathione and SITS were less effective. Ascorbate probablyprotected cells by reducing chromium(VI) and chelation to the reduced <strong>com</strong>plex. Glutathione may haveformed <strong>com</strong>plexes with the chromium(VI) which eventually led to chromium(III), whereas SITS mayhave inhibited the cellular uptake of the chromate by altering the non-specific membrane anion carrier.The authors conclude that these available drugs provide protection against cytotoxicity to keratinocytesinvolved in dermatitis and may be useful to prevent toxic reactions to metals contacting the skin.The effect of decreasing the concentration of water-soluble chromium in cement from about 10 to below2 ppm on the incidences of chromium-induced dermatitis was examined among construction workers inFinland (Roto et al. 1996). After 1987, when the decrease occurred, allergic dermatitis caused bychromium in the industry was reduced by 33% from previous levels, whereas irritant contact dermatitisremained unchanged.

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