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in this shofarA Message from Rabbi Menashe..........................1B’nei Mitzvah.....................................................2Service Times...................................................3GPS Judaism.....................................................4Purim...........................................................6Mishloach Manot................................................7CSI-Family Center..............................................8Weitzman Family Religious School.........................9Sisterhood.................................................10Happenings at the Shul.....................................12Learning Opportunities.....................................13Lifecycles...............................................14In Memoriam...................................................15Contributions.....................................1611th Annual Campaign for Excellence................18Yahrzeits...............................................19welcome our new membersWe are happy to welcome the following new membersto the <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel family.When you meet them at services or CSI events,please welcome them with open arms.The Shofar is published bimonthly.An annual $50 subscription fee is included in membership dues.If you know anyone new to the community who might have an interestin membership, please contact Robin Hurrell at 214.361.6606, x 210or at rhurrell@shearith.org.<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel9401 Douglas AvenueDallas, Texas 75225Synagogue Office...............................................214.361.6606Synagogue FAX ................................................214.361.7524Synagogue e-mail................... ........................csi@shearith.orgMembership Inquiries .................................214.361.6606 x 210Website............................................www.shearith.orgAnn and Nate Levine Academy18011 Hillcrest RoadDallas, Texas 75252972.248.3032___________________________________________________Rabbi, William G. GershonThe Feldman Family Senior Rabbinic ChairRabbi, David M. GlickmanRabbi, Joseph M. MenasheRabbi Emeritus, Jordan S. OfseyerHazzan, Itzhak ZhrebkerRitual/Cemetery Director, Avi MitznerExecutive Director, Susan J. GoldsteinSchool Administrator, Leah SingletonFamily Center Director/Lower School Principal, Esther WolfMembership Coordinator/Executive Assistant, Robin HurrellProgram Director, Mona AllenYouth Director, Mara MinsbergController, Kim WestCommunications, Bob Johnson___________________________________________________<strong>Congregation</strong> President, Mark DavidoffSISterhood President, Lisa FleisherUSY President, Becky SchislerPrinting, Adventure GraphicsAri Mizell and her son, DylanSandy and Michael SomerBenjamin WeinsteinThis issue of The Shofar is sponsored by:Kimberly and Jon Ross in honor of the B’nei Mitzvahof their sons Shane and Sterling.Susie and Joel Carp in honor of the Bat Mitzvah oftheir daughter Rachel.Lynne and Andy Siegel in honor of the Bat Mitzvah oftheir daughter Sarah.Leslie and Steven Pidgeon in honor of the Bat Mitzvahof their daughter Cyra.

We Jews do history really well. At the Passover Seder we actually claim that weemerged from Egyptian bondage over three thousand years ago. On Tisha B’Av werecall the destructions of the Temple thousands of miles away that happened thousandsof years ago. On Yom Ha’atzmaut we remember and celebrate Israel IndependenceDay from merely decades ago. On Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim and so many more holidaysand events, we ritualize and honor joyous and solemn events in the history of ourpeople.Do we give comparable honor to the Jewish future? Absolutely.While a focus on the future is the outgrowth of Jewish memory, it is not as easy to findas our ever-present focus on history. When we look to most conclusions in our tradition,we find a positive and hopeful focus on the future. The Amidah concludes with aprayer for peace. Immediately upon completion of study of a Jewish text or section ofthe Talmud, we recite a prayer for future learning. And, we end our review of the pastyear on Yom Kippur and our exodus from Egypt at the Seder by looking ahead to theredemption by saying, “L’Shanah Ha’Ba’ah B’Yerushalayim- Next Year in Jerusalem.”Even at the conclusion of life on earth, we find a focus on the future. In the Talmud we find a series of questions ourtradition believes we will be asked when we ascend to heaven. Two of those questions are about our efforts to strivefor and create a Jewish future. While this can be a deep spiritual question, I’d like to address it on a practical level.We know that included in those experiences which effectively promote a Jewish future for our children, are peer-basedIsrael trips, a vibrant Jewish home life, Jewish day schools and Jewish summer camp.I would like to highlight Jewish summer camp. Study after study indicates that the immersive Jewish summer campexperience is the highest indicator of Jewish adult identification. Quite simply, camp works.Camp animates Judaism for Jewish kids. I am confident that I would not be as serious a Jew nor probably even be arabbi had I not attended a Jewish summer camp outside of Tumwater, Washington, as a young boy. I was a proud andstrongly-identifying Jew without camp, but with camp I experienced and learned that Judaism could be fun, cool andexciting.Among the wonderful Jewish summer camps that our kids from CSI attend (including Camp Young Judea, Greene FamilyCamp, Camp Sabra), my heart lies with our movement’s camping system, Camp Ramah. The Ramah camps provideexceptional camping experiences in a fun Jewish environment infused with Hebrew and fun Jewish learning. Ramahnow has two campsites that serve north Texas, in Georgia and Colorado. Camp Ramah Darom, in Georgia, provides afull range of camping opportunities for children starting in 4th grade. Additionally, our Ramah movement is embarkingon a Ramah Outdoor Adventure Camp at the new site of Ramah in the Rockies with programs for children entering 6th-10th grades. While some of you may have heard me preach about camp before, it warrants repeating because gettinga family hooked on Jewish summer camp makes a profound impact on the child, expands the horizons of the family andenhances our shul community.While camp unquestionably works, we know that fewer than 10% of Jewish youth of camp age attend Jewish summercamps. Many don’t go because people don’t know of the exceptional quality of these camps, their staffs and facilitiesand now their growing high-caliber specialty programs. Most don’t go because camp is expensive and especially in astruggling economy, this prospect for many families is even more difficult. However, there are resources available fromthe camps, our shul, and our Federation. There is no shame in asking. If you are in a position to help get a child to aJewish summer camp by providing scholarship money or helping a grandchild, please know that your investment helpsensure a hopeful Jewish future.When kids leave camp at the end of the summer they cry and sob like they never have before. Their experience becomesthat of history and memory preserved in scrapbooks both virtual and conventional. However, like all preservationof Jewish memory and history, Jewish summer camp illumines a path for a bright Jewish future. Your rabbis, all shapedby, and committed to, Camp Ramah, will do just about anything in our power to help get more of our children to attendJewish summer camp because nothing less than our future depends on it.1

service times<strong>january</strong> servicesCandle Lighting5:12 pm January 1 5:30 pm January 225:18 pm January 8 5:37 pm January 295:24 pm January 15Kabbalat Shabbat Services6:00 pm Service in the Fonberg Family Chapel,Main Campus6:30 pm Service at Beit Aryeh,The Ann and Nate Levine AcademyShabbat Morning, CSI-Douglas8:30 am Torah Study in the Sardas Beit MidrashShabbat Morning Services, CSI-DouglasJanuary 29:30 am Service in the Beck Family SanctuaryJanuary 99:30 am Service in the Beck Family SanctuaryJanuary 169:30 am Service in the Beck Family SanctuaryJanuary 239:00 am Service in the Beck Family Sanctuary9:30 am Service in the Fonberg Family ChapelJanuary 309:00 am Service in the Beck Family Sanctuary9:30 am Service in the Fonberg Family Chapel<strong>february</strong> servicesCandle Lighting5:44 pm February 5 5:56 pm February 195:50 pm February 12 6:02 pm February 26Kabbalat Shabbat Services6:00 pm Service in the Fonberg Family ChapelMain Campus6:30 pm Service at Beit Aryeh,The Ann and Nate Levine AcademyShabbat Morning, CSI-Douglas8:30 am Torah Study in the Sardas Beit MidrashShabbat Morning Services, CSI-DouglasFebruary 69:00 am Service in the Aaron Family Main Sanctuary9:30 am Service in the Fonberg Family ChapelFebruary 139:00 am Service in the Aaron Family Main Sanctuary9:30 am Service in the Fonberg Family ChapelFebruary 209:00 am Service in the Beck Family Sanctuary9:30 am Service in the Fonberg Family ChapelFebruary 279:30 am Service in the Beck Family SanctuaryBeit Aryeh, North Satellite atThe Ann and Nate Levine Academy9:30 am Shabbat Morning ServiceMincha/Seudah Shlisheet/Ma’ariv/HavdalahCSI-Douglas - Fonberg Family Chapel4:45 pm January 2 5:00 pm January 234:45 pm January 9 5:00 pm January 305:00 pm January 16Daily Shacharit7:00 am Monday – Friday**Join us on Tuesdays for a light breakfast following Shacharit8:30 am SundaysPlease Note:Shacharit for Federal Holidays is now 7:00 amDaily Mincha/Ma’ariv6:00 pm Monday - Thursday, and SundayBeit Aryeh, North Satellite atThe Ann and Nate Levine Academy9:30am Shabbat Morning ServiceMincha/Seudah Shlisheet/Ma’ariv/HavdalahCSI-Douglas - Fonberg Family Chapel5:15 pm February 6 5:30 pm February 205:30 pm February 13 5:30 pm February 27Daily Shacharit7:00am Monday – Friday**Join us on Tuesdays for a light breakfast following Shacharit8:30 am SundaysPlease Note:Shacharit for Federal Holidays is now 7:00 amDaily Mincha/Ma’ariv6:00 pm Monday - Thursday, and Sunday3

Give Direction To Your Life<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel is proud to present the Bernard “Beanie” Siegel Scholar inResidence Program featuring Noam Zion. Shearith Israel offers this program throughoutDallas in an effort to share its devotion to Torah learning and to deepen Jewish commitmentthroughout the Jewish community. Following is a tentative schedule of events. Watch forthe special mailing or visit www.shearith.org for complete listings and rsvp information.{Boxed}Three PartThreeBrownPartBagBrownLunchBagandLunchLearnand LearnSERIES TOPICSarai, SERIES Hagar, TOPIC Avraham: The TroublingFamily Sarai, Triangle Hagar, Avraham: The TroublingAll Family classes Triangle held at:Aaron All classes Family held Jewish at: Community Center7900 Aaron Northaven Family Jewish Road Community CenterDallas 790075230Northaven Road, Dallas 75230Monday, Mondays, February February 8, 15, 8, 15, 22, 22 Noon-1:15pm Noon -1:15pmFree, Free, but but reservations requested214.361.6606Three Three Part Part Study Study Series SeriesSERIES TOPICThe Politics of Oppression and Birth of aLeader: SERIES Moses TOPICin Bible Art, Poetry andCommentaryThe Politics of Oppression and Birth of aAll Leader: classes Moses held at: in Bible Art, Poetry and<strong>Congregation</strong> Commentary Shearith Israel9401 All classes Douglas, held Dallas at: 75225Tuesdays, <strong>Congregation</strong> February Shearith 2, 9. Israel 16, 1:00 pm-2:00 9401 pm Douglas, Dallas 75225Bible Tuesdays, Class; February open to community2, 9, 161:00 pm -2:00 pmBible Class; open to communityALL PROGRAMS ARE OPEN TO THECOMMUNITY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.Friday, January 297:45 am-8:45 am: Talmud Class;open to the communityHuman Needs and Human Dignity<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel, 9401Douglas, Dallas 75225 (“CSI Douglas”)Noon-1:30 pm: Lunch in a Private HomeTwo Classical Approaches to fosteringJewish Identity - Hillel vs Shamai6:00 pm: Erev Shabbat ServicesTu B’shevat Seder/Dinner (byreservation) 7:15 pm-9:00pm *Beit Aryeh, the North Satellite of CSIlocated at Ann and Nate Levine Academy18011 Hillcrest Road, Dallas 75252(“Beit Aryeh”)Saturday, January 30Services 9:30 am(babysitting 9:00am-Noon),followed by Kiddush LunchSermon: My Calling in Life:The International Chef of HomemadeJudaism - Beit Aryeh5:00 pm-6:45 pmTu B’Shevat Family Seder andHavdalah Dinner (by reservation;babysitting provided) *Beit Aryeh8:00 pm: Event in a Private HomeThe Ketubah: Jewish Marriage as a Life ofOngoing NegotiationsSunday, January 319:30 am-10:30amD’var Torah Writing (Part 1 of 2, byinvitation; contact Rabbi Gershon)CSI Douglas11:30 am-1:00 pm:A LearningFest EventThe Bad Child and the Good Jew:Our Ideal Jew through the Prism ofContemporary Art, Politics and Psychologyof the Four ChildrenAaron Family Jewish Community Center7900 Northaven Road, Dallas 75230(“Aaron Family JCC”)Monday, February 112:30 pm-1:30pm: CSI Staff LearningKriah and Nihum: A Time to Tear and aTime to Mend3:00 pm-4:20 pm:Southern Methodist UniversityBatsheva Affair in Modern Midrash, Poetry,Novels, Movies and Art7:00 pm-9:00 pm:CSI Embracing Judaism ClassHomemade Judaism: PersonalizingShabbat at Your TableTuesday, February 24:00 pm -5:00 pmProfiles in Family Conflict: The FirstFamily-Adam/Eve, Cain/AbelLegacy at Willow Bend6101 Ohio Drive, Plano 750247:30 pm-9:00 pm: A Café Israel andLearningFest EventWhat makes a Haggadah Israeli?Introducing HaHaggadah haYisraelit:Halaila Hazeh (in Hebrew)Legacy at Willow Bend6101 Ohio Drive, Plano 75024Wednesday, February 38:00 am-10:00 am: A Texas Jewish Postand LearningFest EventA Writers’ Workshop:Rewriting the Biblical Family Drama of theFirst Family; Eve and Adam, Cain and AbelOffice of the Texas Jewish Post7920 Belt Line Road, Dallas 752544Noon-1:15 pmThe Art and Ethics of Negotiating with theJudge: Speaking Truth to Power(lunch by reservation) *The Offices of Carrington & Coleman,Attorneys-at-LawBank of America Building901 Main Street, Dallas 75202Thursday, February 410:00 am-11:00 amProfiles in Family Conflict: The FirstFamily-Adam/Eve, Cain/AbelLegacy-Preston Hollow11409 North Central Expressway, Dallas75243Noon-1:30 pmTzedakah in the time of Tsoris- LimitedCapacities and Our Duties to Respond toHuman NeedJewish Family Service Staff andBoard In-Service7:00 pm-9:00 pm: Physicians Dinnerin a Private HomeRabbinic Debates over EuthanasiaFriday, February 56:00 pm-7:15 pm servicesD’var Torah: Welcoming Customsfor ShabbatCSI DouglasDr. Sol Katz Memorial ShabbatSaturday, February 68:30 am-9:30 pm: Torah Study -Conflicting Visions of a Day of Rest:Comparing Shabbat Rationales in theTwo Versions of the Ten Commandments9:00 am: Services(babysitting 9:00am-Noon)Sermon: The Art of Moral Criticism (Part 1)12:45 pm-1:45 pm: After KiddushTeach-In - The Art of Moral Criticism(Part 2)CSI Douglas7:30 pm: Evening Eventin a Private HomeSunday, February 78:30 am-11:00 am:Men’s Club Worldwide WrapJerusalem: From David to DavidCSI DouglasNoon -1:30 pm: A LearningFest EventHome-Made Judaism: Quality Time atthe Weekly Shabbat TableAaron Family JCC

Monday, February 87:00 pm-7:30 pm: FederationCommunity Advisory CouncilCombining Tzedakah, Philanthropyand Charity8:00 pm-9:00 pm: CSI SISterhood EventThe Hardest Mitzvah in the Torah:Parenting One’s Parent - The Rabbis andTheir MothersCSI DouglasTuesday, February 97:00 pm-9:00 pmPassover <strong>5770</strong>: A Different NightTemple Emanu El8500 Hillcrest Road, Dallas 75225Wednesday, February 10Noon-1:30 pm: Brown Bag Dairy Lunch,Sponsored by the JCC Melton/HonuFrankel Lunch & Learn **Transformation of ShabbatAaron Family JCC6:00 pm-8:00 pm: A 100 Jewish MenDinner (by reservation)*Brotherly Rivalry and Birth Order in theBible and in Bruce Springsteen: Adamraised a CainCSI DouglasThursday, February 117:00 pm-9:30 pm: A 3 Stars CinemaEvent***James Dean Meets Cain: East of EdenCSI DouglasFriday, February 128:00 am-9:30 am:A Session for TherapistsSarai, Hagar and Abraham (Part 1 of 2)Medical City, 7777 Forest Lane, Dallas75230Bernard “Beanie” Siegel Scholar inResidence Weekend6:00 pm: Services7:15 pm: Dinner (by reservation)*Lecture: 8:00 am–9:00 pmReinventing Shabbat: From a Day ofForbidden Labors to a Day ofSacred PleasuresCSI DouglasSaturday, February 139:00 am: Services(babysitting 9:00 am-Noon)Sermon: A Talmudic Tale of Tzedakah andToasted Toes: Men’s vs. Women’s Giving12:45 pm-1:45 pm: After KiddushTeach-In - In Pursuit of Justice: The FirstRighteous Gentiles and The Power ofSisterhood to Oppose Pharaoh’s GenocideCSI Douglas7:30 pm: Evening Eventin a Private HomeThe Ketubah: Jewish Marriage as a Life ofOngoing NegotiationsSunday, February 149:30 am-10:30 pm: A Parent EducationProgramThree Great Revolutions in the Lighting ofShabbat CandlesCSI Douglas10:45 am-11:45 pmD’var Torah Writing (Part 2 of 2, byinvitation; contact Rabbi Gershon)CSI Douglas1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Shearith IsraelTeachers WorkshopProfiles in Biblical Family Conflicts: Cainand G-D Face OffMonday, February 152:00 pm-3:30 pm: CSI Staff LearningKriah and Nihum: A Time to Tear and aTime to Mend7:00 pm-8:00 pm101 Ideas for a Participatory Seder-Customizing Your Seder (Part 1 of 2)CSI DouglasTuesday, February 1610:00 am -11:00 pmMore than Four Questions: The JewishObsession with Asking Questions(Part 1 of 2)CSI Douglas7:00 pm-8:00 pm: Aaron Family JCCBoard In-ServiceThe Art of Moral Criticism: When to SpeakUp and When to Hold One’s PeaceWednesday, February 17Noon-4:00 pm: Rabbinic Day of LearningThe Dignity of the Needy: To Eachaccording to One’s Needs7:15 pm-8:00 pm: Levine AcademyTeacher In-ServiceThe Art, Psychology and Politics of theFour Daughters and Four SonsThursday, February 187:00 pm-9:00 pm: ConservativeSynagogues Joint Board RetreatJewish Leadership and Speaking Truthto PowerCSI DouglasFriday, February 198:00 am-9:30 pm: A Session for TherapistsSarai, Hagar, and Abraham (Part 2 of 2)Medical City, 7777 Forest Lane,Dallas 752306:30 pm: Erev Shabbat ServicesD’var Torah: Welcoming Customsfor ShabbatBeit AryehSaturday, February 209:00 am: Services(babysitting 9:00 am-Noon)Sermon: Shabbat Recipes ofHomemade JudaismBeit Aryeh7:30 pm-9:30 pm:Event in a Private HomeThe Ketubah: Jewish Marriage as a Life ofOngoing Negotiations5Sunday, February 2111:00 am-NoonA Night to Remember: A Haggadah ofContemporary VoicesLegacy Books7300 Dallas Parkway, Plano 750242:30 pm-3:30 pm:Jewish Youth Tzedakah FoundationTzedakah: Dilemmas of Dignityand Dependence7:00 pm-8:30 pm: Joint ConservativeSynagogues Teach-In(Veterans and Novices Welcome)Guide for the Perplexed Seder Leaderand ParticipantBeit AryehMonday, February 222:30 pm-4:00 pm: CSI Staff LearningKriah and Nihum: A Time to Tear and aTime to Mend7:00 pm-8:30 pm101 Ideas for a Customized Seder(Part 2 of 2)CSI DouglasTuesday, February 2310:00 am-11:00 amMore than Four Questions: The JewishObsession with Asking Questions(Part 2 of 2)CSI Douglas7:00 pm-8:30 pmSoul Singing: The Music and Politics ofJewish PrayerCSI DouglasRegistration for events marked withthe following will be by using the formfound in the upcoming brochure.* Shearith rsvp** JCC rsvp***3 Stars Cinema RSVPBernard “Beanie” SiegelScholar-in-Residence ProgramCo chairsJanet BaumMarilyn PailetSandra Veeder

congregation shearith israel celebrates purimAbout Purim:We celebrate Purim on the14th day of the HebrewMonth of Adar. (This yearPurim begins on the evening ofSaturday, February 27, and continueson Sunday, February 28.) We come tothe synagogue and listen carefully tothe reading of the Megillah. Each timethe Megillah reader mentions the nameof Haman, the evil villain in the Purimstory, we twirl our groggers, stamp our feet, and hissand boo! Purim is a time for masquerading, havingfun at carnivals and enjoying silly skits. Here atShearith Israel, we observe the mitzvah of MishloachManot – the practice of sending gifts to our fellowcongregants.The characters of the Purim story:Ahasverosh - The King of Shushan (Persia)-not oneof the wisest men. First, he was married to Vashti,then he married Queen Esther.Queen Vashti - King Ahasverosh’s first wife whorefused to come dance in front of Ahasverosh andhis guests. For that, she was asked to leave thekingdom.among friends and relatives,helping to achieve one of theprimary goals of Purim: tospread good cheer. The joyouscelebration of Purim has become“an occasion for sending gifts to oneanother” (Esther, 9:19). Among the giftsare hamantaschen and other ready-toeatfoods.Shabbat Zachor - On the Shabbatpreceding Purim, after the regular portionof the Torah is read, another section is read recallingthe attack of the Amalek tribe upon the Israeliteswhen they left Egypt. Meeting the Israelites just aftertheir liberation, smiting the stragglers, and takingadvantage of the Israelites weakness and weariness,Amalek symbolized the persecutor of the Jewsthroughout the ages. According to tradition, Hamanwas a descendent of Amalek.Ta’anit Esther - It is customary to fast on the daypreceding Purim to commemorate Esther’s fast beforeshe went to see the king with her special request.Mordechai - Esther’s uncle, who had a special role in thekingdom and learned of Haman’s evil plan to kill all theJews due, in part, to the fact that Mordechai would notbow down to Haman.Esther – The woman who became Queen of Shushan and,when learning about Haman’s evil plot to kill the Jews,risked her own life to go talk to the King to get him tochange his mind.Haman (Boo;hiss!) – Haman was close advisor to the kingwho got power hungry. When Mordechai refused to bowdown to him, he decided to get back at all the Jews, andindicated his desire to kill all the Jews on the 14th day ofAdar (which later became the Holiday of Purim).Zeresh – Haman’s wife.Purim Terms to Note:Megillah - A scroll on which the Purim story is written.While we read (or listen to) the story being read, we listencarefully for Haman’s name so we can make a lot of noiseand blot out his name.Grogger - (in Hebrew, Ra’ashan, from the Hebrew worldfor noise – ra’ash) – used to make lots of noise whenHaman’s name is mentioned during the Megillah reading.Hamantaschen - The three-cornered cookies thatsymbolically are like Haman’s hat. Traditionally,hamantaschen were filled with poppy seed, cherry, orprune filling -- but now they are even filled with chocolate,and cinnamon and sugar – yummmmmmm!Mishloach Manot - The practice of exchanging giftsBakingHamentashenfor PurimWe need your help to make thousands ofHamentashen for our big Purim celebration!Contact Michael Zimmermann at 214.351.2922 orMichael@mdzproperties.com if you can bake on anyof the following dates:Sunday, February 7, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pmTuesday, February 9, from 9:00 am until 1:00 pmWednesday, February 10, from 9:00 am until 1:00 pmThursday, February 11, from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pmSunday, February 14, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm6

Deep in theHeartof ShushanPurim celebrations will be held onSaturday Night, February 27, andSunday Morning, February 28You’ll have a darn tootin’ grand ole time at<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith IsraelSaturday Evenin’, February 277:30 pm Havdalah and Megillah, then.....Vashi’s Village Saloon for AdultsCartoon Marathon for the YounginsPlenty a’ Vittles for EveryoneBabysitting for the REAL Youngins (up to age 5)7:30 pm -10:00 pmSunday Mornin’, February 28We got 3 different Megillah readings.Pick the one that’s right for you!8:30 am: Morning Minyan followed by Breakfast10:15 am: The Traditional Megillah Reading10:15 am – Noon: Megillah reading for the real youngins(ages 0-5), then a private tour of the State Fair of Shushanand Petting Zoo10:30 am–11:30 am: The Family Interactive MegillahReading, featuring a Special Purim Presentation starring theChildren of the Weitzman Family Religious SchoolFind Happiness at<strong>Congregation</strong>Shearith Israel!Mishloach Manotthe practice of sending giftsThe tradition of Mishloach Manot is that of sendinggifts of food or drink on the Festival of Purim tofriends, relatives, neighbors, teachers, businessassociates and other acquaintances in orderto increase love and friendship in the Jewishcommunity. Find happiness by ordering yourMishloach Manot gifts from CSI this year!Many Options Available!Purim Patron: For one fee, we will include yourname on every Shearith Israel bag that is deliveredto our congregants, including clergy, staff andWeitzman Family Religious School teachers.Individual Bags: Order individual bags to besent to Shearith Israel members, clergy, staff andWeitzman Family Religious School teachers.Single or Multiple Bags: Purchase additionalbags to be picked up on delivery day or mailed byShearith Israel to non-members.And, of course we will have Reciprocity just incase you forget someone. By choosing Reciprocity,CSI automatically will send a bag on your behalf toany member who has sent you a bag.Full details available on the website atwww.shearith.org.Place your order online or pick up your order format the concierge desk at the CSI-Douglasnorth entrance.Volunteer!Want to have some fun? Volunteer to facilitate themitzvah of giving Mishloach Manot by assemblingand/or delivering bags and feel the warmth of yourcommunity. Singles, couples, parents with children,grandparents – all ages welcome!Register online at www.shearith.org orrhurrell@shearith.org.NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 511:30 am-1:00 pm: State Fair of Shushan and Petting Zoo(games, food, prizes and fun for the whole family)11:30 am-12:30 pm: Tween Hangout in the Genecov FamilyYouth Lounge (games and fun for grades 6-8)Noon -1:00 pm: Teen Hangout in the Pidgeon Theater; chillwith some video games and friends (grades 9-12)To volunteer, contact Michael Zimmermann at214.351.2922 or Michael@mdzproperties.comDon’t forget to join your CSI familyto celebrate Purim on Saturdayevening, February 27, and Sundaymorning, February 28, <strong>2010</strong>!7

<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israelfamily centerThe <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel Family Center offers activities ina warm and nurturing environment for people of all ages: infants,toddlers, preschoolers, elementary school children, parents, andgrandparents. Our educational classes and lectures, workshops,holiday events, support groups, and baby playtime bring ourFamily Center alive with the joy of activity and learning.The goals of the <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel Family Centerare to:· assist families in learning about Jewish tradition;· teach positive parenting skills that instill positive self-imageand good Jewish values;· help parents to understand the developmental needs oftheir children;· enhance the family’s Jewish life experience;· provide a comfortable environment for multigenerationalparticipation in synagogue life;· inspire a shared learning experience among families; and· provide an environment where lifelong bonds willbe created among families -- a community offamilies sharing the milestones of parenting together.Our programs, classes, and support services are designed tostrengthen the emotional bonds between parents and childrenand promote optimal child development. <strong>Congregation</strong> ShearithIsrael believes in young families and values them as vital to thecontinuation of not only our congregation but of the entire Jewishpeople.Esther Wolf is Director of the FamilyCenter and Lower School Principal ofthe Weitzman Family Religious School.For more information about ourprograms, please contact Esther at214.361.6606, extension 216 orewolf@shearith.org.Young Families’ Program CalendarJanuary-May, <strong>2010</strong>January 8January 20January 23January 27NITSE (Shabbat family service)Beit Aryeh - 6:00 pmStory time with Rabbi Menashe Barnes & NobleLincoln Park - 3:00 pmMr. Donavan - CSI-Douglas -10:15 amMeet Me at Starbucks, Preston and Forest - 9:45amJanuary 30- Tu B’Shevat Seder, Dinner and HavdalahBeit Aryeh - 5:00 pmFebruary 3Cry Baby MatineeCSI-Douglas - Pidgeon Family Theater - 10:00 amFebruary 20 Family Miniplex with Mr. DonavanBeit Aryeh - 10:00 amFebruary 23 Story Time with Rabbi Glickman, Barnes & NoblePreston and Park, Plano - 3:00 pmFebruary 27and 28March 12March 28April 1April 14April 15April 18April 23April 24May 2May 7May 11May 12May 26PurimNITSE (family service and dinner)Beit Aryeh - 6:00 pmPracham Model Seder and Family, Make and TakeCSI-Douglas - 11:00 amPessach Family Dinner CSI-Douglas- 5:45 pmStory time with Rabbi Menashe, Barnes & NobleLincoln Park - 3:00 pmCry Baby Matinee - CSI-DouglasPidgeon Family Theater - 10:00 amGrand Days with grandparents - 4:00 pmITSE- (Shabbat family service)CSI-Douglas - 6:00 pmMr. Donavan - CSI-Douglas - 10:15 amFamily Fun Day - Lag Ba’omer Carnival and PicnicCSI-Douglas - 4:00 pmITSE (family service and dinner)CSI-Douglas - 6:00 pmStory Time with Rabbi Glickman Barnes & NoblePreston and Park, Plano - 3:00 pmSharon Duke Estroff - CSI-Douglas - 7:00 pmBig Picture Parenting: The Simple Secret to RaisingHappy, Healthy, Menschlich Children in the21st Century”.Meet Me at Starbucks - Preston and Forest9:45 am8

The SISterhood of <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel, affiliated with theWomen’s League for Conservative Judaism, is open to all womencommitted to learning about and leading a Jewish life.Sisterhood Community Event<strong>2010</strong> Community Sisterhood BrunchSunday, January 1711:00 am - $18 per person - Vaad approved dairy brunchAdat Chaverim6300 Independence Parkway, PlanoGuest Speaker Ms. Barbara LandixExecutive Director, Vogel Alcovespeaking on History and Progress of the Vogel AlcoveBring a baby or children’s item to donate to Vogel Alcove<strong>5770</strong>/<strong>2010</strong> TORAH FUNDHonoring Annie GlickmanSisterhood is excited to be honoringAnnie Glickman for our annual TorahFund Event, which will be held onSunday, February 21, at 11:00 am.The theme for this year’s Torah FundPin is “Le’ovdah ul’shomrah.” InGenesis 2:15, when God completedcreation and placed humans inthe garden, the first commandwas “le’avdah ul’shamrah,” “to plant and preserve” theirbountiful home. We invite you to join in celebrating AnnieGlickman, a woman who embodies the essence of “le’avdahul’shamrah.”The minimum contribution for Torah Fund is $36 per family.The cost per person to attend the Champagne Brunch is$30 per person. Children between the ages of 6 and 12may attend at $5 per person. Children under 6 years of agemay attend free of charge.With your donation to Torah Fund, you will be supportingstudents of The Jewish Theological Seminary, The ZieglerSchool of Rabbinic Studies, and The Schechter Institute. Toparticipate in this year’s campaign, or for more information,please contact Miriam Waltzer at 214.780.0719 ormiriam@waltzerlaw.com.There are several donation levels available (tax deductible).Donations at $180 and above will receive the <strong>2010</strong> TorahFund Pin.$180 Benefactor$300 Guardian Pin$600 Associate Patron$1200 Torah Fund Patron$3600 Bookshelf, The Library$5000 Keter Kavod – Crown of Honor,14K pin$6000 Chancellor CouncilSISterhood Dates to RememberGeneral Board MeetingMonday, February 8, 7:00 pm,followed by a program with Noam Zion at 8:00 pmThe Hardest Mitzvah in the Torah: ParentingOne’s Parent - The Rabbis and their MothersOpen to all SISterhood members!CSI-Douglas – Topletz AuditoriumIsraeli Wine EventCSI-Douglas - Topletz AuditoriumWednesday, March 107:00 pmContact: Anita Friedman at 972.479.1580 (evenings)The guest speaker is Jim Veal, Director of Trade andInvestment Promotion, Government of Israel EconomicOffice, U.S. Southern Region. He will speak about theIsraeli wine industry. Following will be a wine tastingand light snacks. The wine tasting will be coordinatedby Janice Berman, SISterhood member and wineconsultant for Centennial.Cookbook Sip-n-SeeSunday, April 18Location: TBDKOSHER CHIC - LAST CALL!Calling all cooks!Last chance before we go to press!Sisterhood’s new cookbook,Kosher Chic, is nearing completion.Help us make it even better!We need your help testing recipes.Please contact Nancy Roffman972.380.5690 ornroffman99@yahoo.comPASSOVERCANDY SALE FUNDRAISERReligious School Parents Watch for your Miss ChocolatePassover Candy Order Form in January!Order some delicious Passover candy to help support theSISterhood and the many Religious School Programs!Orders can also be placed online by family and friends atwww.misschocolate.com by using the School Code# 703904.All orders due by Sunday, February 7.For more information contact Sheryl Pidgeon at sheryl@slpcompany.com or 214.476.8131.10

11th annualmah jongg tournamentSponsored by Shearith Israel SISterhoodFor more information and to register,contact Arlene Sandgartenat 972.248.2216 or arlene32@sbcglobal.netSunday, January 31, <strong>2010</strong>Topletz Auditorium<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel9401 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, Texas 752251:00pm RegistrationPlay begins promptly at 1:30pm(last round finishes at approximately 5:30pm)$40 entitles you to four rounds of play and refreshments.Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers.-----------------------------------------------------------------R E GISTRATION FORMName:_________________________________________Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________City/Zip:_______________________________________email: _________________________________________Phone Number (Home)____________________________(Cell)__________________________________________Please return this form by January 15, <strong>2010</strong>, along withyour $40 check payable to Shearith Israel SISterhood andmail to: Arlene Sandgarten, 6407 Hidden Cove Drive,Dallas, Texas 75248Your check is your reservation.January Special – 20% offAll Baby GiftsIncluding First Tooth/First Curl Boxes, Frames,Kiddush Cups, Feeding Sets and MezuzahsFebruary Special – 20% offAll Items for ShabbatIncluding Candlesticks, Kiddush Cups,Challah Boards, Knives and Covers, Wash Cups,Wine Fountains, and Shabbat Candles214.939.7343MIRIAM’S SEDERJoin us for Miriam’s Seder on Sunday, March 7, from 5:00 pm until8:00 pm at Anshai Torah. This is the third annual communitywidecelebration, hosted by <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel, BethTorah and Anshai Torah. Bring your daughters, mothers andfriends and celebrate Jewish women throughout history withsinging, dancing and great food. For more information, pleasecontact Cynthia Cohen at 214.769.9069 orcohen.cynthia@yahoo.com.Todah RabahTo Membership VP Laurie Steinberg and the rest of hercommittee on completing a very successful membershipdrive.To Lisa Schwarz, Harrian Stern, and Janet Hoppensteinon an amazing and very successful Major FundraisingEvent. Our Evening with Sandra Brown was truly “Thrilling!”SISterhood would also like to thank all the underwriters,sponsors and supporters of this special evening.To the Shearith Israel SISterhood board members thatparticipated in making sandwiches for the Sandwich Drive!Yasher Koach!To Susan Ehrlich, Lucille Friedman, Gail Mizrahi, and allof the volunteers who helped with a very successful DecemberTax-Free Sale at The Gallery.To Nancy Brickman, our Holiday Gifts Chair, and the restof the volunteers for coordinating and making latkes for ourreligious school students and for handing out the Chanukahtreats to our religious school students!SISterhood ShabbatPlease join us for our annual congregational servicefeaturing members of SISterhood on Friday, January 22,<strong>2010</strong> at the Beit Aryeh Family Service at 6:30 pm. Dinnerto follow (payable in advance)$20 per adult $10 per child (ages 2-12)Under 2 years old - FREERSVP by Friday, January 15.Your check is your dinner reservation.Please note we will be unable toaccept payments at the door.We encourage all SISterhood members to participate in theservice whether or not you can stay for dinner. There areEnglish and Hebrew parts available. To volunteer, contactSandy Kaman at 972.960.7321 or sandykaman@gmail.com OR Marcy Lefko at 972.713.9494 or marcylefko@gmail.comSISterhood Shabbat DinnerReservation FormPlease fill out and mail, along with your check payable toShearith Israel SISterhood, send to Sandy Kaman,16236 Shadybank Drive, Dallas, Texas 75248Name_________________________________________Phone ________________________________________email ____________________________________________Adults @$20 each ___Children (2-12) @ $10 each___Children under 2 years old -FREE$______________________TOTAL enclosed11

what’s happening at the shul and communityRecent birthdaycelebration atMamaloshen Morningfor 92 year oldAlex JonasMamaloshen MorningThursday, January 7, and Thursday, February 1110:30 am CSI-DouglasStart off <strong>2010</strong> right, by having fun! Come to kvell, come to kvetch,just come! If you need a ride, or to RSVP, please call Monala at214.939.7318 or mallen@shearith.org.Note: on January 7 we will be watching an entertainingmusic variety show in the Pidgeon Family Theater.Shearith is making anIMPACT!!!!Shearith Israel has a new ongoing initiative:IMPACT Poverty and Hunger (Involve MorePeople And Change Tomorrow). IMPACTis designed to increase awareness andeducate our members as to the populationthat is impoverished and hungry so thatwe can act on their behalf. The IMPACTcommittee was developed to enhancethe community wide JCRC Anti-PovertyCampaign in which Shearith participates. Please join us as wework locally and nationally to make a difference. As our namestates, the IMPACT committee is actively reaching out to INVOLVEall members of our congregation. Contact Shirley Davidoff at214.987.2515 or sdavidoff@civadallas.com to find out how YOUcan participate in this important work.The Mitzvah CommunityWe do so much yet can do so much more. To find out about our14 different subcommittees and how you can make a difference,contact our Mitzvah Community Chairs;Shirley Davidoff at 214.987.2515 or sdavidoff@civadallas.com orCarol Pinker at 972.387.9849 or omapinker@swbell.netThe Konig and Ungermanchildren help their momsEllen Ungerman and BethKonig with the sandwichmaking drop in session.Our Sandwich Drive - In ReviewOur recent sandwich drive was a huge hit with 1,800+sandwiches that fed over 400 people at the Austin StreetShelter. Yashir Koach to Marsha Lev who, with her husbandMichael, has run this semi-annual project for six years.Marsha has stepped down as chairperson of this importantinitiative, and we can’t thank her enough. To learn moreabout our Spring sandwich drive, please contact our MitzvahCommunity Chairs, Shirley Davidoff at 214.987.2515 orsdavidoff@civadallas.com, or Carol Pinker at 972.387.9849or omapinker@swbell.net.L’Dor V’Dor “Generation to Generation:Tools for Life’s Transitions”Consider YOUR future Sunday, May 16, <strong>2010</strong>, at an eventthat will address ways to navigate the second half of life.Hear advice from experts on topics such as legal/financialplanning, long-term care insurance, diagnosing dementia,finding good help, and choosing a retirement home. Inaddition to the speakers, vendors and local organizationswill be on hand to discuss products and services that easethe transition from generation to generation. If you areinterested in volunteering, contact Marc and Paula Wolensat 972.668.4455 or mailmarc@tx.rr.com.JCRC’s MLK Breakfastto Focus on PovertyMonday, January 18, <strong>2010</strong>8:00 am - 9:30 am<strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith IsraelThis year’s JCRC Breakfast in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. willfocus on Dr. King’s fight against poverty and the need to continuethat fight today. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Gerald Britt,Vice-President of Public Policy and Community Program Planningfor Central Dallas Ministries. NCJW will be accepting donations ofgently used clothing to benefit the Central Dallas Ministries ThriftStore.Please mark your calendar for this inspiring event and RSVP forthis free program to Marc Jacobson at mjacobson@jfgd.org or214.615.5261.12

lifelong learningopportunitiesShabbat Morning Torah StudySaturdays - 8:30am-9:30amSardas Beit Midrash - CSI-DouglasMen’s Torah StudyTuesday mornings 7:00am-8:00amCafé Carmel, 13410 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas 75240Dive into TalmudEvery Friday 7:45amSardas Beit Midrash - CSI-DouglasTuesdays with TanakhSecond and fourth Tuesday of every month 1:00pmSardas Beit Midrash - CSI-DouglasLatte N LearningThird Tuesday of each month10:00am -11:00am - Sardas Beit Midrash - CSI-DouglasRabbi Gershon Monthly Classes at The Legacy(6101 Ohio Drive, Plano, Texas 75024)3rd Thursday of each month - 3:00pmJoin Rabbi Gershon at The Legacy for thought-provoking classeson a myriad of topics. Enjoy the class, schmooze and havea snack.The Brauman LibraryHoursTuesday - 12:30 pm - 4:00 pmFriday - 9:00 am - 12:00 pmSunday - 9:00 am - 12:00 pmand by appointmentMark you calendars for the yearly Used Book SaleFebruary 7, <strong>2010</strong>100 jewish women and men100 Jewish Women100 Jewish Women is a group of women who are dedicatedto becoming better daughters, mothers, wives, leaders,and Jews. We have invited engaging speakers throughoutthe year - who will address some of the most importantissues facing women today. The environment is friendlyand welcoming, the topics exciting, and it is a chance toconnect with other women throughout our community.The buffet dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by thespeaker at 7:00 p.m.To learn more or to register, contact Joyce Wakefield at214.939.7342 or jwakefield@shearith.org.Rabbi Shawn Fields-Meyer - Wednesday, January 13“Texting, Technology and Torah: A Spiritual Discussion ofthe Digital Age”Kick-off Dinner generously sponsored by SISterhood.Lee M. Hendler - Wednesday, March 3“The Year Mom Got Religion: One Woman’s Journey intoJudaism That Began at Midlife and Continues”Rabbi Brad Artson - Wednesday, April 21Combined speaker for 100 Jewish Women and Men“What’s Love Got To Do With It? Creating EnduringRelationships”Sharon Duke Estroff - Wednesday, May 12“Big Picture Parenting: The Simple Secret to Raising Happy,Healthy, Menschlich Children in the 21st Century”This evening is co-sponsored by the CSI Family Center.100 Jewish Men100 Jewish Men is a group of men who are dedicated tobecoming better sons, fathers, husbands, leaders, andJews. We have invited engaging speakers throughoutthe year - who will address some of the most importantissues facing men today. The environment is friendly andwelcoming, the topics exciting, and it is a chance to connectwith other men throughout our community.The buffet dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by thespeaker at 7:00 p.m.To learn more or to register, contact Joyce Wakefield at214.939.7342 or jwakefield@shearith.org.Rabbi Shmuley Boteach - Tuesday, January 12“The Broken American Male and How to Fix Him”Kickoff Dinner generously sponsored by the Men’s ClubNoam Zion - Wednesday, February 10“Brotherly Rivalry and Birth Order in the Bible and in BruceSpringsteen: Adam raised a Cain”Dr. Joel Roffman - Wednesday, March 24“Coping with Adversity: Judaism’s Response to Illness andOther Life Struggles”Rabbi Brad Artson - Wednesday, April 21Combined speaker 100 Jewish Women and Men“What’s Love Got To Do With It? Creating EnduringRelationships”13The cost for either 100 Jewish Women or100 Jewish Men is $118 which includes allspeakers, refreshments, dinner and dessert.

lifecyclesMAZEL TOVNeil Cohen and Orly Shturman are happy to announcetheir engagement. Neil is the son of Sharon and RobertCohen and grandson of Joyce (and the late Arthur) Cohen ofBoca Raton, Florida and Mildred (and the late Nathan) Rosenof Dallas. Orly is the daughter of Fela and Leon Shturman ofLubbock, Texas and the granddaughter or Rosa (and the lateMarcos) Shturman and Rebeca (and the late Aron) Zychlinkiall of Mexico City. An October <strong>2010</strong> wedding is planned.Robert Epstein,appointed to the Executive Council at theUniversity of North Texas Military History CenterDr. Edward Goodman, recipient of the Humanitarian Awardby the B’nai Zion Foundation on November 8, 2009, and forbeing featured in the Jerusalem Post for his work in IsraelJim Hogue, honored by the Brotherhood of Temple Shalomwith a Toast ‘n Roast on December 6, 2009Harmon Schepps, recipient of the Community ServiceAward by the B’nai Zion Foundation on November 8, 2009Bea Weisbrod, recipient of the Myrtle Wreath Award atthe Dallas Chapter of Hadassah Gala on December 5, 2009Herbert Weitzman and Genie, z”l, recipient of the Flameof Honor Award by the Southwest Jewish Congress onDecember 3, 2009BIRTHSClaire Bari Bishop, born October 15, 2009; daughterof Rebecca and James Bishop; granddaughter of Michelle(and the late Barry) Litt, and Kay and Gerald Bishop; greatgranddaughterof Frieda and Morris Black; niece of Misty andJordan Litt, Gloria and Andrew Litt, Kristi and Richard Jordanand Julie and John Butler; cousin of Beatrice and Henry Litt,Benjamin Litt, Garrett and Rhegan Murphy and Alexis Butler.Benjamin Joseph Davidson, born September 15, 2009,son of Amy and Aron Davidson; brother of Jake Davidson;grandson of Lois and Dr. Malcolm Davidson and Ellen andJerry Samuels; nephew of Eric Samuels, Stephanie and BeauTaylor and Jenny Davidson.Jack Isaac Goldberg and Alex Samuel Goldberg, z”l,born September 25, 2009, sons of Wendy Pomerantz andRyan Goldberg; half-brothers of Dylan Goldberg; grandsonsof Maxine and Martin Pomerantz and Adrienne and LynGoldberg; great-grandsons of Helen Condon.Lexi Payton Hoppenstein, born October 29, 2009,daughter of Stacey and Russell Hoppenstein; sister of Sethand Lance Hoppenstein; granddaughter of Carole Ann andJay Hoppenstein and Rosemary and Earl Pachter; niece ofJanet and Jeff Hoppenstein, Allison and Craig Rosen and Dr.Laura Lacritz.Benjamin Tobias Krasner, born September 4, 2009, son ofRobin and Loren Krasner; grandson of Leslie and Larry Krasner,Arlene and Willard Plotkin and the late Carol Plotkin.Bess Ruth Krasner, born October 13, 2009, daughter ofGennye and Matthew Krasner; granddaughter of Leslie andLarry Krasner and Janie Feldman; great-granddaughter ofPhyllis Weinstein.ANNIVERSARIESJanuary Anniversaries - 25+ yearsLinda and Leonard BehrRosie and Robert BloomCelia and Jose EsquenaziKaren and Frank GottschalkVeronique and Hylton JonasJaneen and Marc KelminsonMimi and Mark KogutAndra and Craig LitmanElaine and Michael LowenkronLynn and Allan MinskyJackie and Aaron PrenglerBeverly and Jackson SalaskyAnn and Lawrence SchillerPila and Mark SiegelmanMarlene and Norbert SobekKaren and Martin SoslandShari and Eric SteinBarbara and Arnie StokolFannie and Joseph ViroslavMaryl and Myron WellerJanuary Anniversaries - 50+ yearsClaire and Murray AusteinJoyce and Selwin BelofskyFrances and Julius ColemanLena and Arkadiy GasinaPearlie and Julius LeshinAudree and Alan MeyerCecile and Al RosenzweigFebruary Anniversaries - 25+ yearsJenne and Marc BeckerJulee and Jerrold GrodinLillian and Howard HellmanKathryn and Selwyn HillSusan and Allen LutermanBarbara and C. Michael PactorFredell and Allan ShulkinElaine and Carl SolomonTerry and Lawrence TobinDevon and Jonathan WayneFebruary Anniversaries 50+ yearsIngeborg and Melvin BrooksSylvia and Marvin GreenbergJanet and Abe HershmanElaine and Sheldon KimmelmanFrances and Henry KirznerBarbara and Leon LampertAgnes and Alexander LienerMuriel and Ralph PinkusRita and Mitchell RasanskyMona and Stanley RubensteinReba and Harry Swiff14

in memoriam(from september 25, 2009 to November 9, 2009)Jacob Ayers, son of Tova Diamond and David Ayers; brotherof Amber Ayers; grandson of Dora and Joe Diamond.Andrew Lee Friedberg, grandson of Lita Marishak,brother of Liane Friedberg, nephew of Sherry (Rick) Simonand cousin of Cooper, Hannah and Avery Simon.Alex Samuel Goldberg, son of Wendy Pomerantz andRyan Goldberg; brother of Jack Goldberg; half-brother ofDillon Goldberg; grandson of Maxine and Martin Pomerantzand Adrienne and Lyn Goldberg; great-grandson of HelenCondon.Myrna Golman, mother of Siiri (Victor) Corby and Alece(Richard) Bleiler; grandmother of Arye and Skylar Corby,and Jared, Seth and Aiden Bleiler; sister of Lionel Goldsteinand Stuart Goldstein; sister-in-law of Cecile Rosenzweigand Al David.Hymie Gordon, father of Norman (Andrea) Gordon andPhyllis (Michael) Rapp; grandfather of Mark, Terry, Heather,Saul, Debbie and Jodie; great-grandfather of Sasha, Lollie,Kiera, Katie, Georgia, Gabrielle and Tyleigh.Arlyne Graff, mother of Herb (Bev) Graff, Daniel Graff andMartin Graff; grandmother of Sara Graff.Abe Harari, husband of Sylvia; father of Marty (Meryl)Harari; grandfather of Mark Harari, Stacey Harari and AlexHastings.Mark Harry Harrison, husband of Leah RombergHarrison; father of Elijah Jacob Harrison; son of ElizabethArnold; son-in-law of Terry and Bert Romberg; brother ofNeil (Debbie) Harrison, Robert (Sharon) Harrison, Jaclyn(Bruce) Morris, Harlyn (Morris) Joseph; brother-in-law ofPaul Romberg and Hannah and Scott Goldberg; nephew ofMagie Furst.Edwin C. Horne, husband of Martha Horne.Arnold Radoff, husband of Devora Radoff; father ofMichael (Sherri) Radoff, Perry (Trisha) Radoff and Stuart(Lynne) Lautin; grandfather of Jennifer, Robert and DanielRadoff, Barron Radoff, Ben and Dan Hoffman, Lindsey(Lynwood) Rhinhart and Jonathan Lautin.Esther Rose Raskin, mother of Jerrold A. Raskin;grandmother of Kelle Jo Raskin and great-grandmother ofAryanna Rose Raskin and Alexandria Lauren Raskin.Sharon K. Rosen, birth mother of Debbie Lacher and JodiMinsky-Gonzalez.Cynthia Gale Scholer, wife of David Scholer; motherof Allison Scholer; daughter of Meredith Miller; sister ofMelissa (Ron) Steiner, Roslyn (Mac) McCormick and Bradley(Professor Janet Berlo) Gale; aunt of Lillian and RachelSteiner.unveilingsJanuary 7, <strong>2010</strong> - 11:00 am - Morris Newberger - Sparkman HillcrestJanuary 17, <strong>2010</strong> - 10:00 am - Ida Miller - Dolphin CemeteryJanuary 17, <strong>2010</strong> - 10:15 am - Bob Aronson - Dolphin CemeteryJanuary 22, <strong>2010</strong> - 10:30 am - Dennis Levy - Dolphin CemeteryMarch 7, <strong>2010</strong> - 12:45 pm - Sidney David Pacter - Dolphin Cemetery15

contributions (from September 24, 2009 to November 16, 2009)Rabbi Gershon Discretionary FundIn Appreciation Of CSIZel KahnIn Appreciation Of Rabbi GershonHoward YallonHoward and Gayle RanenIn Honor of Ike BrownJon and Lillian Pinkus and Beverly andSid LandeIn Honor of Eric GreenJon and Lillian PinkusIn Honor of Zona PidgeonJon and Lillian PinkusSeymour and Barbara ThumIn Memory of Donna Sylvia SimmonsLillian DolgoffIn Memory of Dr. Elliott FolbeKaryn FolbeIn Memory of David GasparPat GasparIn Memory of Melvin OlschwangerDavid and Nikki OlschwangerIn Memory of Dr. Fred RosemoreAndrew and Evelyn Rosemore and familyIn Memory of Isaac GluckLenora RubinIn Memory of Pearl KlausnerIn Memory of Aaron KlausnerDavid, Debbie, Brad and Adam SchweigIn Memory of Dr. Sol KatzIn Memory of Dr. Ed GenecovIn Memory of Bess CohenDonald and Elaine StahlIn Memory of David GasparIn Memory of Roslyn LucksSeymour and Barbara ThumIn Memory of Illiya VinnikovMike and Yana TrosmanIn Memory of Andrew FriedbergIn Memory of Jacob AyersIn Memory of Max RichMagie FurstRabbi Glickman Discretionary FundIn Appreciation of Rabbi David GlickmanDeborah Mata and “Mimi” Blanca ScribnerIn Appreciation of Rabbi GlickmanJoel and Nancy RoffmanIn Appreciation of CSICarl and Debbie FrankleIn Appreciation of Rabbi GlickmanRuth GoldbergIn Honor of Rabbi GlickmanJoe and Bella KleinIn Memory of Daniel GlickmanPatrick and Karen CraineIn Memory of Hymie GordonIn Memory of Joan KingMarjorie and Eric DeutschIn Memory of Anna RosenblattPriscilla KorinIn Memory of William LevinCarol SutkerIn Memory of Henry HorowitzBill and Helen SutkerIn Memory of Celia SutkerRobert SutkerIn Memory of Albert LissMatthew and Phyllis JacobsSpeedy Recovery of Barry SchragerCarl and Elaine SolomonSpeedy Recovery of Diane LifshenBob and Carol SutkerRabbi Menashe Discretionary FundIn Appreciation of Rabbi MenasheLeonard and Linda ComessJoseph and Dora DiamondJames, Annette , Sydney and Brooklyn Flick,Judith MillerJoel and Nancy RoffmanRuth GoldbergIn Memory of Gus GappelbergMax and Frieda GlaubenIn Memory of Rachel ChesnickMichael and Ginger JacobsIn Memory of Sarah Todes GoodmanIn Memory of Bruce KleinmanAnn KahnIn Memory of Andrew FriedbergSamuel and Irene KoguttIn Memory of Rose Einhorn MeyerAlan and Audree MeyerIn Memory of Helen SelingerJerry and Barbara SelingerIn Memory of Sheryl BrodyIn Memory of Andrew FriedbergDavid and Susan SikoraIn Memory of Clara SweetArnold and Janice SweetIn Memory of Mr. Abe HarariTopletz Family MinyanIn Honor of Olivia YellenNatalie YellenIn Honor of Natalie YellenOlivia YellenIn Honor of Karen CraineIn Honor of Richard YellenSpeedy Recovery of Loretta YellenAnonymousCantor Zhrebker Discretionary FundIn Appreciation of Cantor ZhrebkerWarren ZahlerIn Honor of Cantor ZhrebkerBenton and Jill MiddlemanIn Memory of Leonid GershbergYuri and Genny LemeshevIn Memory of Ann JacobsonDr. Paul and Tricia MichaelsonIn Memory of Solomon MichaelsonIn Memory of Abraham MichaelsonIn Memory of Marion ZableIn Memory of Pearl Sarah MichaelsonDr. Paul and Tricia MichaelsonIn Memory of Charles A. WeissClara Weiss SilverIn Memory of Ben L. NebenzahlIn Memory of Margaret K. NebenzahlDonald and Elaine StahlIn Memory of Walter SussmanRobert and Joan Yudkin and familyIn Appreciation of Cantor ZhrebkerEugene and Ethel ZaleAbe Cohen Youth FundIn Memory of Arnold RadoffMarian MagilowIn Memory of Allan MagilowMarian MagilowAnnie and Sam RosenbloomMemorial FundIn Memory of Sylvia ZaleEugene and Ethel ZaleB. and R. Levy Adult Education FundSpeedy Recovery of Sala FleschlerSpeedy Recovery of Doris FreedSpeedy Recovery of Helen FeldmanBernard and Ruth LevyBecker/Zainfeld Cemetery FundIn Memory of Adolph KorngutFred KorngutBernard and Rose CerperEducation FundIn Memory of Al HarariMarc and Jenne BeckerBertha Moss Chevra Kadisha FundIn Memory of Ann Bernstein WeinbergJo-Sandra GreenbergIn Memory of Jack MossSylvia Lehman and familyIn Memory of Jacob AyerIn Memory of Andrew FriedbergJulius and Pearlie LeshinIn Memory of Louis LeshinJulius LeshinIn Memory of Morris PearlmanIn Memory of Gertrude PearlmanPearlie LeshinBess and Richard Nathan Flower FundIn Memory of Bernard SchaenenRichard and Susan GouldBuilding Fund DonationIn Honor of Beatrice and Nathan BatwinIn Memory of Leon WilenskyIn Memory of Eleanor FuldauerRenee CobbelIn Memory of Robert JaysonLouise JaysonIn Memory of Sadie Angrist SolomonDavid and Susan SolomonIn Memory of Inessa TrosmanMike and Yana TrosmanSpeedy Recovery of Sala FleschlerSpeedy Recovery of Veronique JonasSpeedy Recovery of Isaac GianRoland and Gail MizrahiCantor Sol and Madeline Sanders FundIn Memory of Bill JaysonDr. Hal and Janine JaysonCemetery FundFor the Yahrzeit of Mrs. Anne LittMichelle LittIn Memory of William BetcherElaine BetcherIn Memory of Rose KormanIn Memory of Harry and Estelle BlendFred and Susan BlendIn Memory of Jose and Donna SavariegoIn Memory of Ida EsquenaziNoemi EsquenaziIn Memory of Frank KuppinIn Memory of Max MichaelsonIn Memory of Miriam Turner BraumanIn Memory of Lana Fetter ThompsonIn Memory of Anna PaulyneJacobs TurnerIn Memory of Ely TurnerIn Memory of Annette Fetter BrownEvan and Rachel FetterIn Memory of Robert JaysonMelinda JaysonIn Memory of Manya KotovSimon KotovIn Memory of Nat J. LevineArnold and Wilma LevineIn Memory of Saule PerlsteinIn Memory of Anna LipkinDoris LipkinIn Memory of Sam KirschSarah MunvesIn Memory of Herman MyersIn Memory of Bodona MyersCharles MyersIn Memory of Freda ScheppsHarmon ScheppsIn Memory of Joe KessnerIn Memory of Sadie Angrist SolomonIn Memory of Shirley KessnerBarry and Teresa SolomonIn Memory of Marion ZableIn Memory of Molly LevickNorman and Vera ZableGeorge Roffman Library FundIn Honor of Larry and Leslie KrasnerJoel and Nancy RoffmanIn Memory of Bernice VejansBarbara FriedsonIn Memory of Abe HarariLarry and Leslie KrasnerIn Memory of Hymie GordonByron and Donna RubinGoetz Torah FundIn Appreciation of CSILarry and Elisa MillerIn Honor of Zona PidgeonLarry and Barbara BabowGolman Family FundIn Memory of Bill JaysonIn Memory of Jon David andJoe H. GolmanAnnette JaysonIn Memory of Bette Zweig RosinHarold and Ida Ann ZweigHymie and Jeanette Schwartz FundIn Memory of Hymie GordonIn Memory of Shirley Fonberg SingerIn Memory of Hymie SchwartzPeter and Tootsie FonbergIsaac Sobel FundIn Appreciation of Zella SobelHerschel and Margaret WilonskyJakob and Eileen ScheibIn Memory of Al HarariRoslyn BenderITSE Shabbat FundIn Memory of Leon HoffmanBess , Lori, Michael, Shannon andJacob HoffmanJ. B. Wolens Memorial Art FundIn Memory Of Dr. Hinda L. SigelMarvin M. and David SigelJosephine Levine FundIn Memory of Isidore ZesmerDavid Zesmer16

Katz-Levin Scholar in Residence FundIn Memory of Ed GenecovIn Memory of Jack FrohmanChuck and Sharon LevinIn Memory of Sol KatzFeldman Family FoundationKohn/Austein Teen Program FundIn Memory of Abe HarariMurray and Claire AusteinMichael and Bonnie GrossfeldLevi and Rebecca R. Topletz FundIn Memory of Sue Ann Gordon TopletzIn Memory of Kenneth L. TopletzBruce and Cristina Topletz and familyMarc and Paula Wolens Sr.Initiative FundIn Honor of CSI Golden Years ProgramJerome WolensIn Honor of CSIMarc and Paula WolensIn Memory of Arnold RadoffIn Memory of Hymie GordonRobert and Cynthia FeldmanMaurice and Sophie Genecov RS FundIn Memory of Dr. Edward GenecovDr. Steven and Janet Gadol and familyIn Memory of Ed GenecovLenny, Hope, Kane and Zachary HochsterGary and Debra Holzman and familyMarc and Angela KleinLewis and Marcy LefkoIn Memory of Edward GenecovNancy and Mark SollsSpeedy Recovery ofDeborah Hacker LeshefskySpeedy Recovery of Doris FreedSpeedy Recovery of Pam KurtzmanJeffrey and Lisa A. Genecov and familyMax and Laura SaffirSummer Camp FundFor the Yahrzeit of Sadie SolomonAndrea, Lauren, and Leslie BassMeyer and Edith Ungerman FundIn Memory of William BetcherJonathan and Cantor Marie BetcherMitzvah FundFor the Yahrzeit of Selma TaubenSandy and Mark KamanIn Appreciation of CSISandy and Mark KamanIn Honor of Brenda and Mike LevineJay and Diane LifshenIn Honor of Gail MizrahiTina and Mark DavidoffIn Honor of CSIMichael and Marsha LevIn Honor of Mel and Avril GreenbergIn Honor of Mr. andMrs. Erwin AbramsGary and Janet KanerIn Memory of Faye AgoosStewart and Marilyn AgoosIn Memory of Emanuel GianIn Memory of Nathan Tony GianJack GianIn Memory of Al HarariSandy and Mark KamanIn Memory of Hymie GordonSandy and Mark KamanMichael and Marsha LevIn Memory of Lottie SchillerJay and Diane LifshenIn Memory of Cindy SholerEdward Livingston and Eve GuthIn Memory of Gerald BrownEdward Livingston and Eve Guth and familyIn Memory of Andrew FriedbergSandy and Mark KamanOrnish Youth Choir FundIn Honor of Edwin and Natalie OrnishDave MoskowitzPeggy and Herb Marcus AdultEducation FundIn Memory of Jacob AyerSamuel and Irene KoguttPrayer Book FundIn Memory of Frohm (Frank) SchumanRoger and Donna AschIn Memory of Joe KessnerAndrea, Lauren and Leslie BassIn Memory of Robert JaysonKen and Sharon HermanIn Memory of Harry Morris KleinmanA.D. KleinmanIn Memory of Gertrude LevinNorman LevinIn Memory of Issie MichaelsonDr. Paul and Tricia MichaelsonIn Memory of Manek OkowitaMargot OkowitaIn Memory of Meyer andSarah Wainer BergerHarlan and Hank PollockIn Memory of Walter SussmanCary, Dora, Zev, Laura and andRrachel RudbergSylvia SussmanProgram DonationsIn Honor of Lee AllenWendy KahnR. Herskowitz USY MemorialScholarship FundIn Memory of Arnold RadoffFae Hoffman-Buckner, David Buckner andSylvia HoffmanMartin and Mimi CohenSandy and Mark KamanCary , Dora, Zev, Laura and Rachel RudbergBarry and Teresa SolomonIn Memory of Esther Rose RaskinBarry and Teresa SolomonReligious School DonationIn Appreciation of CSIAlan and Sheryl YonackIn Honor of Jack GoldbergDonald and Elaine StahlIn Memory of Rubye GoldsteinDr. Jonathan and Andrea BardIn Memory of Joe KirschnerHelen KirschnerIn Memory of Bernice VejansSusan and Moses LibitzkyIn Memory of Ella D. SmallJerome SmallIn Memory of Isadore M. SmallJerome and Elena SmallIn Memory of Alex GoldbergElaine and Don StahlIn Memory of Jules ColtonDennis and Iris TopletzSpeedy Recovery of Julee GrodinSpeedy Recovery of Deborah LeshefskyShlomo and Lucille FriedmanRichard L. Lax Library FundIn Memory of Edwin LaxIn Memory of Rebecca KarsevarRuth LaxS. J. Rubenstein FundIn Memory of Marvin RubensteinLee and Pat Cohen and familyIn Memory of Marvin D. RubensteinRita RubensteinIn Memory of Marvin RubensteinStanley and Mona RubensteinSadie and Phil Blatt FundIn Memory of Molly BlattSpeedy Recovery of Sala FleschlerKenneth BlattShabbat AnnouncementIn Memory of William KarpJeffrey and Anita BayerIn Memory of Louis DeckelboimGary and Rosalind DeckelboimIn Memory of Gertrude B. GerberToby and Diane Gerber and familyIn Memory of Harry Lionel KaplanThe family of Harry KaplanIn Memory of Helen KatzAlan, Karen, and Alex KatzIn Memory of Harry L. KaplanMr. and Mrs. Lester A. Levy, Sr.In Memory of Manek OkowitaIn Memory of Gus Gunther StearnGarry, Rachelle and Elena OkowitaSISterhood Conservative Jewish CampIn Honor of Gail MizrahiArlene SandgartenIn Memory of Philip GreenfieldShirley GreenfieldIn Memory of Alex Samuel GoldbergIn Memory of Arnold RadoffMichael and Marsha LevIn Memory of Pauline PomerantzMartin and Maxine PomerantzIn Memory of Jack MillerMartin and Maxine PomerantzIn Memory of Pearl WarnerLeon and Lee VeederIn Memory of Alex Samuel GoldbergBrenda and Meyer LevineSmall/Waldman/CohenMusic ProgramIn Honor of Steve and Jackie WaldmanGary, Wendy, Ethan and Connor TobiasIn Memory of Robert I. RogoffMelvin and Eve HoffmanIn Memory of Anna Falk HoffmanMelvin and Eve HoffmanIn Memory of Lena ForbesSara ShipperIn Memory of Nathan SmulowitzHelen SmallIn Memory of Sharon DavisGary, Wendy, Ethan and Connor TobiasSynagogue FundCSIAnonymousIn Appreciation of Leonard EpsteinCharles and Ety FriedmanIn Honor of CSIMichael and Robyn RudbergIn Honor of Harlan and Hank PollockBob and Betsy SwangoIn Honor of Sheldon KimmelmanSheldon and Elaine KimmelmanIn Honor of Frieda MednickLouise JaysonIn Honor of Zach PetsrilloToby LandauIn Honor of Stephanie HermanMimi and Ferd LevyIn Honor of Magie FurstEve KarlebachIn Honor of Hervey and Madge LevinHoward and Carol Gene Cohen and Jackieand Steve WaldmanIn Honor of Mitchell RasanskyDonald and Marilyn SchafferIn Honor of CSIEllen and Mark GrishmanIn Honor of Jeffrey GuyerRenee CobbelIn Honor of Zona PidgeonCharlotte SchumanIn Memory of Ed GenecovNita Mae and Sam TannebaumIn Memory of Arnold RadoffLeonard and Barbara BakerIn Memory of Mary DunnFred DunnIn Memory of Ida EsquenaziMoises EsquenaziIn Memory of Ralph DonoskyIn Memory of Ralph FalkLucille FalkIn Memory of Margaret RichAnita FriedmanIn Memory of Abe HarariMichael and Ann GallantIn Memory of Max GlazerFonda GlazerIn Memory of Rose Fineglass GlickmanLouis and LaRue GlazerIn Memory of Jacob SolomonIn Memory of Julius GolmanFrances GolmanIn Memory of Sarah Todes GoodmanHarold and Mary GoodmanIn Memory of Moses HarariAbe HarariIn Memory of Max, Charles,Rose (Kofman) and Bessie BarronBruce and Rima Harris and familyIn Memory of Arnold RadoffDavid and Lorraine HoppensteinIn Memory of Sarah Todes GoodmanDoris KatzIn Memory of Leo RosenfeldIn Memory of Edward KimmelmanSheldon and Elaine KimmelmanIn Memory of Lorraine H. KallenbergAnne LaRockIn Memory of Hymie GordonLewis and Marcy LefkoIn Memory of Barbara Kay Levy CalickDeborah, Hilma and Walter Levy, Julie andKen Robinowitz, Sharon and Jay LipinskyIn Memory of Bessie GrabstaldtSteven Mayans and Terry ReskIn Memory of Karless MeyersDavid and Marsha MeyersIn Memory Of Rebecca PrenglerHershel PrenglerIn Memory of Tziporah RasanskyMitchell and Rita RasanskyIn Memory of Sarah Grabstald BlackTerry Resk17

In Memory of Bella RivinBob and Shirlee RivinIn Memory of Dr. Ed GenecovHoward and Melanie RubinIn Memory of Hymie GordonCary , Dora, Zev, Laura and Rachel RudbergIn Memory of Abe HarariAvie SchonwaldIn Memory of Rose Seltzer KlepakSam SeltzerIn Memory of Al HarariDavid and Rhoda ShremIn Memory of Abe HarariIra SilvermanIn Memory of Gabriel SlotnickSusan and Barry SlotnickIn Memory of Shirley FrancesStoler KessnerDavid Solomon and familyIn Memory of Sender FleschlerDonald and Elaine StahlIn Memory of Al HarariHarry Starr and Marilyn UsvolkIn Memory of Ed GenecovBob and Betsy SwangoIn Memory of Abe HarariCarl and Joan ThomsonIn Memory of Ruth and Paul EngelbergEvelyn UtayIn Memory of Benzion VolinaRasya VolinaIn Memory of Arnold RadoffBob and Jean WeinfeldIn Memory of Dr Ed GenecovDeborah and Jeffrey WeinsteinIn Memory of Manley TesslerAla Danziger and Rose AnnIn Memory of Hymie GordonAlex JonasSpeedy Recovery of Sala FleschlerCary, Dora , Zev, Laura and Rachel RudbergTillie Harmel Camp Ramah/CSI SeniorIn Memory of Yetta BaierMelvin and Tanya MeyersIn Memory of Harry GrabstaldTerry ReskIn Memory of Hannah Manson HarrisHarold and Ida Ann ZweigWilliam and Sarah Soltes FundIn Memory of Abe HarariGregory JacobsAaron Husman- Pentagon LodgeYoung Families ProgrammingIn Memory of Abe HarariJeffrey and Janet BeckIn Memory of Hymie GordonJeffrey and Janet BeckIn Memory of Sam E. HoffmanBess, Lori, Michael, Shannon andJacob HoffmanIn Memory of Joseph ObranckBelle SealsYouth Fund AdministrativeIn Memory of Arnold RadoffBill and Jane KanoffTopletz Building FundIn Memory of Kenneth TopletzJack and Harold TopletzIn Memory of Abe HarariHarold TopletzMake A Commitment to Attend Minyan!Every day someone in our community is in mourning. Every day someone in our community isobserving the yahrzeit of a loved one or friend.Every day we offer two services for those inmourning or observing yahrzeit to be part of a minyan and say kaddish. Every day we have twoopportunities to be a part of a community minyah in the Fonberg Family Chapel. Shacharit servicesare held at 7:00 am Monday through Friday and 8:30 am on Sunday; Mincha/Ma’ariv services areheld at 6:00 pm every day of the week. Join us for a light breakfrast after minyan on Tuesdays.Please make a commitment to participate on a regular basis – weekly or monthly. Share in this vitalpart of our community.11th AnnualCampaign for Excellence2009 - <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>5770</strong>Over the past 10 years, the Annual Campaign for Excellence has become a majorfunding source for <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel. As a result of our past successes, thesynagogue has been able to improve basic services, add wonderful new staff members,and help expand programming significantly.The Annual Campaign follows the Jewish Federation model of “annual” and “plus” giving– which means that the synagogue relies on this area of funding from year to year toboth underwrite and expand our vital programming and financial aid to our congregants.The 10th Annual Campaign for Excellence (2008-2009) raised over $406,000 - despitethe current economic times. Over 500 congregant families supported this past year’sAnnual Campaign.Your Officers and Board of Directors want to express our deep appreciation - from thebottom of our hearts - for your continued support and love of our congregation.18

<strong>january</strong>1-Jan-10/Tevet 15, <strong>5770</strong>Kurt BenjaminDavid BornsteinPinkos JungermanCharolette KanerEsther Utay LenetLillian SalkChana SchnitzlerYehuda SchnitzlerAlbert SchwartzLee SennetHarry SigelNat T. WaltersSary Zimmerman2-Jan-10/Tevet 16, <strong>5770</strong>Joe BalowsSylvia P. EisenbergDorothy FineSarah Bornfeld FriedmanAlvin Dean KaplanFrances Rose Fox KleinAbraham Jacob (A.J.) KleinmanJoe LautinSol “Sonny” LermanRita SimonIsaac SolimaniLouis StrausWilliam Leon SummersRebecca Weinberg3-Jan-10/Tevet 17, <strong>5770</strong>Rose FreemanPearl HotchkissEsther Krockover JacobsIda Wolf KleinmanBessie KronickJacob LevinHannah RoseAbe RosenbaumNan RosenthalNorman SacksBernard ShipperGerald SteinbergAlbert Sweet4-Jan-10/Tevet 18, <strong>5770</strong>Taube CohenSolomon CohnHenry FruchthandlerGay Geller GolmanSally HausnerSandra MigicovskyAbe M. PollockLouis SiegelPauline WitteDora Zimmerman5-Jan-10/Tevet 19, <strong>5770</strong>Harry BaierRoy BernsteinBenjamin HarrisIrma IsensteinMindell M. KarentnickEva RiessJeannette ShermanIrwin ShwiffMisha Moshe SigelBeverly SmithNorman SonkinLouis SupkoffCharlotte Rebecca YonackEdna Lipshy Zale6-Jan-10/Tevet 20, <strong>5770</strong>Rose BallasLeon O. BrennerRose EisensteinAlbert H. KasperArthur LoweyMurray Schwartz7-Jan-10/Tevet 21, <strong>5770</strong>Benjamin BrucknerAnnie GardsbaneHymie GoottGussie KaplanElsie MalitzRobert J. NewmanMax OstrowDavid D. PidgeonElihu Hirsh Sablosky8-Jan-10/Tevet 22, <strong>5770</strong>Philip CameronRenee GianHenry MehlmanChana MozesonIda Spector9-Jan-10/Tevet 23, <strong>5770</strong>Annie ClarkAubrey DavisIda Rose DeutschAlexander GoldsteinHarry GoldsteinBernarr JonischJaney JulianHenrietta KabatMelissa KuhrEva LevineCarl MunterMorris RabinowitzDaniel RubinDavid ShteyvortzelInessa TrosmanSusan Weiss10-Jan-10/Tevet 24, <strong>5770</strong>Julius BetcherSamuel BinstockMorris CohenMattathias GaronzikEdward Esau HarmelTommy HornerIsadore JacobsSol LevinHerman LewinBennett SalaskyDavid ScheppsPhilip SheinbergTemmie Klempner ShugarmanLouis Jay SiegelTimmie SugarmanMarcia TeicherSam TobolowskyEdith Angrist Ungerman11-Jan-10/Tevet 25, <strong>5770</strong>Sam AbramsonSarah H BrennerAbraham GutowDavid MizrahiSue NiermanRae SacherMeg Shapiro12-Jan-10/Tevet 26, <strong>5770</strong>Bassya BenjaminDavid D. DavisBirdye EngelsonIsadore FleischerMiriam T. FramCelia FraumanMyron HauserNathan LeveneAbe L. Weinstein13-Jan-10/Tevet 27, <strong>5770</strong>Hyman BlattMax GolmanBenjamin F. HarrisAdelle Berman JosephsonAnn KamenIsidore Jack MilleryahrzeitsBen NedowSarah A. SoltesJames Russell StithAbraham StitskyHyman Utay14-Jan-10/Tevet 28, <strong>5770</strong>Goldie Kaplan FineMorris GellerMildred GoldsmithMiriam GoldsmithMilton L. GoodmanLeonard KamanMaxwell Tylor KennedyElsa LampertLouis MyersGertrude Ungerman PozezJoseph RubackIrving I. RubinSidney Skibell15-Jan-10/Tevet 29, <strong>5770</strong>Shirly Lieberman ArbetterLillian BayerSam BlendPearl FairWalter FurstMorris LevJoe LevyMuriel Suzanne (Bonnett) MaxFloyd NadelHannah Lois Garonzik OkonHarry Bernard RomickLeibel RudolphMiriam RuttenbergMachla SteinHilda TudorSam WaldmanSusan Weiss16-Jan-10/Shevat 1, <strong>5770</strong>Anita H. BidermanJacob M. FensonRose GoldsobelDora GoldsteinMyron HauserJack LubowitzEliyahu RasanskyBeverly L. (Jacobs) RothIdelle RubinLouis RubinMyrtle SigelShirlye Maurine Sherrard Wald17-Jan-10/Shevat 2, <strong>5770</strong>Bertha ChildsEdward ‘Teddy’ CohenHenry Raphael GoldErnest HerzfeldElsie Rebecca MillerEugene MuchinLouis PragerEva RubinRaymond ScheppsFlo SchwartzClara SeltzerMinnie ShwartsArthur SteinbergAnna Wiman18-Jan-10/Shevat 3, <strong>5770</strong>George GalersteinRoberta GreenbergTillie LandsbergMillie LynnStanley MirskyWilburt B. RasanskyHarry SiegelGertrude (Tru SobelSadie Kessler WaldmanLois Weiner1919-Jan-10/Shevat 4, <strong>5770</strong>Sam AbramsArthur CizonHarold HainebachGeraldine A. HeiligAlex KenterLeslie LevitonHerb MarcusJay Walter SilberlichtSarah Mendel SusmanCharles Sylvan Wolf20-Jan-10/Shevat 5, <strong>5770</strong>Herman AbramsDorothy W. BlockMira FeldmanDorothy GoldbergJoe GoldsteinCharles HofferEdward MorenoffAlbert NedowAbe Isadore RayEve RubinJudy UngermanRoxanne VictorsonRuth S. WaldmanEva Wexman21-Jan-10/Shevat 6, <strong>5770</strong>Max AbramsIda Cohen BranerBernard S. CohenNorman FryshJerome FusskeRachel GrossJulius ItzkowitzSarah R. KaplanRose Shapiro KatzeffElaine KretchmerCarol Brooks PodellSam RisemanJack SchwartzMarcus SeltzerEsther Summers22-Jan-10/Shevat 7, <strong>5770</strong>Aaron Leonard BlockLeon BreitbarthRebecca ColemanBenjamin FinzEsther Tobolowsky GolmanOlga Gordon-GordinBetty NedowAnnie RosenbloomMeyer SagalowskySarah StahlMargaret Steinberger23-Jan-10/Shevat 8, <strong>5770</strong>Ric ChanonYeffa CooperSophia Ansel GenecovMorris Isaac NovitMargot PulitzerBoaz RashapCyril SpiroLouis Zack24-Jan-10/Shevat 9, <strong>5770</strong>Hattie F. BerenBarbara Goldfine BernsteinSasha BilerJoe FellmanIsaac FrancoJulius GelfandHarry MuchnickWilliam H. SheridanCelia ShillerEdythe F. WaxmanHenry Zapruder25-Jan-10/Shevat 10, <strong>5770</strong>Geoffrey CollAbraham EsquenaziPeggy MarcusBess MiddlemanMax MyersDavid Samuel RothFannie RubackJaime SapoznikovBertha SchrottGizella SchwartzRose ShapiroJoseph ZelaznyMischa Zelazny26-Jan-10/Shevat 11, <strong>5770</strong>Mildred C. BrightPaul GardsbaneSam IsensteinMaury KagenCalvin LipkinMorris MarimowSol PrenglerLinda J. RosenFrank B. RubinJulius ScolnicJimmy Wisch27-Jan-10/Shevat 12, <strong>5770</strong>Milton M. EllishAlvin GoodsteinEarl H. HarrisAlex Z. HirschbergMarilyn KuhrHerman NitishinBarbara SandsStacey Lowell ScheppsJeannette ShermanBeth Weinberger28-Jan-10/Shevat 13, <strong>5770</strong>Lillian BanksRosalyn BrownHiney Burk, Jr.Joy GinsbergMiriam HammerMarvin Jerome HarrisEric Roy KaplanIrving LevittNathan RubinBenjamin Schweig29-Jan-10/Shevat 14, <strong>5770</strong>Herman AltmanNorman CohenDorothy FinkinMorty GaswirthCharles GidinskyBella GoldbergSarah HillTybe KisselMollie Shodnisky MirskySylvan E. RayJulius ScheppsEli SmileyPhyllis Stuart30-Jan-10/Shevat 15, <strong>5770</strong>Freda Beck AngristHarris BookatzReuben DonoskyLotte Ruth GundelfingerJ.Manuel HoppensteinDavid LebowitzElizabeth MurayIsadore RobinowitzFredric RosinoffFrances Sobel

31-Jan-10/Shevat 16, <strong>5770</strong>Jennie Ida AngristRose (Rizel) ArgovitzLillian BernardAbraham CizonStanley CohenJohanna FinkelsteinHarvey GouldDean Burton MilkesRebecca OkonMorris RobbinsMae SchneiderDorothy L. Siegel<strong>february</strong>1-Feb-10/Shevat 17, <strong>5770</strong>Essie ElsnerGersh A. GasinSolomon HerzfeldRalph JacobsenGayle KuhrReuben Isaac Wolfson2-Feb-10/Shevat 18, <strong>5770</strong>Seymour J. BraumanSam ChesnickIda Sarah FriedmanLucy GottlobSara Esther HoffmanRaymond G. KahnLawrence F. Kern Jr.Ruth J. LeaderStanley MalitzRebecca Goren RudbergBrenda Yudin SchoenbrunGayle Sharpe3-Feb-10/Shevat 19, <strong>5770</strong>Joe BanksJoseph BaumGladys DiamondLeo EisenbergRobert FuerstPaula GreenblattDena G. MichaelsonGertrude S. Weil4-Feb-10/Shevat 20, <strong>5770</strong>Harry FinsteinTheodore GarberW. R. HatterIsadore S. KahnPhil William LevineAbraham Louie LichtensteinIsrael PerlsteinKatie RosenPhyllis SadowskyHarry UngermanRachael Zweig5-Feb-10/Shevat 21, <strong>5770</strong>Herman FriedmanBernard GraffJoseph GrossWilliam LederPaul M. LewisAdeline SecoreRose SpivakNathan WaldmanNathan Wunsch6-Feb-10/Shevat 22, <strong>5770</strong>Alex EisenbergHarry FleshinRachel GelfandDavid HafterArchie HoppensteinLouis JaffeBila LevineLarry L. LoebBella ManelisArnold RosemanPaul RubinThomas SankaryEdward VictorsonLeo Weinstein7-Feb-10/Shevat 23, <strong>5770</strong>Edmund FefferSada Kathryn Pullen GarbAnna HamburgerSonia HubermanSophie KenterJosephine LevineGoldie SaffranSarah M. SuttonHarry TurnerAsya VaynmanAbraham Wiman8-Feb-10/Shevat 24, <strong>5770</strong>Paulina AnnapolskiBernard FreedWilliam FusskeStuart GerberLouis IsaacsFamily KirznerGeorge MirskyAnna OlchowskaMaurice PolakoffAnnette SheftRuby C. SolomonKatie Seltzer SomerBruce Weinberg9-Feb-10/Shevat 25, <strong>5770</strong>Blime FrankelDavid GlikmanRaye HalpernChaya KnopfEtta A KravetteRay LandauMorris LewisIsrael K. LewiusRose PetroneDavid PickoffElias RaiferFannie RubinEvelyn Shanker10-Feb-10/Shevat 26, <strong>5770</strong>Louis BarzuneSylvia BeckermanJudith BurkeReba FogelLeonard KirznerMathilda ParkerJack RossIrving Silverberg11-Feb-10/Shevat 27, <strong>5770</strong>Pearl Rosenberg BackmanEvelyn ColtonJoe FayermanIda ForbesGeorge Elliot RoffmanAnita SennetGoldie D. ShapiroWilliam SusmanLillian Trattner12-Feb-10/Shevat 28, <strong>5770</strong>Toby AronsonCarl M. BerenTheodore BrooksRuth CharlesworthMyra GreenbergWilliam KleinmanSam MarksGeorge MurayMartin Hyman RutchikDaisy Wolens SilverbergMildred WilonskyBernard Wolf13-Feb-10/Shevat 29, <strong>5770</strong>Bella Bernstein BloomSylvia HonigHyman KofflerArie MagramNicolas MandelLillian S. NitishinRobert PragerRaphael SardasMorris SchafferMauricio SchonfeldAlberta Jean SummersMeyer Traub14-Feb-10/Shevat 30, <strong>5770</strong>Sarah G. BonnettEli CobbelManfred FryshLillian Libby GoldmanSarah GreenbergAlbert Jacob LevinsonRegina PasselEric A. SamuelsonPaula Waldman SchollElaine SchragerBeryl Sloan15-Feb-10/Adar 1, <strong>5770</strong>Gloria BeckerAllen BogartRose GallinEsther Goldie GoldinMarsha KagenMorris LittMax MarkSol C. MeltzerGertrude OlschwangerJacob PasternakHarold SalleyEli Weiss16-Feb-10/Adar 2, <strong>5770</strong>Roza AvramHenry BenjaminSam BrennerSam DavisKaroline JosephSara KrugerBeatrice LacherBernard PasselDavid ReismanEva S. RosenstockEsther Blumeh SabloskyHerman Waldman17-Feb-10/Adar 3, <strong>5770</strong>Sylva AaronYosef AmadoAdola Hojnacki BrownMollie Belle HalpernVivian Ruth KriegerMintze LernerEsther LiebermanSol RomeRuth RossDora Thalheimer18-Feb-10/Adar 4, <strong>5770</strong>Roy P. AaronRuth Rubin AckermanMollie ChernoffJack ChinskiChaie Goldie DonoskySylvia DonskyArnold FefferAlexander Gordon-GordinAnnie HimelfarbSadie HorowitzNathan JacobsonSidney MyersLeon PasselRegina PrawSylvia PrenglarBeckie RachnowitzBeckie RossJoseph SussmanBertha Smith TobiasBoruch Vaintrub19-Feb-10/Adar 5, <strong>5770</strong>Warren BakalAlfred William BraumanFrank FifeDonna FilosofMaxwell Mickey”” MillerChaim SandersIda Novey SchwartzDavid Ben ShalomAbe Waldman2020-Feb-10/Adar 6, <strong>5770</strong>Milton ArbetterE. Max BerenAnnie CobbelSarah GoldbergSadie GrossAbraham HorowitzHelen KirschFannie Levy LoebLillian Aronoff PollakLena SchklarchikHarry SiegelIris SpiraNettie SteinerAnnie W. StoneEster VaintrubEdna WolfsonMorris B. Zale21-Feb-10/Adar 7, <strong>5770</strong>Fannie Roth CohenFrieda GindiAnna GolmanRose A. HeftCary J. HirschbergHarry KatzLawrence LewisBettie NevelowMinnie PavorneEva Aronson RosenthalJennie ScheppsFortunee SorianoRose WeinrebAnna Golman WeinsteinSally Weltman22-Feb-10/Adar 8, <strong>5770</strong>Philip BrownGoldie ChetzronCecil FlaxRobert GoldmanArchie GoodmanHarry LandsbergGregorio LernerRichard H. NathanMorris PragerDora RomotskyMorris F. RosenbergMarvin SutkerAnnie Kupferberg TurnerSam Weiner23-Feb-10/Adar 9, <strong>5770</strong>Louis M. BloomAnna Rae FriedmanMargie GouldFlorence GreenhutCharlotte K. LehrIda MakarovskyHerbert Ellis PollockElaine ReismanMarcus RosenbergJack Louis StuartRobert Marvin TaubmanJulius A. Zuckerman24-Feb-10/Adar 10, <strong>5770</strong>Bennie AbramsonSeymour (Sy) Robert AlhadefWilliam AngristFannie EllishLaib FreudenreichLea GordonPauline Rosenfeld JacobsBertha MossShimon NaroditzkyTheodore PritskerRose S. SchafferShirley ShapiroDavid Sikora25-Feb-10/Adar 11, <strong>5770</strong>Eleanor BrachmanMax CharneyClaire Shwiff Rosenberg FellmanThelma Reiss GersonHelen GluckSayde GoodsteinFreda GordonElla Beren HerschRose Hanenburg HoffmanJennie JacobsonAlbert KannerWela LewiusSheba LitvinFaiga MagramHarriet M. MichaelsonElayne M OlschwangerMyer Alexander RabinowitzSadie RisemanEli ScheppsSam Loeb SikoraYankel TopchyckAllen S. WohlnerWilliam Ziegler26-Feb-10/Adar 12, <strong>5770</strong>Herbert BrennerSimon M. BrotkinWilliam DaichesMandel FisherMorris Martin GeifmanSara HamlinGussie KaplanBenjamin B. LevinJoseph LevineRose MandlekerAbe MeyerLouis MeyersIsadore NelsonHarry SiegelDavid StaffinRebecca Goldman TopletzJack TycherAnn Wiesenfeld27-Feb-10/Adar 13, <strong>5770</strong>Dora BreznerMike CohenHilda Lois CorenblethBrian DavisJack FingerSimon GoodmanLena IsenbergAnnie KatzEdith Cobbel LevySol SandersDorothy WeinerSaul I. WeinrebNettie WeiserAndy Nathan Witebsky28-Feb-10/Adar 14, <strong>5770</strong>Isadore Louis BarshatkyHarry BerenHarry BlendRose CohenAnna L. EatensonMerle EllmanPearl L. GellerIsaac I. GrossLouis HimelfarbSamuel LevyJake MichaelsonDaniel MillerEva Margot NovisFrances R. OlsanIsaac W. RashapReba RoseLena RosenbergGeorge RubinJay SilbermanMaria ViroslavNathan Yonack______________________PLEASE NOTE:William Karp wasinadvertently omittedfrom the Yahrzeit listingfor November 25-8 Kislev.William is the father ofMrs. Anita Bayer.

(USPS 492220)Published bimonthly. Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes toThe Shofar, <strong>Congregation</strong> Shearith Israel, 9401 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, Texas 752259401 Douglas AvenueDallas, Texas 75225Phone: 214.361.6606Fax: 214.361.7524Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

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