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CHROMIUM 1342. HEALTH EFFECTS2.3.2.2 Oral ExposureAutopsy studies in the United States indicate that chromium concentrations in the body are highest inkidney, liver, lung, aorta, heart, pancreas, and spleen at birth and tend to decrease with age. The levels inliver and kidney declined after the second decade of life. The aorta, heart, and spleen levels declinedrapidly between the first 45 days of life and 10 years, with low levels persisting throughout life. Thelevel in the lung declined early, but increased again from mid life to old age (Schroeder et al. 1962).The distribution of chromium in human body tissue after acute oral exposure was determined in the caseof a 14-year-old boy who ingested 7.5 mg chromium(VI)/kg as potassium dichromate. Despite extensivetreatment by dialysis and the use of the chelating agent British antilewisite, the boy died eight days afteradmission to the hospital. Upon autopsy, the chromium concentrations were as follows: liver,2.94 mg/100 cc (normal, 0.016 mg/100 cc); kidneys, 0.64 and 0.82 mg/100 cc (normal, 0.06 mg/100 cc);and brain, 0.06 mg/100 cc (normal, 0.002 mg/100 cc) (Kaufman et al. 1970). Although these data wereobtained after extensive treatment to rid the body of excess chromium, the levels of chromium remainingafter the treatment clearly demonstrate that these tissues absorbed at least these concentrations after anacute, lethal ingestion of a chromium(VI) compound.Chromium may be transferred to infants via breast milk as indicated by breast milk levels of chromium inwomen exposed occupationally (Shmitova 1980) or via normal levels in the diet (Casey and Hambidge1984). It has been demonstrated that in healthy women, the levels of chromium measured in breast milkare independent of serum chromium levels, urinary chromium excretion, or dietary intake of chromium(Anderson et al. 1993, Mohamedshah et al. 1998), but others (Engelhardt et al. 1990) have disputed thisobservation.The tissue distribution of chromium was studied in rats administered chromium from a variety of sources.In one experiment, sodium chromate in water was administered by gavage for 7 days at 0, 1.2, 2.3, or5.8 mg chromium(VI)/kg/day. Very little chromium (generally

CHROMIUM 1352. HEALTH EFFECTSsources: (1) sodium chromate; (2) calcium chromate; (3) soil containing chromium (30% chromium(VI),70% chromium(III)); or (4) a mixture of calcium chromate and the contaminated soil. The highest levelsof chromium were found in liver, spleen, kidney, lung, blood, brain, and testes after dosing with sodiumchromate, but the relative levels in these tissues after the other treatments followed no consistent pattern.Rats gavaged for 14 days with 13.9 mg chromium/kg/day from the four different sources had higherlevels of chromium in the tissues after they were dosed with the contaminated soil or the mixture ofcalcium chromate and the contaminated soil than with either of the chromate salts alone. Thus, therelative organ distribution of chromium depends on the source of chromium (Witmer et al. 1989, 1991).Components in soil may affect the oxidation state and the binding of chromium to soil components, andpH of the soil may also affect the bioavailability from soil.The chromium content in major organs of mice receiving drinking water that provided doses of 4.8, 6.1,or 12.3 mg chromium(III)/kg/day as chromium trichloride or 4.4, 5.0, or 14.2 mg chromium(VI)/kg/dayas potassium dichromate was determined after 1 year of exposure. Chromium was detected only in theliver in the chromium(III)-treated mice. Mice treated with chromium(VI) compounds had accumulationin all organs, with the highest levels reported in liver and spleen. Liver accumulation of chromium was40–90 times higher in the chromium(VI)-treated group than in the chromium(III)-treated group(Maruyama 1982). Chromium levels in tissue were 9 times higher in rats given chromium(VI) aspotassium chromate in drinking water for 1 year than in rats given the same concentration ofchromium(III) as chromium trichloride (MacKenzie et al. 1958). In rats exposed to potassium chromatein the drinking water for three or six weeks, a general trend of increasing chromium concentration withtime of exposure was apparent in the liver and kidneys, but only the kidneys showed a difference in theconcentration after exposure to 100 and 200 ppm. Blood concentrations were almost saturated by3 weeks with little further accumulation by 6 weeks. No chromium was detected in the lungs afterdrinking water exposure (Coogan et al. 1991a). After acute oral dosing with radiolabeled chromiumtrichloride (1 µCi for immature rats, 10 µCi for adults), adult and neonatal rats accumulated higher levelsof chromium in the kidneys than in the liver. At 7 days after dosing, the liver and kidney contained0.05% and 0.12% of the dose, respectively, in the neonates and 0.002 and 0.003% of the dose,respectively, in the adult rats. The carcass contained 0.95% of the dose in the neonates and 0.07% of thedose in adult rats. The lungs contained 0.0088% of the dose in neonates and 0.0003% of the dose in adultrats. No chromium(III) was detected in the skeleton or muscle. Approximately 35 and 0.2% of theadministered dose of chromium(III) at day 7 was retained in the gut of neonates and adults, respectively(Sullivan et al. 1984).

<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 1352. HEALTH EFFECTSsources: (1) sodium chromate; (2) calcium chromate; (3) soil containing chromium (30% chromium(VI),70% chromium(III)); or (4) a mixture of calcium chromate and the contaminated soil. The highest levelsof chromium were found in liver, spleen, kidney, lung, blood, brain, and testes after dosing with sodiumchromate, but the relative levels in these tissues after the other treatments followed no consistent pattern.Rats gavaged for 14 days with 13.9 mg chromium/kg/day from the four different sources had higherlevels of chromium in the tissues after they were dosed with the contaminated soil or the mixture ofcalcium chromate and the contaminated soil than with either of the chromate salts alone. Thus, therelative organ distribution of chromium depends on the source of chromium (Witmer et al. 1989, 1991).Components in soil may affect the oxidation state and the binding of chromium to soil <strong>com</strong>ponents, andpH of the soil may also affect the bioavailability from soil.The chromium content in major organs of mice receiving drinking water that provided doses of 4.8, 6.1,or 12.3 mg chromium(III)/kg/day as chromium trichloride or 4.4, 5.0, or 14.2 mg chromium(VI)/kg/dayas potassium dichromate was determined after 1 year of exposure. Chromium was detected only in theliver in the chromium(III)-treated mice. Mice treated with chromium(VI) <strong>com</strong>pounds had accumulationin all organs, with the highest levels reported in liver and spleen. Liver accumulation of chromium was40–90 times higher in the chromium(VI)-treated group than in the chromium(III)-treated group(Maruyama 1982). Chromium levels in tissue were 9 times higher in rats given chromium(VI) aspotassium chromate in drinking water for 1 year than in rats given the same concentration ofchromium(III) as chromium trichloride (MacKenzie et al. 1958). In rats exposed to potassium chromatein the drinking water for three or six weeks, a general trend of increasing chromium concentration withtime of exposure was apparent in the liver and kidneys, but only the kidneys showed a difference in theconcentration after exposure to 100 and 200 ppm. Blood concentrations were almost saturated by3 weeks with little further accumulation by 6 weeks. No chromium was detected in the lungs afterdrinking water exposure (Coogan et al. 1991a). After acute oral dosing with radiolabeled chromiumtrichloride (1 µCi for immature rats, 10 µCi for adults), adult and neonatal rats accumulated higher levelsof chromium in the kidneys than in the liver. At 7 days after dosing, the liver and kidney contained0.05% and 0.12% of the dose, respectively, in the neonates and 0.002 and 0.003% of the dose,respectively, in the adult rats. The carcass contained 0.95% of the dose in the neonates and 0.07% of thedose in adult rats. The lungs contained 0.0088% of the dose in neonates and 0.0003% of the dose in adultrats. No chromium(III) was detected in the skeleton or muscle. Approximately 35 and 0.2% of theadministered dose of chromium(III) at day 7 was retained in the gut of neonates and adults, respectively(Sullivan et al. 1984).

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