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32 Rat(BD)33 RatSwiss albino34 RatDruckrey35 Rat(albino)36 Rat(white)37 Rat(albino)38 Rat(Sprague-Dawley)90 d5 d/wk(F)20 d(W)3 mo(W)20 d7 d/wk(G)20 d7 d/wk(G)20 d7 d/wk(G)9wk(F)RespCardioGastroHematoHepaticRenalBd WtBd WtHepaticRenalRenalHepaticHematoHepaticRenalBd WtTABLE 2-2. Levels of Significant Exposure to Chromium - Oral (continued)Exposure/LOAELDuration/Key to a Species Frequency NOAEL Less Serious Serious Reference/figure (Strain) (Specific Route) System (mg Cr/kg/day) (mg Cr/kg/day) (mg Cr/kg/day)Form18061806180618061806180637452.1 M2.5 F9.89.89.870 (1 4% reduced maternalbody weight gain)89 (1 8% reduced maternalbody weight gain)13.5 M (lipid accumulation)13.5 M (lipid accumulation)13.5 M (inhibition of membraneenzymes; alkalinephosphatase, acidphosphatase, lipase)13.5 M (changes in liver enzymeactivities; inhibition ofacid phosphatase;enhancement of lipase)8.4 M (decreased mean9.8 F corpuscular volume)lvankovic andPreussmann 1975Cr 2O 387 (21 %reduced maternal body Kanojia et al. 1996weight gain) K 2Cr 2O (VI) 7124 (24% reduced maternal body Kanojia et al. 1998weight gain)K 2Cr 2O 7Kumar and Rana1982K 2Cr 2O (VI) 4Kumar and Rana1984K 2CrO (VI) 4Kumar et al. 1985K 2CrO (VI) 4NTP 1996bK 2Cr 2O 7(VI)2. HEALTH EFFECTSCHROMIUM 80

39 Mouse 12wk Bd Wt(Swiss)(W)Bd Wt40 Mouse 12 wk Bd Wt(Swiss)(W)41 Mouse 9wk Hemato(BALBIc)(F)HepaticRenalBd Wt42 Mouse 85 d + Gastro(BALB/c) PND 1-74(F1) +PND Hemato1 -21 (F2)(F)HepaticRenalBd Wt14 F7.4 M12 F1.1 M1.8 F484836.7 F36.7 F36.7 F36.7 F5 M (1 4% decrease in bodyweight gain)6 M (1 0% decrease in bodyweight gain)32.2 M (decreased mean48 F corpuscular volume)3.5 M (cytoplasmic5.6 F vacuolization ofhepatocytes)7.8 F (decreased meancorpuscular volume in43 Mouse 19 d Bd Wt 46 F 98 F (decreased maternal(albino) (W)weight gain)lmmunological/Lymphoreticular44 Rat 3-1 0 wk(Fischer- 344)(W)TABLE 2-2. Levels of Significant Exposure to Chromium - Oral (continued)Exposure/LOAELDuration/Key to a Species Frequency NOAEL Less Serious Serious Reference/figure (Strain) (Specific Route) System (mg Cr/kg/day) (mg Cr/kg/day) (mg Cr/kg/day)Form(F1)16 (increased proliferationof T- and B-lymphocytes inresponse to mitogensand antigens)Elbetieha andAl-Hamood 1997CrCI 3(III)Elbetieha andAl-Hamood 1997K 2Cr 2O 7(VI)NTP 1996aK 2Cr 2O 7(VI)NTP 1997K 2Cr 2O 7(VI)Trivedi et al. 1989K 2Cr 2O 7(VI)Snyder and Valle1991K 2Cr 2O 4(VI)2. HEALTH EFFECTSCHROMIUM 81

32 Rat(BD)33 RatSwiss albino34 RatDruckrey35 Rat(albino)36 Rat(white)37 Rat(albino)38 Rat(Sprague-Dawley)90 d5 d/wk(F)20 d(W)3 mo(W)20 d7 d/wk(G)20 d7 d/wk(G)20 d7 d/wk(G)9wk(F)RespCardioGastroHematoHepaticRenalBd WtBd WtHepaticRenalRenalHepaticHematoHepaticRenalBd WtTABLE 2-2. Levels of Significant Exposure to Chromium - Oral (continued)Exposure/LOAELDuration/Key to a Species Frequency NOAEL Less Serious Serious Reference/figure (Strain) (Specific Route) System (mg Cr/kg/day) (mg Cr/kg/day) (mg Cr/kg/day)Form18061806180618061806180637452.1 M2.5 F9.89.89.870 (1 4% reduced maternalbody weight gain)89 (1 8% reduced maternalbody weight gain)13.5 M (lipid accumulation)13.5 M (lipid accumulation)13.5 M (inhibition of membraneenzymes; alkalinephosphatase, acidphosphatase, lipase)13.5 M (changes in liver enzymeactivities; inhibition ofacid phosphatase;enhancement of lipase)8.4 M (decreased mean9.8 F corpuscular volume)lvankovic andPreussmann 1975Cr 2O 387 (21 %reduced maternal body Kanojia et al. 1996weight gain) K 2Cr 2O (VI) 7124 (24% reduced maternal body Kanojia et al. 1998weight gain)K 2Cr 2O 7Kumar and Rana1982K 2Cr 2O (VI) 4Kumar and Rana1984K 2CrO (VI) 4Kumar et al. 1985K 2CrO (VI) 4NTP 1996bK 2Cr 2O 7(VI)2. HEALTH EFFECTS<strong>CHROMIUM</strong> 80

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