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CHROMIUM 1802. HEALTH EFFECTSthe production of chromium compounds does not appear to be associated with long-term liver effects.Liver function parameters of Japanese workers engaged in the production of chromium compounds werewithin normal limits when tested 3 years after exposure (Satoh et al. 1981). Testing of workers employedin factories that produced chromium(III) compounds found no signs of liver disorders (Korallus et al.1974b), and testing of housewives who lived near a chromium slag construction site revealed no clinicalevidence of liver dysfunction (Greater Tokyo Bureau of Hygiene 1989). However, liver effects, such asjaundice, increased bilirubin, increased levels of serum lactic dehydrogenase, glutamic oxaloacetictransaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase, and necrosis have been reported in humans afteringestion of lethal doses of potassium dichromate or chromium trioxide (Fristedt et al. 1965; Kaufman etal. 1970).Only mild liver effects (increase in triglycerides and phospholipids) were observed in rats exposed to0.2 mg chromium(VI)/m 3 as sodium dichromate for 90 days (Glaser et al. 1985). These effects on theliver are minimal and were not observed in chronic exposure studies (Glaser et al. 1986, 1988). Effectson the liver of rats exposed orally to chromium(VI) compounds have been detected by biochemical andhistochemical techniques. These consisted of increased accumulations of lipids (Kumar and Rana 1982)and changes in levels and localization of enzymes (Kumar et al. 1985) in rats treated by gavage withpotassium chromate. Intermediate or chronic oral exposure of rats to chromium(III) compounds in thedrinking water (MacKenzie et al. 1958; Schroeder et al. 1965) or the diet (Anderson et al. 1997b;Ivankovic and Preussmann 1975) did not cause liver effects. Changes in liver enzymes indicative ofaltered carbohydrate metabolism were reported in rats after a single dermal application of 0.175%potassium dichromate (Merkur'eva et al. 1982). Although liver effects in animals exposed to chromiumcompounds by inhalation, oral, and dermal routes appear to be mild, studies in which animals wereexposed by other routes indicate more serious effects. Necrosis with regeneration occurred in ratsinjected subcutaneously with 3.5 mg chromium(VI)/kg as potassium dichromate (Baines 1965), lipidperoxidation occurred in rats injected intraperitoneally with 10 mg chromium/kg as chromium(III) nitrateor potassium dichromate (Ueno et al. 1988), and vacuolization of hepatocytes occurred in hamsters afterintravenous injection of 5.2 mg chromium(VI)/kg as chromium trioxide (Gale 1978). Rats injectedintraperitoneally with 2 mg chromium/kg/day, 3 days/week for 15–60 days developed liver necrosis withsodium chromate and vacuolization of hepatocytes with chromium(III) trichloride (Laborda et al. 1986).Cytochrome P450 activity in liver of rats was significantly increased after intraperitoneal injections ofpotassium dichromate(VI) (Witmer et al. 1994). P450 activity was measured by hydroxylation oftestosterone. Rabbits injected for 6 weeks intraperitoneally with 2 mg chromium/kg/day developedmarked congestion, large areas of focal necrosis, extensive hemorrhage, bile duct proliferation, and

CHROMIUM 1812. HEALTH EFFECTShyperplasia in the liver with either potassium dichromate or chromium(III) nitrate (Tandon et al. 1978).While these studies indicate that the liver is a target organ of chromium toxicity in animals, the methodsof administration may not be predictive of effects or doses by environmentally relevant routes. Whileoccupational exposure to chromium(VI) in the past may have caused adverse liver effects, they are notexpected to occur in humans currently exposed to chromium or its compounds occupationally or in peopleliving near hazardous waste sites. It is unlikely that oral exposure to the low levels of chromium(III) orchromium(VI) compounds detected in drinking water or in the ambient environment would cause hepaticeffects in humans.Renal Effects. Renal function has been studied in workers occupationally exposed to chromiumcompounds. Some studies of workers exposed to chromium(VI) and chromium(III) in the chromateproduction industry have found increased urinary levels of low molecular weight proteins indicative ofrenal damage, such as retinol binding protein and antigens, and white blood cell and red blood cell casts,in the urine (Franchini and Mutti 1988; Mutti et al. 1985a; PHS 1953). Other studies of renal function inworkers engaged in chromate production and manufacturing of chromium compounds found negative orinconclusive results (Sassi 1956; Satoh et al. 1981). Two studies of renal function in chrome platers,whose exposure is mainly to chromium(VI), reported elevated levels of β 2 -microglobulin in the urine ofcurrent platers (Lindberg and Vesterberg 1983b; Liu et al. 1998); an increase in N-acetyl-β-glucosaminadaselevels was also found (Liu et al. 1998). When the prevalence of elevated levels (defined ashigher than reference values) of these markers of potential kidney damage was compared to aluminumanode-oxidationworkers, only N-acetyl-β-glucosaminadase was significantly altered (Liu et al. 1998).No differences in levels of blood urea nitrogen, serum and urinary β 2 -microglobulin, and other proteinswere found between chrome platers and controls in another study (Verschoor et al. 1988). Studies instainless steel welders, whose exposure is mainly to chromium(VI) showed no indication of kidneydamage (Littorin et al. 1984; Verschoor et al. 1988). Occupational exposure to chromium(III) in theferrochromium production industry (Foa et al. 1988) and to chromium(0) in an alloy steel plant (Triebiget al. 1987) and in boilermakers (Verschoor et al. 1988) does not appear to be associated with renaleffects. Death records from a large cohort who worked in industries that produced chromium productsfrom chromite ore did not show signs of increases in urinary disease when compared to matched controlpopulations (Rosenman and Stanbury 1996). Examination of the urine of people who were lifetimeresidents of a contaminated area near chromium landfills where environmental exposures to chromiumdust occurred did not reveal evidence of tubular proteinurea or signs of preclinical kidney disease(Wedeen et al. 1996). Results of urinalysis revealed no difference between housewives who lived near achromium slag construction site and the control population (Greater Tokyo Bureau of Hygiene 1989).

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 1812. HEALTH EFFECTShyperplasia in the liver with either potassium dichromate or chromium(III) nitrate (Tandon et al. 1978).While these studies indicate that the liver is a target organ of chromium toxicity in animals, the methodsof administration may not be predictive of effects or doses by environmentally relevant routes. Whileoccupational exposure to chromium(VI) in the past may have caused adverse liver effects, they are notexpected to occur in humans currently exposed to chromium or its <strong>com</strong>pounds occupationally or in peopleliving near hazardous waste sites. It is unlikely that oral exposure to the low levels of chromium(III) orchromium(VI) <strong>com</strong>pounds detected in drinking water or in the ambient environment would cause hepaticeffects in humans.Renal Effects. Renal function has been studied in workers occupationally exposed to chromium<strong>com</strong>pounds. Some studies of workers exposed to chromium(VI) and chromium(III) in the chromateproduction industry have found increased urinary levels of low molecular weight proteins indicative ofrenal damage, such as retinol binding protein and antigens, and white blood cell and red blood cell casts,in the urine (Franchini and Mutti 1988; Mutti et al. 1985a; PHS 1953). Other studies of renal function inworkers engaged in chromate production and manufacturing of chromium <strong>com</strong>pounds found negative orinconclusive results (Sassi 1956; Satoh et al. 1981). Two studies of renal function in chrome platers,whose exposure is mainly to chromium(VI), reported elevated levels of β 2 -microglobulin in the urine ofcurrent platers (Lindberg and Vesterberg 1983b; Liu et al. 1998); an increase in N-acetyl-β-glucosaminadaselevels was also found (Liu et al. 1998). When the prevalence of elevated levels (defined ashigher than reference values) of these markers of potential kidney damage was <strong>com</strong>pared to aluminumanode-oxidationworkers, only N-acetyl-β-glucosaminadase was significantly altered (Liu et al. 1998).No differences in levels of blood urea nitrogen, serum and urinary β 2 -microglobulin, and other proteinswere found between chrome platers and controls in another study (Verschoor et al. 1988). Studies instainless steel welders, whose exposure is mainly to chromium(VI) showed no indication of kidneydamage (Littorin et al. 1984; Verschoor et al. 1988). Occupational exposure to chromium(III) in theferrochromium production industry (Foa et al. 1988) and to chromium(0) in an alloy steel plant (Triebiget al. 1987) and in boilermakers (Verschoor et al. 1988) does not appear to be associated with renaleffects. Death records from a large cohort who worked in industries that produced chromium productsfrom chromite ore did not show signs of increases in urinary disease when <strong>com</strong>pared to matched controlpopulations (Rosenman and Stanbury 1996). Examination of the urine of people who were lifetimeresidents of a contaminated area near chromium landfills where environmental exposures to chromiumdust occurred did not reveal evidence of tubular proteinurea or signs of preclinical kidney disease(Wedeen et al. 1996). Results of urinalysis revealed no difference between housewives who lived near achromium slag construction site and the control population (Greater Tokyo Bureau of Hygiene 1989).

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