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McNamara's Blog: “A Loyal Disciple of the Saintly La Salle”: Brother Chrysostom, F.S.C. (1863-1917)Page 2 of 5BLESSED JOHNHENRY NEWMAN(1801-1890)Post a Comment5Toil in theCause ofEducatio...Lucy EatonSmith (1845-1894): NewYorkSocialite, ...Comment as: Select profile... 6Post Comment Preview6Pope Leo XIIIand theRosaryWoodhavenParish TurnsOneHundred"Catholicism is a deepmatter; you cannottake it up in ateacup."MY BLOG LISTWhispers in theLoggiaTomorrow,Tomorrow....1 hour agoGood Jesuit,Bad JesuitAmerican Jesuit'sProcess OfCanonizationContinues2 hours agoNewer PostSubscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)<strong>Home</strong>Older PostGeneralSherman’sSon: FatherThomasEwingSherman...Blessed PopeJohn XXIII'sFeast DayQuote of theDayThe Mayflowerand theSanta MariaSt. Leonard’sSchool,Boston, 1914“Let Them BePelted andTrampledOn”Catholic PoetryThe Church atGround ZeroThe Deacon'sBenchThe boss isundercover, but hisfaith is out in theopen3 hours agoFinally...Newman'sFeast Day!Quote of theDayOur Lady of theRosaryNew AdventFrontier AirlinesCEO featured onUndercover Boss;gives bold witness<strong>for</strong> Catholicism andagainstcontraception onnational TV (goodstuff starts at 3:12mark on video)8 hours agoChurch HistoryReturns!► January (3)► 2009 (1539)► 2008 (53)FOLLOWERSGoogling GodFreddy Sez: “Restin Peace”9 hours agoThe AmericanCatholicTAC <strong>College</strong>Football Poll: Week711 hours agoWhy I AmCatholicThe Wonders ofSpace (Music <strong>for</strong>Mondays)19 hours agoIgnatianSpiritualityGod’s Project3 days agohttp://irishcatholichumanist.blogspot.com/2010/10/loyal-disciple-of-saintly-la-salle.html10/19/2010

McNamara's Blog: “A Loyal Disciple of the Saintly La Salle”: Brother Chrysostom, F.S.C. (1863-1917)Page 3 of 5A Nun's LifeAS044 Ask Sister –recycled nun rings,spiritualdetachment,Catholicphilosophy, andmore!3 days agoThe Gospel inthe Digital AgeResponse fromWilliam A.Donohue, Ph.D1 week agoSt. SebastianPastorCorpus Christi in20093 months agoPeace, Love,and JoyWhat is the Mass?7 months agoDominicanHistoryLectures inDominicanHistory - Part 101 year agoThe Anchoress |A First ThingsBlog“Ought history to hide the faults of men and Orders? It was not after this fashion that the Saints laid open the scandals of their times…God indeed has conferred upon His Church the prerogative of infallibility, but to none of her members has He granted immunity fromsin. Peter was a sinner and a renegade, and God has been at pains to have the fact recorded in the Gospels.”Jean Baptiste Lacordaire, O.P. (1802-1861)ABSOLUTION UNDER FIRE: FATHER CORBY BLESSES THE IRISH BRIGADE AT GETTYSBURG, JULY 2, 1863By Paul Wood, 1891TOTAL PAGEVIEWS7,061Simple template by Josh Peterson. Powered by Blogger.http://irishcatholichumanist.blogspot.com/2010/10/loyal-disciple-of-saintly-la-salle.html10/19/2010

McNamara's Blog: “A Loyal Disciple of the Saintly La Salle”: Brother Chrysostom, F.S.C. (1863-1917)Page 4 of 5http://irishcatholichumanist.blogspot.com/2010/10/loyal-disciple-of-saintly-la-salle.html10/19/2010

McNamara's Blog: “A Loyal Disciple of the Saintly La Salle”: Brother Chrysostom, F.S.C. (1863-1917)Page 5 of 5http://irishcatholichumanist.blogspot.com/2010/10/loyal-disciple-of-saintly-la-salle.html10/19/2010

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