2012 Annual Report - International Rescue Committee

2012 Annual Report - International Rescue Committee

2012 Annual Report - International Rescue Committee


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In <strong>2012</strong> the IRC was at work in over40 countries and 22 U.S. cities fromSouth Sudan to the South Bronx<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

On the Cover: Women froman IRC organized farmersgroup in South Sudan’sEastern Equatoria stateweed their peanut garden.This page: Refugees fromaround the world tendvegetables at the IRC’sNew Roots garden inthe South Bronx.

CAWAIDUTAZUnitedStates ofAmericaTXKSGAVANJMDNEW YORKWASHINGTON, D.C.Where wework aroundthe worldMexicoFLHaitiColombiaEcuadorThe <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Committee</strong> responds to theworld’s worst humanitariancrises and helps people tosurvive and rebuild their lives.At work in over 40 countriesand 22 U.S. cities to restoresafety, dignity and hope, theIRC leads the way from harmto home.The IRC’s RatingsThe American Institute of Philanthropy gives the IRC an A+.Charity Navigator awarded the IRC its highest rating.BBB Wise Giving Alliance notes the IRC meets all 20 standards.Forbes magazine chose the IRC as one of five all-star charitiesin its <strong>2012</strong> list of America’s 100 largest charities.The IRC’s Efficiency3%5%FundraisingManagement and GeneralProgram Services92%IRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

LONDONGENEVABRUSSELSHungaryNorthernCaucasusKyrgyzstanMauritaniaSenegalSierra LeoneLiberiaIvory CoastBurkina FasoDemocraticRepublicof CongoAngolaLebanonIraqPalestinianTerritoriesLibya JordanMali Niger Chad SouthSudanCentralAfricanRepublicUgandaZimbabweYemenEthiopiaSomaliaKenyaNAIROBIRwandaBurundiTanzaniaAfghanistanPakistanIndiaSri LankaMyanmarThailandBANGKOKMalaysiaJapanOfficesIRC ProgramsSurge Protection ProjectThe IRC manages the Surge ProtectionProject,which helps the United Nations protectrefugees during a crisis. Surge Protection Projectstaff members are deployed in these countries.In <strong>2012</strong>, our doctors, nursesand community healthworkers provided 14 millionpeople with primary andreproductive health careWe counseled and cared forover 22,000 survivors ofsexual violence and educatedand mobilized over 982,000men, women and childrento lead prevention effortsin their communities

2A Message from the Co-Chairsof the IRC Board and OverseersSarah O’HaganCo-Chair, Board of DirectorsThomas SchickCo-Chair, Board of DirectorsGlenda BurkhartCo-Chair, OverseersDear Supporters,We are pleased to present you with the annualreport of the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> for<strong>2012</strong>, a year in which the IRC continued to savelives and provide refugees the world over with hopeand the promise of a brighter future. In all, the IRCundertook operations in more than 40 countriesand conducted programs for resettled refugees in22 U.S. cities. As the statistics highlighted in thisreport indicate, the IRC’s work has had a direct andsubstantial impact on the lives of millions of people.For example, the IRC provided health care servicesto 14 million people, supported schools or childfriendly spaces attended by nearly 600,000students, and trained over 15,000 educators. IRCeconomic development programs created nearly800 village savings and loan associations in ninecountries, benefiting over 18,000 people and theircommunities. An IRC agricultural support programtreated or vaccinated nearly 500,000 head oflivestock. In the U.S., the IRC helped resettle some7,600 refugees and provided services to over24,500 refugees, victims of human trafficking, andpeople granted asylum.The IRC’s strong performance last year and overthe last decade reflects well on the outstandingleadership of the organization’s president, GeorgeRupp. Now that George has decided to step downthis coming summer—as he notes in own letterin this report—we want to take this opportunity tothank him for his dedicated service.During George’s tenure, the IRC’s already wellregardedability to respond to emergencies hasimproved significantly. At the same time, the IRC’sprofessionalism has grown, with our operationsbuttressed by highly knowledgeable, experiencedteams in key program areas, including publichealth, women’s protection and empowerment,the education and protection of children, rightsand governance at the community level, advocacy,and the measurement and evaluation of our work.Efforts have also been focused on obtainingfinancial resources and building organizationalinfrastructure, even as the IRC continues to spendat least 90 cents of every dollar on programs.As a result, the IRC today is more efficient, moreeffective, and in a better position to save lives thanever before.George has given the Board of Directors morethan a year to carry out an unhurried search for hissuccessor. That effort is moving ahead smoothly.In the meantime, George continues to lead theIRC team with vigor and energy. We and our Boardand Overseer colleagues have very much enjoyedworking closely with him, and we are savoring ourfinal months with him as president.Thank you very much for your support.Sarah O’HaganCo-Chair, Board of DirectorsThomas SchickCo-Chair, Board of DirectorsGlenda BurkhartCo-Chair, OverseersScott PelleyCo-Chair OverseersScott PelleyCo-Chair OverseersIRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

3Letter from the PresidentDear Friends,This <strong>2012</strong> annual report is a testament to thecrucial role that our donors play in the lifesaving,life-changing work of the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Committee</strong>. Thanks to your generosity, the IRChas been able to respond swiftly and robustlyto the year’s major humanitarian crises—forexample, those involving refugees fleeing from thedevastation in Syria, the people of Mali uprootedby drought and civil war, and the residents ofeastern Congo, where fighting among armedfactions continues.Throughout the IRC’s 80-year history, donors haveplayed a critical role in our work, and perhaps nevermore so than in the last decade. With your help,we have kept pace with an array of humanitarianchallenges caused by the conflicts in Iraq, Sudan,and Ivory Coast, and by the natural disasters thatwreaked havoc in Pakistan, Japan, Myanmar, theHorn of Africa, and Indonesia.Your support has ensured that we can continue ourwork in Afghanistan, Myanmar, South Sudan, andZimbabwe. You also help us to carry out a rangeof innovative programs that protect and empowerwomen and that spare young children from deadlybut easily preventable diseases. In the UnitedStates, you enable us to assist newly resettledrefugees and help them become productivemembers of their new communities.On a personal note, I would like to expressmy appreciation for the warm encouragement andstrong backing given to me by our donors.Last May I notified our Board of Directors andOverseers—as well as my staff colleagues—thatI would step down in the summer of 2013. It haslong been my belief that sustaining the momentumof an institution requires ongoing renewal of energyand ideas and, therefore, at appropriate intervals,a new leader.As president, I have benefited from the strongfoundation laid over the years by my predecessorsand by our donors, staff, Board and Overseers.I am pleased to say that we have added substantiallyto that legacy during the last 10 years. We haveenhanced the professionalism of both our frontlinestaff and the teams that back them behind thescenes as we carry out our relief and developmentmission. We have expanded our family of individualdonors (who are truly the lifeblood of the IRC) andaugmented the resources they provide by winningsignificantly increased funding from a variety ofnew institutional and government donors. Wehave maintained and enhanced our reputation foreffectiveness and financial efficiency. As a result ofall these efforts, our budget has tripled, enabling usto rise to the increasing need for our services.I am grateful for the support you have given tothe IRC and to me, and I hope you will be equallysupportive of my successor.Sincerely,George RuppGeorge RuppFrom Infants to AdolescentsWe vaccinated over292,000 childrenagainst diseaseIRC-supported clinicsand hospitals helped151,000 womendeliver healthy babies

4The IRC in <strong>2012</strong>:Providing Relief and Recovery,from Syria’s Borders to the SahelIRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

5Whether responding to war and natural disaster or working toalleviate long-running humanitarian crises, the <strong>International</strong><strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> is on the ground every day restoring safety,dignity and hope to millions of people who are struggling toendure. In <strong>2012</strong> the IRC delivered lifesaving aid in over 40countries and 22 U.S. cities.The IRC leads the way from harm to home. Drought in Mali:[Above] Political turmoil has exacerbated a food crisis brought on by asevere drought that has afflicted much of the Sahel region of West Africa.Children are especially vulnerable. The IRC is treating malnourishedchildren at 35 health clinics in southern Mali, including this one in Kati.Our aid workers, including a traveling theater group, are visiting ruralvillages where they help families recognize signs of malnutrition in children.Crisis in Syria: [Left] Since the uprising in Syria began in 2011, tensof thousands of people have been killed and over two million peoplehave been displaced, including more than 500,000 refugees. The IRC isdoing its part to support Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq,providing emergency supplies, health care, access to legal aid, andservices for women and girls who have been victims of sexual violence.We are also working with Syrian partners who provide emergencyservices in Syria. Here, refugee children eat breakfast in theJordanian border town of Ramtha.

6Stability for the displaced in Pakistan:[Above] More than 5,200 children attend IRC-runschools at the Jalozai displaced persons campin Pakistan’s northwestern tribal area. Somehalf a million people have passed through thecamp since Pakistani troops were deployed torout militants in the region in January <strong>2012</strong>. Theschools provide a stable environment that helpsthe children recover from trauma. Teachers aretrained to involve students in learning and toincrease their self-awareness and confidence.The IRC has worked in Pakistan for over 30years, providing health care, education, jobtraining and other essential services to peopleaffected by conflict and natural disaster.Support for women and girls: [Above] Protection of women and girlsand support for their rights are a cornerstone of IRC programs. In <strong>2012</strong>,the IRC released a report that shined a powerful light on the treatment ofwomen in West Africa, describing the incidence of domestic violence inIvory Coast, Liberia and Sierra Leone as acute and pervasive and urginggovernments and international institutions to recognize domestic violenceas a public crisis. In Liberia, the report led to the introduction of legislationto curb domestic violence and it prompted public meetings and discussionthroughout the region.New Roots in America: [Right] When refugeesarrive in the United States, they leave everythingfamiliar behind. For many, that means losing tiesto the land and a tradition of growing their ownfood. In <strong>2012</strong>, the IRC launched New Roots, anationwide program that helps refugees establishcommunity gardens, farmers markets, foodpantries and farm-based businesses. The IRCprovides participants with training, tools, seedsand connections to potential buyers. From Idahoto New York, New Roots enables refugees tore-establish ties to the land, celebrate theirheritage and nourish themselves and theiradopted communities with healthy, fresh food.IRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

8Rebuilding South Sudan: [Above] In the world’s newest nation, theIRC is delivering vital aid to people struggling to escape conflict andrebuild their communities. We launched support services and opened awomen’s wellness center at the Yida camp for refugees fleeing conflictacross the border in Sudan. More than 400 babies have been deliveredin the center since it opened in April <strong>2012</strong>. Meanwhile, decades ofwar have left South Sudan without a functioning health system ortrained personnel. Over 75 percent of the population has no access toeven basic medical care. In response, the IRC is supporting 30 healthfacilities, like this one in Aweil.Dignity for refugees in Thailand: [Right] Ban Mai Nai Soi is one ofnine camps in northwestern Thailand where the IRC aids some 140,000Burmese refugees, providing drinking water, food, health care, sanitation,legal aid, protection for children and abused women, and resettlementprocessing. The state-of-the-art medical clinic at the Ban Mai Nai Soicamp has been has been providing quality care for nearly 20 years.Actress Sarah Wayne Callies, a longtime IRC supporter, visited the campin <strong>2012</strong>. Callies is also a member of IRC Voices, a group of talentedartists who bring attention to the plight of refugees.IRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

9Advocating for displaced refugees andpeople: [Left] In <strong>2012</strong> the IRC successfullyfocused the attention of global policymakers on the needs of refugees anddisplaced people. We advocated for Syrianrefugee women and girls and led the effortto improve the response to victims of sexualviolence. In Afghanistan, the IRC releaseda major report on the future of developmentfunding in that country after the withdrawalof NATO forces. We continued to advocatefor solutions to the plight of Iraq’s internallydisplaced people and for resettlement inthe U.S. of Iraqi refugees who can’t returnhome. And in the U.S., we worked toreform the refugee resettlement system andto ensure that refugee admissions would notfalter despite stricter security procedures.

10From Individuals to CommunitiesWe created 789 villagesavings and loan associationsin nine countries that benefitedover 18,000 membersOur SupportersThe <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>expresses gratitude to our supporters,who help us restore dignity and hopeto those whose lives are profoundlychanged by war, violent conflict,oppression and natural disaster. Thecommitment of individuals, foundations,corporations, volunteers, governments,nongovernmental organizations andmultilateral agencies enables the IRC torespond swiftly in emergencies and helpcommunities to recover.On the following pages, we salute thegenerous donors who supported the IRCduring the past fiscal year, which beganOct. 1, 2011, and ended Sept. 30, <strong>2012</strong>.IRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Lifetime GivingtThe IRC is grateful to its manysupporters whose compassion andgenerosity over the decades havehelped us lead families around theglobe from harm to home.$50 million +Stichting Vluchteling(Netherlands Refugee Foundation)$40 million +NoVo Foundation$20 million +Anonymous (1)The Starr Foundation$10 million +Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationVanguard Charitable Endowment Program$7.5 million +Anonymous (1)The Grove FoundationTides FoundationJudy and Josh WestonJohn C. Whitehead$5 million +Anonymous (1)American Red CrossWilliam K. Bowes, Jr. FoundationFidelity Investments Charitable Gift FundJohnson & JohnsonThe Andrew W. Mellon FoundationOpen SquareThe Peierls Foundation, Inc.Tamara G. and Michael D. RootThe Peter Jay Sharp Foundation/Cynthiaand Dan Lufkin$2.5 million +Anonymous (3)Cliff S. and Laurel E. AsnessJane and Alan Batkincharity: waterColumbia University<strong>Committee</strong> Encouraging CorporatePhilanthropyTheodore J. ForstmannGlobal ImpactGoldman SachsFrederick IsemanRuth and David LevineNewman’s Own FoundationOpen Society FoundationsThe David & Lucile Packard FoundationThe Partridge Foundation, a John andPolly Guth Charitable FundPfizerRobert T. Rolfs FoundationCathy RootThe Schwab Fund for Charitable GivingThe Speyer Family Foundation/KatherineFarley and Jerry I. SpeyerTed and Vada StanleyStarr <strong>International</strong> FoundationYoung Green Foundation$1 million +Anonymous (9)Estate of Dorothy AbbeACE Charitable FoundationA.G. FoundationSimin and Herb AllisonLaurent and Johanna Alpert, in memoryof Paul and Sophie AlpertAmerican ExpressAmerican <strong>International</strong> Group, Inc.American Jewish Joint Distribution<strong>Committee</strong>American Jewish World ServiceAlice and Bill BarnettDr. Georgette F. Bennett and Dr. LeonardS. PolonskyVera BlinkenCalifornia Community FoundationThe Capital Group CompaniesCharitable FoundationThe Carson Family Charitable TrustCharina Endowment FundCommunity Foundation of Silicon ValleyThe Leon and Toby Cooperman FoundationEstate of Richard CorvinCrown Family PhilanthropiesDr. Kathryn W. DavisEstate of Harry Fagan, Jr.Marie and Joseph FieldEstate of Juanita Friedrichs &Estate of Arthur FriedrichsJohn B. GaguineGeneral ElectricHorace W. Goldsmith FoundationThe Hauser FoundationHumanity UnitedJewish Communal FundJPMorgan Chase & Co.Mary B. Ketcham (§)Estate of Cynthia LearyThe LeBrun FoundationThe John D. & Catherine T. MacArthurFoundationVincent and Anne MaiPaul McCartneyWill McClatchyThe New York Community TrustStavros S. Niarchos FoundationIn Memory of Andrew E. NormanSarah and Peter O’HaganOtto Family FoundationPearson FoundationPepsiCo FoundationThe Pew Charitable TrustsThe Pincus Family FundThe Prudential FoundationElizabeth Rasmussen (§)Nancy and George RuppRuth and Julian SchroederEstate of Ann SmeltzerEstate of Estelle SmuckerEstate of Lieselotte and Friedrich SolmsenMichael W. and Carol A. TaylorNancy B. Taylor (§)The Robert and Margaret Thomas FoundationTime WarnerUnbound PhilanthropyMaureen White and Steven RattnerThe Winston Foundation, Inc.IRC’s GenerousDonorsWe are grateful for all the individualdonors, corporations and foundationsthat have provided essential supportfor the IRC’s lifesaving programs andspecial projects around the globe.These donors demonstrate theircommitment to humanitarian relief whilehelping to rebuild the lives of refugeesand displaced people.Gifts given Oct. 1, 2011 - Sept. 30, <strong>2012</strong>$1 Million +Anonymous (1)American Red Crosscharity: waterThe Grove FoundationEstate of Cynthia LearyNoVo FoundationOpen Square Charitable Gift FundThe Schwab Fund for Charitable GivingStarr <strong>International</strong> FoundationVanguard Charitable Endowment Program$500,000 +Anonymous (2)Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift FundJohnson & JohnsonRuth and David LevineRichard and Ronay MenschelThe Peierls Foundation, Inc.The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation/Cynthiaand Dan Lufkin$250,000 +Anonymous (1)ACE Charitable FoundationCliff S. and Laurel E. AsnessWilliam K. Bowes, Jr. FoundationDr. Kathryn W. DavisJohn B. GaguineBill & Melinda Gates FoundationGoldman SachsGoldman Sachs Gives Charitable FundAnne and Randall GreeneA grant of the Institute for SocioeconomicStudies in memory of LeonardM. GreeneNewman’s Own FoundationThe Partridge Foundation, a John and PollyGuth Charitable FundPearson FoundationUnbound PhilanthropyUnited Way of San Diego CountyWarner Bros. Entertainment Inc.Judy and Josh WestonJonathan Young (§)$100,000 +Anonymous (2)American ExpressAmerican Jewish World ServiceAmerican Pakistan FoundationMr. and Mrs. Irving Auerbach (§)Dr. Georgette F. Bennett and Dr. LeonardS. PolonskyAndrew H. BrimmerThe Carson Family Charitable TrustCommunity Foundation of New JerseyCrown Family PhilanthropiesDrs. Andrew G. Dean and Consuelo M.Beck-SaguéDrago FamilyMarie and Joseph FieldGE FoundationGlobal ImpactHorace W. Goldsmith FoundationJayne Hansen (§)Frederick IsemanBernice H. Jacobsen (§)The Jewish Community Foundationof MetroWestJPMorgan Chase FoundationLeaves of Grass FundVincent and Anne MaiMasterCard <strong>International</strong>The McMurtry Family FoundationNetwork for GoodNokia CorporationNorthern Trust Bank of FloridaSarah and Peter O’HaganOtto Family FoundationRobert W. Pittman and Veronique ChoaThomas J. PowellJeffrey A. and Debra J. ResnickKathleen and Omar SaeedGillian M. Shepherd andEduardo G. MestreBarbara Bartlett SloanThe Speyer Family Foundation/KatherineFarley and Jerry I. SpeyerTed and Vada StanleyThe Starr FoundationThe Robert and Margaret ThomasFoundationVitol Charitable FoundationMaureen White and Steven RattnerCatherine and Tracy Wolstencroft11Top: IRC staff member AllayeTembely addresses a crowd onthe outskirts of Bamako, Mali. Themessage: take your children to thehealth center, where screening formalnutrition and treatment is free.Above: Naw Pho Chit, a residentof the Tham Hin refugee camp inThailand, puts up a mosquito netgiven to her by the IRC as part ofa campaign to prevent malaria andother mosquito-borne diseases.We treatedor vaccinatedover 477,000head oflivestock(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.

12Middle school students in northernPakistan clean their hands at awash station rebuilt by the IRCafter the record floods of 2010.From Studentsto TeachersWe providedschooling orchild friendlyspaces for589,000girls and boys,and trainedover 15,000educatorsIRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>$50,000 +Anonymous (5)A.G. FoundationJonathan & Kathleen Altman FoundationVictor and Christine Anthony FamilyFoundationJane and Alan BatkinBloombergJudith and Frederick BuechnerCharles ButtCongregation Emanu-El of the City ofNew YorkDisney Interactive WorldsGeorge & Dolores Dore EcclesFoundationDina DublonSuzanne W. and Alan J. DworskyFederal Home Loan Bank of San FranciscoDavid I. and Victoria L. FoleyRobert FriedeGoldman Sachs Philanthropic FundGooglePaul GravesEvan G. GreenbergThe Marc Haas FoundationRalph and Louise HaberfeldHarris myCFO FoundationMarlene Hess and James D. ZirinHopper-Dean Family FundJewish Communal FundRobert Wood Johnson FoundationJames M. and Sue Ellen KelsoJerome Levy FoundationThe John D. & Catherine T. MacArthurFoundationManos UnidasMargaret K. McElderry (§)The Merancas Foundation, Inc.Mitchell and Rebecca MorganNational Bank of ArizonaThe New York Community TrustNina Mason Pulliam Charitable TrustPepsiCo FoundationPfizerNancy Catherine Phillips (§)Pittman Family FoundationPrice Family Charitable FundThe Prudential FoundationLucy Pugh and Michael KelloggMaurice M. Rapport (§)Renaissance Charitable FoundationNancy and George RuppSan Francisco FoundationSarlo Foundation of the JewishCommunity Endowment FundThomas SchickRuth and Julian SchroederStanley S. ShumanEdith Jayne Smith (§)Estate of Jeannette F. SmithStanislaus CountyStavros Niarchos FoundationTudor Investment CorporationUnited Way of Larimer County, Inc.Miriam and Ira D. Wallach FoundationThe Wasily Family FoundationThe Harry and Jeanette WeinbergFoundationNina and Michael S. WhitmanYoung Green FoundationThe William Zimmerman Foundation$25,000 +Anonymous (6)Nancy and Andrew AdelsonAetna Foundation, Inc.Simin and Herb AllisonLaurent and Johanna Alpert, in memoryof Paul and Sophie AlpertThe Associated: Jewish CommunityFederation of BaltimoreBenjamin AuspitzEstate of C. Edwin BakerBlythe and Frank BaldwinHilary Ballon and Orin KramerBank of America, N.A.Alice and Bill BarnettSheri E. Berman and Gideon RoseLeslie and George BiddleMary and David BoiesBristol-Myers Squibb Co.Charles CahnAlice Cheng and Robert W. LittletonArne and Debra ChristensonCitigroupCommunity Foundation of Silicon ValleyThe Leon and Toby CoopermanFoundationEleanor B. CrookDelaware NorthDr. Scholl FoundationSusan and Thomas DunnJodie and John EastmanEule Charitable FoundationConcepcion and Irwin FedermanFJC – A Foundation ofPhilanthropic FundsColleen A. FosterIna and Jeffrey GartenRobert K. Gerloff (§)Sarah and Seth GlickenhausPeter GoulandrisPeter and Carol GreenfieldPaul S. GroganPhilip and Alicia HammarskjoldHess CorporationWillis S. and Cindy HesselrothJ&AR FoundationJunior League of San FranciscoKaiser PermanenteMelvin KarmazinIrfan Kathwari FoundationMarybeth Koeze (§)Alex and Leander KruegerJennifer Lake and Donald FrancisDonovanLeibowitz & Greenway Family FoundationLocal Initiatives Support CorporationSan DiegoMacht Fund of THE ASSOCIATEDMildred Roy McElligottCarmen McReynoldsMetropolitan Area Advisory <strong>Committee</strong>1993 Irrevocable Trust of Bette D.Moorman, recommended by Mrs. AlbertJ. MoormanJames MossmanJane F. and William J. NapierCharitable TrustNBCUniversalOpen Society FoundationsScott and Jane PelleyMarc PlonskierAndrew J. RobertsonArthur and Toni Rembe RockThe Honorable and Mrs. Felix G. RohatynBruce E. and Lori L. RosenblumThe San Diego FoundationJonathan A. Schaffzin and Melissa E.BenzulyThe Seattle FoundationMary Shaw and Robert MarksMurray G. and Beatrice H. ShermanCharitable TrustHiroko and James T. SherwinThe Shifting FoundationMarilyn and Jim SimonsGordon A. SmithSony Corporation of AmericaCyrus W. and Joanne SpurlinoH. Peter Stern/ Ralph E. OgdenFoundation, IncSally SusmanRichard TeeThreads 4 ThoughtTides FoundationFrancis H. and Jean TrainerChristine E. and David P. TrappThe U.S. Charitable Gift TrustUnion Bank of California(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.United Way of Salt LakeDiana Walsh and Kent WalkerJohn C. WhiteheadY & H Soda FoundationPaula and Fareed Zakaria Foundation$10,000 +Anonymous (25)Walter E. Adams, Jr. (§)G. AgronNasser Ahmad and Romita ShettyAda and Javed AhmedMunira and Mumtaz AhmedZahid AhmedThe Ajram Family FoundationHelen S. Akst (§)Alchemy FoundationLeslie L. AlexanderAltman Charitable Lead TrustGeorge Alvarez-CorreaAndersen Corporate FoundationArizona Foundation for WomenMrs. Richard D. ArmoldRuth Arnhold Endowment FundMyrtle L. Atkinson FoundationMichael AzhadiSteven N. and Beth BangertGlenn N. Barker (§)Baskin Family FoundationThe Howard Bayne FundMark BearmanChristoph BeckerBob and Peggy BeckhamSir David and Lady BellJulie and Allen BenelloBergen FoundationPeter J. and Nancy K. BickelSusan and Elliot BlackThe Blackstone GroupTom BlairVera BlinkenRichard BoasClaudia M. BonnistAnn Brayfield and Joseph EmersonCathy BrillThe Eli and Edythe Broad FoundationTheodore and Audrey BrownGlenda and John BurkhartSusan Burnett (§)The California EndowmentCalifornia Community FoundationJohn Y. Campbell and Susanna PeytonMartha L. CampbellRachel CantorMargaret A. Cargill FoundationCandace M. Carroll and Len SimonJohn CarrollCatholic Charities of Santa ClaraAnne C. ChambersCharitybuzzTina Chen and Marvin JosephsonCogan Family FoundationMary Louise CohenRuth M. CollinsCourtney B. CombeCommunity Foundation of WesternMassachusettsJean-Pierre ConteKathy and Joseph CottrellCarl Crider and Carol ClauseJocelyn and Richard CunninghamDancing Tides FoundationFlorence A. Davis and Anthony C. GoochEdwin W. and Catherine M. DavisFoundationJohn de NeufvilleJames Degel and Jeanne BerwickThe Delta Dental of Arizona FoundationRuth DicklerJudy and Jamie DimonJordan and Megan DorfmanWilliam A. Douglass IIIEast Bay Community FoundationDavid F. and Frances A. EberhartThomas Ehlers

13The Elman Family FoundationEquality Alliance of San Diego CountyJudith FeinerEvelyn R. FergusonFirst Tennessee FoundationBetty and Davis Fitzgerald FoundationMrs. Helen H. FordFoundation SourceMaria-Cecilia and Gregory FreundChristoper GalvinRebecca Gaples and Simon HarrisonDonetta GeorgeDino Germani Charitable FundDeirdre M. Giblin and David B. DuBardCory and Kristin GilchristDr. Jackie Gnepp and Mr. Joshua KlaymanEmily GoldblattGratis FoundationMaurice R. GreenbergRobert and Cassandra GreeneEric GrosseWalter and Elise Haas FundPeter R. and Helen HajeColleen Dunn Hall and Stephen HallJanet M. HarrisJane Hartley and Ralph SchlossteinHCD FoundationRichard HendinCheryl Henson and Ed FinnSkip and Meg HermanMarjorie Y. HiuraDeirdre and Christopher HockettErle HolmThe Human FundIBMInterContinental Hotels GroupWilliam L. Jacob, IIICarl Jacobs FoundationReuben JefferyJewish Community Endowment FundThe Jewish Community Federationof ClevelandChris and Leslie JohnsonJourney FoundationJustGiveRoland N. KarlenEric KeatleyKelen Family FoundationMargaret H. and James E. KelleyFoundation, Inc.Gregory T. Kimball and Wendy N. HauensteinSteven Klinsky and Maureen SherryKoppel Family Charitable FoundationDr. Barbara KravitzJules and Lynn KrollMr. and Mrs. John KurnikYong and Raymond KwokGeorge LandeggerLas PatronasBenjamin LeeLaurel and Lew LeibowitzHarold F. and Marguerite LenfestDavid W. LocascioColtrane and Christopher LordNathan LucashStephen J. LyntonJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationJohn Makinson CBEScott MalkinHenry Mannix IIIElizabeth MarcoMarin Community FoundationHelena and Roman Martinez IVDaniel and Susan MarusLoris M. MastertonKelly MateoJanet McClintock and John F. ImleJoy and Bill McGinnisThe McGraw-Hill CompaniesDorothy McPhersonThe Melkus Family FoundationThe Melrose FundMicrosoft CorporationThe Daniel & Sharon MilikowskyFamily FoundationWalter MillerMarianne and Steven MillsJami MiscikBetty and Gordon MooreMorgan StanleyMichael Moritz and Harriet HeymanDonald R. MullenNordstrom, Inc.Ashish and Anjali T. PantChang K. ParkParker FoundationDon ParkerSylvia ParkerParsons & Whittemore, Inc.Susan and Alan PatricofKeith J. Patti and Susan J. HaasPeter G. Peterson and Joan Ganz CooneyDavid L. PhillipsSteven PhillipsThe Pincus Family FoundationMichael L. Pitt and Peggy G. PittWilliam A. and M. J. PorterGeneral Colin L. PowellLorna PowerMayari and Robert PritzkerLaura PuryearQuadrangle Group LLCBrian RatnerEric Reeves / Sudan Aid FundPamela R. Rendeiro (§)Faye and Jere M. RichardsonRichter FarmsRichard O. and Heidi RiegerThe Rivendell FoundationEdward & Ellen Roche Relief FoundationElizabeth Rodgers (§)Sheldon RoseSaralee Rosen and Gary BlumsohnHarriet RosenbloomEdgar RosenthalBonnie Rouse (§)Catherine W. RushRobert and Martha SachsThe Saint Paul FoundationEmilie Hall Sandin and Thomas R. SandinThomas W. SchroederGeorge ShultzGil ShivaMelanie Shorin and Greg FeldmanElinor and Joel SinerKathryn SmithCharles Spear Charitable TrustCharline SpektorMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. StainmanThe Starbucks Foundation for LearningSusan B. StearnsEugene P. and Marilyn L. SteinFrances StevensonAndrew and Theresa StrainEileen K. Strang (§)Josh and Beth StruzzieryMichael B. StubbsCarolyn SurgentThe T. Rowe Price Fund for CharitableGivingSzilvia Szmuk-Tanenbaum in memory ofCharles TanenbaumS. Mark Taper FoundationIngrid D. Tauber and Frank TaforoJacob TeitelbaumTLB Associated Development CompaniesGeorgia G. TraversArnold M. and Joan D. TravisTwig FoundationThe Two Commandments FoundationLiv Ullmann and Donald SaundersUnited Way of Metropolitan AtlantaUS Bankvan Löben Sels/RembeRock FoundationLockhart Vaughan FoundationBetsy and Paul Von KusterThe Gertude and William C WardlawFund, Inc.Western Union FoundationMaurice Earl WhiteWholesome Wave FoundationEdward J. and Barbara WilsonThe Winston Foundation, Inc.Allen WisniewskiGregg S. and Beth WolpertWomen’s Empowerment <strong>International</strong>Women’s Foundation of Southern ArizonaHouston and See Man WongWorld Bank CommunityConnections FundWorld Service Meditation Group Fundfor HumanityDavid A. and Julia S. YorkZiff Brothers Investments, LLC$5,000 +Anonymous (14)Emily Aber and Robert WechslerAdiuvans FundAG Innovations NetworkElena AllnuttThe Anbinder Family FoundationStephen and Madeline AnbinderCalvin W. AndersonAppleArch Reinsurance CompanyARK FoundationArnhold FoundationAnne ArthurThe AYCO Charitable FoundationThe Bama Works Fund of DaveMatthews BandBank of America CharitableFoundation, Inc.Freedom AwardDinner SupportersThe IRC gratefullyacknowledges leadingsupporters of our 2011*Freedom Award Dinnerwho enabled us tocelebrate the courage,hope and determinationof refugees.Co-Chairs($250,000 and above)Lloyd C. Blankfein, The GoldmanSachs Group, Inc.Cynthia & Dan Lufkin, The PeterJay Sharp FoundationMaureen WhiteVice Chairs($100,000 and above)AnonymousKatherine Farley & Jerry I. Speyer,Tishman SpeyerMarie & Joseph FieldMaurice R. Greenberg, The StarrFoundationFrederick IsemanRuth & David LevineNewman’s Own FoundationVeronique & Bob PittmanKathleen & Omar SaeedGillian M. Shepherd &Eduardo G. MestreJudy & Josh WestonCatherine & Tracy WolstencroftGolden Benefactors($50,000 and above)AnonymousACE GroupJane & Alan BatkinDavid I. & Victoria L. FoleyVickie A. & Kenneth R. FrenchJPMorgan Chase & Co.Sarah & Peter O’HaganPfizerNancy & George RuppNina & Michael WhitmanBenefactors($25,000 and above)AnonymousSimin & Herb AllisonAmerican Express CompanySusan & Jim BakerBank of AmericaBarnes & Noble BooksellersLeslie & George BiddleBloombergMary & David BoiesAndrew H. BrimmerThe Brokaw FamilyCharles CahnCitigroupLeon & Toby CoopermanRoberta & Steve DenningJodie & John EastmanGeneral Electric CompanyAnne & Randall GreeneLaurie Lindenbaum & Bob HorneSonia & Paul T. JonesTerry & Mel KarmazinKathwari Family FoundationSeth KlarmanElaine & Ken LangoneAly S. Jeddy & Kulsoom Saeed,McKinsey & CompanyRobert B. MillardJames MossmanNBCUniversalOpen Society FoundationsJonathan A. SchaffzinZC & Tom SchickSony Corporation of AmericaJonathan Wiesner & Mary AnnPetrilena, Threads 4 ThoughtAnn ZiffPatrons ($15,000 and above)Johanna & Laurent AlpertBBDO WorldwideDr. Georgette Bennett &Dr. Leonard PolonskyBlackstone Charitable FoundationTom BlairGlenda BurkhartPatti & Ray ChambersTrinh Doan & Michael JermynJennifer Lake & Donald FrancisDonovanHBO ®Marie-Josée & Henry KravisMary Shaw Halsey & Robert MarksMaverick Capital CharitiesPeggy & Neil OttoJane & Scott PelleyMeghana Reddy & Avinash KazaMrs. Arthur RossRobin & Peter TraversWestern UnionJohn C. WhiteheadGenR ($7,500 and above)Henry Mannix IIIOther significant contributors($7,500 and above)Hilary Ballon & Orin KramerThe Eli & Edythe Broad FoundationSarah Costa & David L. PhillipsWilliam A. Douglass IIICassandra & Robert GreeneJane Hartley & Ralph SchlossteinMeg & Skip HermanJanet McClintock & John ImleMarvin JosephsonEric KeatleyLynn & Jules KrollDonald B. MarronSusan & Daniel MarusMorgan StanleyDonald R. MullenOffit Capital AdvisorsJane & Ronald OlsonSusan & Alan PatricofChristine E. & David P. TrappChallenge DonationMatching PartnersNewman’s Own FoundationStarr <strong>International</strong> FoundationMedia PartnerFinancial Times* The 2011 Dinner took place infiscal year <strong>2012</strong>(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.

14The Barrington Foundation, Inc.David BasseinJessica BaumanIrenus J. Baumler (§)BBDO WorldwideWayne BeachBetty Berenson (§)John BerggruenLeonard and Linda BerkowitzBerkshire Taconic Community FoundationAnnabelle BernardRaj Bhattacharyya and Samantha HellerBJH FoundationBetsy Blumenthal and Jonathan D. RootThe Bowman Family FoundationRachael BowmanHugh BradyJohn R. Breitenoeder Caring TrustRobert BrooksLewis D. Brounell Charitable TrustAlice C. BrownThe Bulova Stetson FundDavid H. and Barbara BurnsWalter CainThe California Council for the HumanitiesThe Sam and Louise Campe Foundation,Inc.Catherine CaneauCarlson Family FoundationCarmaxEva-Maria E. CarneLynn CarrMr. and Mrs. Alan W. CarterJudith CasagrandePatrick CavanaughCentral Minnesota Community FoundationMatthew and Jennifer Hovee ChestnutThe Chicago Community FoundationDaisy ChinRuth ClarkeMarguerite ClavelThe Coca-Cola CompanyVirginia F. ColemanSandra ColiverThe Community Foundation for theNational Capital RegionConejo Compassion Coalition, Inc.Cordes FoundationSusan CramerCreative Artists AgencyCrider AssociatesSusan Dentzer and Chuck AlstonDr. and Mrs. Stanley C. DiamondTrinh D. Doan and Michael JermynMonica P. and Mitchell F. DolinJohn D. DonahueDonald Devine CompanyJohn and Elizabeth DuganDavid DuPontWalter and Ursula Eberspacher FoundationPaul and Silvia EdwardsLarry EndersMichelle and Michael EnglandENI S.P.A.H.L. Epstein Family FoundationAndrea Escher and Todd TibbalsFalcon Family FundNigel FarrowFred and Alice FellerPaul FischerJason Fish and Courtney BenoistJt FisherFlorida Literacy CoalitionThe James A. Folger and Jane C. FolgerFoundationGary Ford and Nancy E. EbbCurtis ForsytheThe Foundation for EnhancingCommunitiesElio FoxFrancesco Mari and Leslie FreilichFriedland Family FoundationMartin FriedmanTully and Elise FriedmanLarry GagosianMarion GalisonGordon A. and Nina Smith GardinerMichael GardnerGary GaubatzJane GelbToni D. Gelston and Douglas C. HerbertRobert and Marion GilletteJoseph and Carson GlebermanCarrie and John GoodmanKen GottesmanStephen D. and Myrna K. GreenbergEric GreenshieldsDavid Gregory and Beth WilkinsonMichelle Griffin and Thomas ParkerGuilford Publications, Inc.Albert R. Gurney Jr.Laura E. HallEdward and Evelyn HalpertHBO ®Donald HechtLeila Heckman and Lowell RobinsonHelp Darfur Now, Inc.Henlopen Foundation, Inc.Lucile and Jay HerbertHerson-Stirman Family FoundationGrant E. HicksMegan HillsBente HirschChristine Hoang and Paul NakadaIDT CorporationImpactAssetsIntel CorporationJennifer JacobsMitchell B. JacobyTodd S. and Tatiana JamesRaymond James Charitable EndowmentFundPeggy JerniganJewish Foundation of Greater NewHavenJNR Fund–RockefellerHilary and Alex JoelJohns Hopkins Neighborhood FundAlice KaplanAlton KastnerHenry KaufmanMary Kay and Larry PriorShirin KeenFrank K. Kendall IIIThe Kerrigan Family CharitableFoundationKim KillionMarcia KimptonJennifer and Tim KingstonHenry A. KissingerGary J. Kornblith and Carol S. LasserKroll Associates, Inc.Luis and Lee LainerLillian and Ira N. Langsan PhilanthropicFundPatricia LehrburgerCarole A. Lengyel and Satori IwamotoJan Van der LidenKristina and Frank LoverroSusan LudwigMaggie and Carter MackShelly and Tony MalkinGerard M. ManningInga MarkovitsMaynard and Elinor MarksLinda MarshallChristopher and Susan MastoMax Corsillo LLCBrian K. and Anne S. MazarJay MazurDavid McPhersonHerman Medwin (§)Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. MeekerJoe MeiringBarbara J. MeislinKenneth and Vera MeislinMerckBarry and Wendy Meyer CharitableFoundationBetty and Peter J. MichelozziHarrison Miller and Clare McCamyRobert and Gladys Miller FoundationLeo Model FoundationJoshua I. MolhoLewis MooreStarr MooreMorgan Stanley Smith Barney GlobalImpact Funding Trust, Inc.Harold E. MorrisYvonne MorseR. Grant and Barbara Mortenson (§)Muchnic Foundation, IncMuller Family FoundationMichael and Jill MurphyNaomi and Stephen MyersRobert NardyJohn E. and Shirley V. NashDiana Nelson and John AtwaterWilliam NelsonDean A. Neumann and PenelopeMcMorrisEve Niquette and Charles PohlIndra K. NooyiNova FisheriesHelen Forster Novy FoundationOak PhilanthropyRalph S. O’ConnorRonald and Jane OlsonDr. & Mrs. Eugene G. OuellettePaine Family TrustHarry W. PalmerSusan and Jeffrey A. ParkerLorraine ParmerElizabeth R. and William J. (§) PattersonDavid and Laurie PaukerMary Ann Petrilena and JonathanWiesnerDaniel and Lisa Rudikoff PriceJennifer Price and Anthony HunterRonald and Nancy ProeselMark and Sue Ann PughQualcommHeather RalphSigna ReadJohn and Katya RedpathSusan ReinesRobert E. Richard and Annemarie DooleyCarl RiehlDavid and Marian RockerThe Rogers FoundationEstate of James R. RoseMichael RosenfeldLoretta RossLisbeth and George P. RudermanW. Peter and Marie RuppFrancie Rutherford and FredWardenburg (§)Walter RutherfordMortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc.Sofia SaeedAnnika SalameAnne M. and Joseph A. Saloom, IIConstance SargentSusannah SarloScott ScheirmanNorman SchifmanJonathan and Sheryl SchreiberCharles Eric SchulmanCharles SchulzeWilliam SchwalbeLinda ScottPhilip E. and Toni M. ScullyKatherine SeligmannKira SergievskyRose L. ShureFrançois D. SicartWilliam and Sylvia Silberstein FoundationBeatrice SimpsonDavid SimpsonPatricia J. S. SimpsonDr. and Mrs. Bernard E. SmallStephen SollinsMark Di SuveroBrian L. and Stephanie SpectorSt. Thomas Aquinas ParishStar Hill AssociatesElizabeth SteeleStoel Rives LLPIvan L. StokesLeo StrauchTheresa StricklandDaniel and Ellen StricklerPegge and James Strickler, M.D.Susan S. and T. Dennis Sullivan, IINageeb SumarMichael and Megan SussmanAlexandra & Martin SymondsFoundation, Inc.Starr TaberTaconic Charitable FoundationSamuel E. and Mary W. ThatcherFoundationWilliam ThibodeauxJames and Meryl TischThe Milton Tomlinson Charitable TrustHelen Torelli in honor of Bob CareyUnited States Tennis AssociationThe Hon. William J. vanden HeuvelLisa Vantrease and Rizwan PashaJohn and Julie Ver PloegJoan VivaldoBernard and Jane Von BothmerAlison and James Von KlempererThe Weather Underground, Inc.Robin WeinbergJ. Fred Weintz, Jr.Peter W. WeissLinden and Judith WelchCharles WellbornWestcliff FoundationRalph N. WhartonLarry WhitlowScott WhittleHenry E. WiemanMalcolm Hewitt Wiener FoundationCarl H. WolfJames WolfensohnAlexander WoodJohn WoodKen and Megan WrightJohn E. Yarnelle (§)Ruth B. YeazellJudy Francis ZankelRichard ZgodavaIn the UnitedStates, we helpedresettle some7,600 newlyarrived refugeesand providedservices to over24,500 refugees,asylees andvictims of humantraffickingIRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.

15Partners for FreedomPartners for Freedom are individuals who, inaddition to their annual support, offer a legacyof hope for the future. We are grateful forthese stalwart supporters who have includedthe IRC in their estate plans.Anonymous (129)Estate of Dorothy AbbeCharles A. AbelaStuart Abelson (§)Daphne AchillesRuth E. Adame (§)Nancy F. AdamsWalter E. Adams, Jr. (§)Dorothy D. AeschlimanKathleen L. AgenaSandy AgrafiotisHelen S. Akst (§)Elizabeth Franz AlbertBeverly AlexanderEllen J. AlexanderJane AllisonLaurent and Johanna Alpert, in memoryof Paul and Sophie AlpertAlfred C. AmesEstate of William Anders a.k.a. Willi IsaakJosephDoris E. AndersonJim (§) and Carlotta AndersonDorothy B. AngellJudy and John AngeloMary R. AnguloRichard H. Annis (§)Alan M. and Helen C. ApplefordWalter (§) and Miriam ArndtWilliam J. ArzbaecherArdyce AsireMr. and Mrs. Irving Auerbach (§)Estate of Edmund F. BacasEdwina M. Baehr (§)Mr. and Mrs. Leo BaerBlythe and Frank BaldwinHarriet and George BaldwinMargaret and Rick BaldwinDavid and Karen BallonJudith BardackeArthur A. and Lola A. BardosThomas J. Bardos (§)Lesley J. BarkerRichard D. BarrowsJean and Ralph BaruchJune C. BashkinRichard and Marilyn BatchelderMargaret L. BatesJane and Alan BatkinDavid R. and Suzanne G. BatyJohn BaumIrenus J. Baumler (§)Barbara BeasleyEric BebernitzRose G. BeckerStephen David Becker, in honor of hisparents, Dr. Saul V. Becker and AugustaW. BeckerHerman (§) and Micheline Becker-FluegelJames BellVivian H. BellLawrence A. BenensonCindy BennerDr. Georgette F. Bennett and Dr. LeonardS. PolonskyNora BenolielNan B. BentleyBetty Berenson (§)Phyllis and Arthur Asa BergerBella BerllyAnnabelle BernardDene K. BernsteinWilliam BesselievreRose S. BetheMadelyn O. BiggsKristin A. BirknessDavid BirnbaumDavid L. BlackPeter and Patricia BlascoOlga BlessingVera BlinkenEstate of Dorothy BlochBetsy Blumenthal and Jonathan D. RootNorma BoeckerDaniel I. BonbrightC. Keith and Lyn B. BooneRobert Borstel (§)Nan BortonErika BourguignonWard BouwsmaRobert E. BowerMr. Hugh BowmanEstate of Georgiana BowmanElizabeth BrahamHenry BrecherHilda M. BrennandBetty and Charles (§) BreunigMary Louise and Graham BrightPeter R. and Alice BronerArthur P. BrooksDr. Olive J. BroseBruce M. BrownEmily L. BrownMaxine BrownPhilip S. BrownMr. and Mrs. Paul BrowningWilla BrunkhorstNancy Frick and Richard BrunoMargret BuchmannMary BuckL. BuddenhagenEstate of Frances E. BullockWilliam C. BullockGlenda and John BurkhartDr. and Mrs. Robert B. BurnsKenneth BurrowsWallace and Therese BurtonCharles M. ButlerMargery ByersOdette Cadart-RicardElinor H. CainesWinifred A. Caldwell (§)Joyce Calhoun (§)Mary Lou Callahan (§)Babbie and Stuart CameronRuth H. Campbell-DuffyHelen R. CannonRobert J. CarlsonEleanor CarlucciEva-Maria E. CarneCarol A. CarrKicab Castaneda-MendezEdward and Jeanne CavalliniDr. and Mrs. CejpekConstance J. ChandlerGloria and Elliot (§) CharneyJudith CheckerIngrid ChristiansenJane P. ChurchJudy CirilloSarah B. ClarkJune M. ClaseEstate of Adele ClementDouglas and Kathryn CochraneBerenice Cohen (§)Joseph P. CohenSheila CohenHoward F. CohnOlive Cohn (§)Ursula Liebrecht ColbyJoan A. Gruenberg CominosPeter A. CookSophie C. CookBrigitte M. CookeEstate of Marcia W. CooleyDavid Cooper and Maxine (§) HairstonDr. Harriet Y. CooperHazel and Alan CopeKathryn CorbettVirginia Hulbert Cori (§)Constance C. Cornog, M.D.Gretchen and Fred CorumIn Memory of Barbara CottonMr. and Mrs. Robert F. CozziPatricia CravensMary C. CrichtonEstate of Adelia H. CroleyJanet M. CrossRalph H. CryeskyJune CurtisNita DaluisoEstate of Josephine DalvenVincent DalyJohn (§) and Louise DanielsHerbert A. and Ruth DavidPhyllis B. and Peter J. DaviesBilly DavisAila G. DaweGabrielle R. DawsonMarjorie E. De HartogDr. Clarence A. De LimaMargaret De RiveraFrances de UsabelDrs. Andrew G. Dean and ConsueloM. Beck-SaguéPatricia A. Dean and William D. DeanRoy C. Delamotte (§)Yvonne DelnisNicholas and Dolly DemosFlorence E. Denholm (§)Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Rolf DentzBetsy (§) and Bob DeVecchiDr. and Mrs. Stanley C. DiamondFrances A. DimondTrinh D. Doan and Michael JermynDoris Virginia S. DortRuth DraperJane C. DrorbaughDoris and Peter F. (§) DruckerBarbara Du Bois, Ph.D.Louise and Robert DudleyNancy Hagle DuffyThe Hon. Robin Chandler DukeLouis DupreHorace and Dorothy (§) DutillEstate of Robert EagleJohn P. EberhardRobert L. EbertMarilyn E. EckRuth Eckstein (§)Ivan H. EldelfeltMerle J. EdelmanDr. M. William EdwardsBeth EdwardsWilliam EganAlfred D. EgendorfEdward EggertThomas EhlersEstate of Barbara T. EisendrathRobert Eisner (§)Dean V. (§) and Patricia F. EkstamBettina ElliottDr. Arthur S. & Dr. Rochelle ElsteinAnn B. EmeryLarry EndersBjorn EngbergSusan EnzleMargaret Helen EricsonEsther ErnstSara L. EsgateEstate of David O. HammondEstate of Edna M. NewbyEstate of Emily EvansMadlyn H. EvansJudy H. Fair-SpauldingLee FalconeRobert J. FassbenderDonald E. FawcettMatthew A. FeiginHelen FeinMr. and Mrs. James H. FeldmanHanna and Gus Papanek at homein Lexington, Mass., 72 years afterbeing rescued by the IRC.Committed tothe CauseIn 1940, teenage friends HannaKaiser and Gustav Papanek andtheir families were among hundredsof anti-Nazi exiles trapped inFrance. France had fallen to NaziGermany and the families, asJews and socialists, were on theGestapo’s wanted list for arrest andalmost certain death. The Frenchgovernment in Vichy, which wascollaborating with the Nazis, refusedto allow them to leave.The families were put in contact withthe Emergency <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>,the predecessor of the IRC, andits emissary Varian Fry, a youngAmerican who had been sent toFrance to help anti-Nazis escapeoccupied Europe. In August, Gusand his family crossed the borderillegally, followed in October byHanna and hers.Traveling via Spain and Portugal,Hanna and Gus landed separatelyin New York, where with emergencyvisas supplied by the Emergency<strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>, they wereadmitted. The two were reunited inNew York and in 1947 they married.Today, 65 years later, the couple,as lifelong supporters of the IRC,remains committed to the causeof social justice and refugees. In2008, they endowed the PapanekFamily Foundation to supportcharitable organizations such as theIRC. Through the foundation, thePapaneks’ support for the IRC willcontinue long after their lifetimes.The decision to support the IRCwas an easy one, Hanna says. “Youhelped us survive when we neededhelp. Now, because we can, we helpyou to help others.”(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.

16A refugee from Burundi works ina New Roots community gardenin Salt Lake City, Utah.Nourishing theCommon GoodPaul Newman was committedto making the world a betterplace. His generosity advancedmany social causes, includingthe work of the IRC. Newman’ssupport and advocacy of thecause of refugees inspired tens ofthousands of people to donate tothe IRC. Today, his philanthropiclegacy continues through the workof Newman’s Own Foundation,which donates to charity all profitsfrom the sale of Newman’s Ownproducts, the company PaulNewman founded in 1982.In <strong>2012</strong>, the Newman’s OwnFoundation agreed to donate$245,000 over two years to theIRC’s New Roots program, whichhelps resettled refugees in theUnited States grow, harvest andsell fresh and affordable produce.The funding will enable the IRCto grow and expand its NewRoots program in Baltimore andNew York City.“We commend the IRC’s creativeapproach to improving accessto healthy food and creatingawareness of the need forgood nutrition,” says RobertForrester, president and CEOof Newman’s Own Foundation.“The Foundation’s support isintended to build the New Rootsprogram, which enables refugeesto re-establish their ties to theland while also helping transformour communities into healthierplaces to live.”IRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Marguerite FeliceKarl R. FellerMargaret T. FergusonJoan M. FerrisEmily FillingMr. and Mrs. Elliott FineCarole A. FinkelElizabeth E. FinklerAnna FisherJune Breton Fisher TrustMarvin FisherDudley FlammEstate of Ethel J. FlanaganGlenn R. FleischmanSusan H. FlemingNell FliehmannHelen R. FogelquistMarie E. ForsterElla M. ForsythJeannette FossMr. and Mrs. Walter E. FosterMildred J. FowlerAdele Norman Fox (§)Nancy G. FrakesEstate of Elizabeth H. FreemanVera FreemanMarta and Jack (§) FreidinH. Karl FrensdorffJohanna FriedensteinEstate of Juanita Friedrichs & Estate ofArthur FriedrichsArthur Fry (§)Peggy J. Crooke FryJack FuntEstate of Cheryl FureyRichard and Louise K. (§) GabelMarie Lee GaillardMary E. GainesCarl T. GaiserJulia GalosyEstate of Dorothy I. GarfeinRoger GarmsJames P. GaronJ. Edward and Marion M. GatesVictor A. Gauthier (§)Marjorie GebhartHelen Geffen-Roht (§)Robert K. Gerloff (§)Dino Germani Charitable FundCreighton E. Gilbert (§)Viola C. GilbertSteven L. GinzbargThe Rebekah Gisnet & Maurice Mandell TrustDr. Jackie Gnepp and Mr. Joshua KlaymanHarold and Rachel GoersLouise GoinesEleanore S. GoldbergHilda H. Golden (§)David and Irma GoldknopfE. Stanley GoldmanCaroline GoldsmithSusan GoldsmithDietlind GoldsteinPearl and Jerry (§) GolubowAllison Goodheart TrustPaul GoodmanRobert W. GoodmanWilliam GoodmanBruce and Eva (§) GordonMary Jane GortonRichard and Judithanne GosnellGabriele M. GossnerBetty GottliebDragica GrabovacP. Grad and M. BorisMarianna GrahamDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey GranettDr. Fay Ross GreckelAnn GreenSylvia B. Greenberg (§)Estates of Thomas and Caroline GriffithJames GrindlingerArthur Gritz (§)Alan Gross and Sarah DaviesMrs. Henry GrunwaldDonna A. GushenEstate of Richard GutmanPaul and Beverly GuyotRuth B. HaasWalter M. Haas (§)Regina A. HablutzelPatricia HackbarthHelen M. HackerMr. and Mrs. Walter C. HajekEstate of Elizabeth G. HallPaul HallerMary Buffum HamlinMr. and Mrs. Peter HanauerRobert and Joan HandschumacherKathleen HanoldHarvey A. HansenJayne Hansen (§)Charles HansonEstate of Peter HarrisPahle HausmannEva HavasRuth and Rolf HaynMr. and Mrs. John F. HaywardHelmut R. HeilnerJean HeinigEugene R. HeiseVivian C. Hendrickson (§)Lucile and Jay HerbertJoanna HerlihyLaurette Herman (§)Dr. Annette HerskovitsHerold L. Hertanu (§)Hannah Herz (§)Jeanne Hess (§)Robert W. HewittJuliane HeymanEstate of Mary HickeyOrdelle G. HillSusan L. HillDon HinesBente HirschAbraham HirschCynthia K. HobartVirginia HofmannEstate of Helen S. HohenhausSylvia HolcombMrs. Gerald (Nisha) HoltonV. Holzapfel (§)Esther Hoptner (§)Helen M. HoughEsther Alice Howard (§)Maedell HowardMarjorie Howard-JonesWentworth HubbardPatricia HudsonMrs. Walter HulenMarjorie HullEstate of Alberta HumbleEstate of Ruth Adrian HunkenMarsha HuntChristopher (§) and Hilda HunterJames and Colleen HuntleyYorick G. HurdMr. and Mrs. Leonard Eugene HurtzJeffrey A. and Cheryl HyltonLeah Ice (§)Estate of Marcia D. WaldenMary J. InsalataEstate of Dr. Edith NeumannEstate of Irma HeinzFrederick IsemanMilda E. IsenbergJoan IsserlisGlenn Ista (§)Mary H. JackerBruce E. JacksonReed and Marge JacobKaren J. JacobsWalter J. Jacobs (§)Bernice H. Jacobsen (§)Margaret M. JamesMiriam E. JencksDavid JennessDorothy JenneyAda Jeppesen(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.Eric D. JerniganEstate of Catherine P. JerveyElin M. Johnson (§)Marilyn JohnsonC. Howard JonesStephen R. JudgeSylvia JuranEstate of Otto KadmonJohn E. (§) and Gloria J. KaemmerMark I. KalishEstate of Fannie W. KaplanEstate of Dorothy Kapstein-HammerRoland N. KarlenMs. Mary B. KasbohmAlton KastnerRobert (§) and Nancy KatzmanMargaret G. KeetonFrances V. KehrAnne KelemenJeanne KempthorneRose Mary and Robert A. KennedyWilliam Kennedy and Holly Neal KennedyMiriam KerpenStanley S. KertelChelsea R. KesselheimMaurine KingNathalie KingLois KirschenbaumRichard W. KirschnerRev. Jean L. KiskaddonDoris M. KlingMarybeth Koeze (§)Estate of Mary S. KoganEstate of Mary Kohr-AaltoEva B. KollischDoris E. KolbEstate of Dr. Gisela KonopkaEstate of Truus Wanningen KoopmansEdith KopeckySusan Kotcher and Steven CarboGeorgia E. KoylRoger KrouseMr. and Mrs. Carlos E. KruytboschEstate of Donna M. KuhnRobert Kurlander (§) and Susan ReisbordAnita M. La PlacaWilliam D. Lamdin, Jr.Ernest A. LandyCarl E. LangenhopArthur A. LaRose TrustMargaret and David LauderKirk and Marjorie LawtonLeonard Lazarus (§)Estate of Cynthia LearyDavid Hank LeeMr. Milton Leitenberg and Ms. Nicole BallEstate of Richard H. LentOlga Leskiw and Nori SuzukiMark and Suzanne LevinsonDr. and Mrs. H. Richard LevyMr. and Mrs. Walter B. LevyNancy E. LippincottSidney LipshiresMarie and August (§) LobreDorothy C. LoehrerEdward E. LoeweWarren LoPrestiBette Bao and Winston LordMary Ruth LyleKathleen M. LynnMrs. Ray W. MacdonaldSuzanne H. MacRaeMarilyn I. MaddenFlorence MagassyPatricia MakelyVincent and Anne MaiHerbert J. MaletzMantle Family TrustElizabeth MarcoNed N. and Francoise MarcusRobert F. MarinoCarol L. MarkewitzConnor MarkeyDr. Grace E. MárquezMrs. Winifred Marsh (§)

17Stanley and Wendy MarshJ. Laird MarshallLucretia MartinMargaret MartinElizabeth T. MathewJanet MatsonE. Louise MattssonRichard (§) and Joan MayArlene I. MayersPauline M. MayoMargaret K. McElderry (§)Albert Lavern McAllister EstateWalter J. McCarthyWill McClatchyJanet McClintock and John F. ImleElizabeth N. and James M. McCutcheonAnn McHughMary McKayJoanne and George McKrayJames D. McMichaelNorman H. McRaeEstelle MeadoffMs. Jerrie M. MeadowsCatherine V. MeehanMr. and Mrs. Warren C. MeekerJohn V. MeeksBarbara J. MeislinHarriet R. MeissThe Meledandri Family TrustCharles W. MerrelsEdgar G. Merson and Dr. BeverleyBayes MersonJule MeyerMargery MeyerEstate of Doris MillerMr. and Mrs. John S. Miller IIILarry D. MillerMarilyn and Aaron MillerPauline and Norman Miller (§)Mr. and Mrs. William Read MillerDorothy E. MillonRobert MinerAnita and Morton MintzElaine Mitchell (§)Shannon Mitchell and Maxim EngersSaul and Ezra MizrahiMr. and Mrs. Herbert MollerCecile and Frank (§) MooreEstate of Mason MooreJohn R. MootFrank M. Moreno (§)Katharine B. MorganHarold E. MorrisSheila F. Morris (§)Georgiana K. MorrisonR. Grant and Barbara Mortenson (§)Roy and Rea MossElisabeth MoultonHannah F. MoyerBetty J. MullendoreElaine L. Muller (§)Philip MulqueenDonald and Ann MunroAnna J. Munster, M.D.Thomas A. and Emily L. MurawskiEleanor and Rhoads MurpheyAnn MurrayElise Wendel MurrayFrancis T. MurrayJames R. MurrayLeila MustachiEstella K. Mysels (§)Michael N. NaglerMrs. Theodore J. Naman (§)Marilu A. NashelBarbara W. NathanEstate of Lori NeedlerMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. NeffNancy L. Neiman-HoffmanMarion J. Nelkens LedererMerlin E. and Janet NelsonEstate of Claire NemserCarole A. NesbittDorothy S. NewellVirginia NewesMrs. Mariette NewhagenJerry NewmanPieter NoomenPatricia R. NorthrupEstate of Ms. Jane ToplittWilliam E. NunnEstate of Gail K. Nutku TrustMr. and Mrs. Paul A. NyhuisMichael O’Callaghan (§)Eileen L. OehlerQuentin (§) and Paula OgrenMimi O’HaganSarah and Peter O’HaganFrank V. OliveroMargaret OlsenCarol G. OlsonMargaret Ann OlsonVelva J. OsbornLawrence OsgoodDaphne A. O’SullivanMary K. OswaldIndia K. OurismanElaine R. OwensIrene M. PaceSusan C. PageEstate of Andrew C.K. PanGustav and Hanna PapanekKathryn E. ParkeEvelyn D. ParkerSylvia ParkerLorraine ParmerSandip PatelLucile B. PatrickSusan and Alan PatricofDr. and Mrs. James L. Patterson, Jr.Estate of Linda PaulKermit and Judith PaulosDr. Nadine Michéle PaynPaul PeabodyEdgar and Phyllis PearaMarion PearceJudith PeckLeonard PellettiriVangie PepperDr. Gwen K. PerkinsChristian Deming PetersonMr. and Mrs. W. James PetersonMary Ann Petrilena and JonathanWiesnerJohn C. PhanDavid L. PhillipsNancy Catherine Phillips (§)Naomi PhillipsJanice E. PhillipsBeth PhinneyWilliam G. PickrelDiana Pierce (§)Estate of Ruth G. PikeMargaret E. PlattsEstate of Harold E. PollackHarvey J. PommerAlvin W. PostJo Ann PotashnickMary Jane PotterThomas J. PowellLorna PowerGeorge O. PranspillThe Robert O. Preyer CharitableLead UnitrustWilliam Prusoff Charitable Lead UnitrustPin H. Pu, M.D. (§), and Rose PuKay PuttockEstate of Francoise G. QueneauSusan QuillmanHollie B. RamageMaurice M. Rapport (§)Elizabeth Rasmussen (§)Thomas RayBarbara RaysonMary V. ReedJo Beth ReesNancy E. ReidSandra A. RemisPamela R. Rendeiro (§)Heidi RenteríaNaomi ReplanskyAugustine J. RhodesMarianne RichJean-Paul RichardG. Edith RichardsonJohn and Thelma RichardsonLinda RichterMr. and Mrs. Albert A. RidderingBernard and Barbara RiesGwen Cheryl RigbyDiana RiggMargaret R. and Carl J. RigneyDaniel L. RileyElizabeth Rispoli Revocable TrustEleanor A. RobbEvelyn L. RobertF. David RobertsGilda M. RobertsBetty and Warren RobinsonElizabeth Rodgers (§)Nancy RodriqueEstate of Edward RogersElizabeth Rogers (§)Arnold M. and Janet E. RogoffCathy RootTamara G. and Michael D. RootHedy and Peter RoseEstate of James R. RoseMr. and Mrs. Donald D. Roseberry (§)Bernt RosenJames RosenHarriet RosenbloomClaire RosensteinEdgar RosenthalJanine and Mark Rosenzweig (§)Keith RossRobert S. Ross (§)Bonnie Rouse (§)Chester RowlandJames E. and Elizabeth J. RoysterDavina L. RubinRuth M.C. RubyLisbeth and George P. RudermanNancy and George RuppMr. and Mrs. Robert H. RuppCarol Anne RuppelCatherine W. RushPatricia RushDoris Myrtle Ryall (§)Evelyn Ryan (§)James SaakvitneAimee SaginawEstate of Annis SandvosGeorge SarloNaomi SchecterSusan SchiffEstate of Hilde SchlesingerRenee and Carl SchlesingerBetty J. SchlosserGeorge SchmidtPaul Lambert SchmitzKaren SchneiderM.G. SchoeneAnne Marie SchornEstate of Erna LandsbergerEstate of Merle SchramMary Anne (§) and Douglas SchwalbeEstate of Dr. Jane SchwartzMary Jean ScottDonna Sekhon (§)Estate of Isle SelmerEdward SeltzerHara L. SeltzerMr. and Mrs. William R. Sengel (§)Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shanker (§)Gerry ShapiroIn Memory of Richard Barry ShapiroMarilyn SharpEstate of Bernice Baruch ShawlMary ShayKathryn and Jay (§) SchulbergMartha P. ShermanHiroko and James T. SherwinStuart D. ShipeMarjorie F ShipeIrwin and Renee ShishkoMary Jan ShorJerry A. ShroderMark Sibley, Jr.Selma R. Siege (§)Bernice M. SighKay SilberfeldAbraham C. SilbermanMr. and Mrs. Richard SilbersteinPhilip SilverGabriella and Aladar (§) SimkoElizabeth Léonie SimpsonPatricia J. S. SimpsonIrene SiroskeyMary Robinson SiveCharles Skubitz (§)Barbara Bartlett SloanEstate of Ann SmeltzerEdith Jayne Smith (§)Estate of Jeanete L. SmithEstate of Jeannette F. SmithLinnea SmithMarga and William SmolinLouisa SmuckerMr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth, Jr.Barbara E. SnyderMurray and Joan SocolofRonni SolbertYvonne and Mark A. SoltzRosalie Scott Soons (§)Harriet SpagnoliMargaret R. SpanelMaj. Gen. Herbert G. Sparrow, USA (Ret.) (§)Mr. and Mrs. Moncrieff J. SpearEstate of Helen A. SperryAnne Spillar (§)Evelyn R. SpletterEstate of Margaret P. SpoorEstate of Julian C. StanleySidney Stark, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William Stark (§)Nancy StarrEstate of Grace StebbinsLew SteinbachWalter SteinemannRobert L. and Christine SteinerEvelyn SternEstate of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt SternBeverly B. SterryPeggy StevensRichard L. StevensHerbert O. StiefelAnn StillwaterEleanor H. StoddardErika StoneMr. and Mrs. Jerome A. StoneRaymond W. StorckStover FoundationHelen A. StrandEileen K. Strang (§)Albert B. and Carol M. Straus Family TrustWalter StrausStephen M. Street (§)Mr. and Mrs. J. M. StycosJennifer C. SuMaria SugulasMarcia A. SummersTheodore J. Susac, IILeonard S. Swerdlow TrustRuth E. SwimDavid TabatskyEve M. TaiVivian TalbotGabor TamasiJoseph Tanen and Nancy PhillipsSzilvia Szmuk-Tanenbaum in memory ofCharles TanenbaumEdward C. TarteAnn M. TattersallJean G. Taylor (§)Michael W. and Carol A. TaylorDavid F. TeitelbaumJune L. TempleMillie and Marcel TenenbaumMarjorie A. Thatcher(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.

18Lee Copley Thaw (§)Dr. and Mrs. Theo G. ThevaosSue ThollaugEarlene ThomFran Thomas and Harry FriedmanA mother and her child in an IRChealth center in Malualkon, SouthSudan. The IRC supports 30 healthfacilities nationwide and has trained2,500 health workers.From Skills Training to JobsWe counseled or caredfor over 19,000 vulnerablechildren and providedskills training or access tofinancial services to over3,000 youth entrepreneursMary Antonia ThomasMr. and Mrs. Burton R. ThormanGladys Duff ThorntonJames R. ThorntonJames F. Thornton, Jr.Esther E. ThorstensenEdith TippleJames H. Tipton (§)Mary Delmer TookerSarah Waring Toomer (§)Estate of Joseph J. and Lillian D. TorlucciJohn TrainEmily TurkRuth TurnerRoy (§) and Hope TurneyThe Reverend Arthur H. UnderwoodCarolyn T. UnderwoodSpiro C. VallisElsie E. Van De MaeleDee L. Van LeeuwenUrsula A. Van RadenDr. and Mrs. Ron Vander KooiDr. and Mrs. John A. VandrickConstance VanvigBella VerkhovskyMr. and Mrs. Marcello L. Vidale (§)Jose T. VillateLucia VinciguerraJames VisserAva C. Volkholz (§)Donald WacksJeffrey WaingrowGeofrrey and Margaret WainwrightSandy WaksPatricia A. WallsGloria WaltersAileen WardSteve F. WarkanyRoxanne WarrenJane W. WaterhouseEstate of Dorothy R. WatsonMonique WeilIngeborg B. WeinbergerIra W. WeinerEric W. Weinmann (§)Arthur S. WeinstockJed Weissberg and Shelley RothDavid WeldenLynne WellsEstate of Karl WendelCharles P. WennermarkJudy and Josh WestonGinia Davis WexlerEstate of Edwin WeyerBarbara WhanDouglas Lanphier WheelerCharles White and Marianne Wilding-WhiteMaureen White and Steven RattnerMichael and Judy L. WhiteJohn C. WhiteheadPhllis Y. WicksMark and Janet WidoffDora WiebensonElizabeth P. Wiesner (§)Don and Sally WildCheryl WilfongJohn H. WillBrent S. WilleJoseph WillifordDavid P. WillisDouglas L. WilsonJanet B. WilsonJean M. WilsonJulia A. WingardStephen WinterMary Porter WiseMrs. Theodore R. WolfThe Estate of Gretchen WolfRichard B. and Edith WolfEstate of Margaret Rupli WoodwardRobert and Gay WorthingArthur F. WortmanJames B. Wozniak (§)Janet A. WrightBetty and Roger (§) WrigleyWarren WyssJulia C. XerosMichael YanowitchJohn E. Yarnelle (§)The Reverend Lois F. YatzeckJames YeeJonathan Young (§)Seymour YudkinPenelope Yungblut and RaymondC. EwingStephen A. ZachEvelyn ZafranGrace ZahnEstate of Phyllis J. ZamorskiGabriel ZepeckiDewey K. ZieglerKathleen G. ZingaroDr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. ZuckerJoseph T. ZyllaIn-Kind DonorsAssistance League of TucsonBaby Buggy, Inc.Bridging AZ Furniture BankCenturion ManagementThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DaySaintsDavid Burke GroupDry Creek CharityEarnest EatsEl Dorado FurnitureElizabeth Development Corporation (NJ)Financial TimesThe First Unitarian ChurchForbesGameWorksGlobal Inflight ProductsGooglegyro:Hickman’s Family FarmsHome DepotJPMorgan Chase & Co.Meritex, LLCMertz Gilmore FoundationMicrosoft CorporationNoor Women’s AssociationNYC Department of TransportationPatrónPearson FoundationPerkins CoiePfizerPhoenix 7, LLCSalesforce.com FoundationSandler Wine Co.Spanish Broadcasting SystemsThe St. Regis San FranciscoThreads 4 ThoughtThe Waterford SchoolWelcome to America ProjectWhole FoodsIRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>(§) Deceased Donors listed in italics have contributed consecutively for three or more years.

Board of Directors and Senior StaffAs of Jan. 4, 2013IRC Board of Directorsand OverseersThe <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Committee</strong> is governed by avolunteer, unpaid Board ofDirectors. The Overseers provideadvice on policy, advocacy,fundraising and public relations.Sarah O’Haganand Thomas SchickCo-Chairs, Board of DirectorsTracy R. WolstencroftTreasurerJean Kennedy SmithSecretaryGeorge RuppPresident andChief Executive OfficerGlenda Burkhart andScott PelleyCo-Chairs, OverseersLiv UllmannVice Chair, <strong>International</strong>Alan R. BatkinWinston LordJames C. StricklerJonathan L. WiesnerJohn C. WhiteheadChairs EmeritiBoard of DirectorsLaurent AlpertCliff S. AsnessChristoph BeckerMary BoiesAndrew H. BrimmerGlenda BurkhartFlorence A. DavisTrinh D. DoanKenneth R. FrenchGeorge F. HritzM. Farooq KathwariDavid LevineRobert E. MarksEduardo G. MestreSarah O’HaganAnjali PantAndrew RobertsonGideon RoseGeorge RuppOmar SaeedScott T. ScheirmanThomas SchickGordon SmithSally SusmanMichael VanRooyen, M.D.Josh S. WestonWilliam T. WintersTracy R. WolstencroftOverseersMorton I. AbramowitzMadeleine K. AlbrightKofi A. AnnanLila Azam ZanganehF. William BarnettAlan R. BatkinGeorgette F. BennettVera BlinkenBetsy BlumenthalW. Michael BlumenthalJennifer Brokaw, M.D.Tom BrokawGlenda BurkhartFrederick M. Burkle, M.D.Néstor CarbonellRobin Fray CareyJeremy CarverGeoffrey ColvinKaren CookRobert M. CottenJocelyn CunninghamSusan DentzerRobert P. DeVecchiDina DublonRobin Chandler DukeJodie EastmanKatherine G. FarleyH.R.H. Princess Firyalof JordanHarold Ford, Jr.Jeffrey E. GartenEvan G. GreenbergMaurice R. GreenbergAndrew S. GroveMorton I. HamburgKaren Hein, M.D.Lucile P. HerbertFrederick IsemanAly S. JeddyHoward JonasMarvin JosephsonAlton KastnerHenry A. KissingerYong KwokReynold LevyWinston LordDan LufkinVincent A. MaiJohn MakinsonLucretia MartinRoberto MartinezRoman Martinez IVKati MartonJay MazurW. Allen MooreKathleen NewlandIndra K. NooyiSadako OgataSarah O’HaganSusan PatricofScott PelleyAlexandra L. PetersDavid L. PhillipsColin L. PowellMilbrey RennieCondoleezza RiceJohn RichardsonFelix G. RohatynGeorge S. SarloThomas SchickJessica T. SeinfeldJames T. SherwinJean Kennedy SmithH. Peter SternJames C. Strickler, M.D.Georgia TraversLiv UllmannWilliam J. vanden HeuvelRonald J. Waldman, M.D.,M.P.H.Rhonda WeingartenEdwin J. WeselyAnne WhiteheadJohn C. WhiteheadElie WieselJonathan L. WiesnerJames D. WolfensohnSenior StaffGeorge RuppPresident andChief Executive OfficerGeorge BiddleExecutive Vice PresidentPatricia LongChief Financial Officer,Senior Vice President,Finance and AdministrationCarrie SimonGeneral CounselJohn KeysSenior Vice President,<strong>International</strong> ProgramsCarrie Ross WelchSenior Vice President,External RelationsEdward BlighVice President,Editorial DirectorRobert CareyVice President, Resettlementand Migration PolicySue DwyerVice President, ProgramsDavid GoodmanChief Technology OfficerMary Jane JamarChief HumanResources OfficerMichael KocherVice President,<strong>International</strong> ProgramsSusan KotcherVice President, DevelopmentEllen C. O’ConnellVice President, Administrationand Board RelationsSharon WaxmanVice President, Public Policyand Advocacy<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Committee</strong>-BelgiumNathalie StiennonDirectorBoard of DirectorsLaurent AlpertJeremy Carver CBELiv UllmannJonathan L. Wiesner<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Committee</strong>-UKCarolyn MakinsonExecutive DirectorBoard of TrusteesKathleen O’DonovanSir John Holmes GCVO, KBE,CMG Co-ChairsGeorge BiddleMary Blewitt OBEGlenda BurkhartFrancois-Xavier de MallmannSusan GibsonTrish Malloch-BrownDylan PereiraRichard SharpDiane G SimpsonIliane Ogilvie ThompsonJake UlrichJeremy Carver CBE,Honorary CounsellorWomen’s RefugeeCommissionSarah CostaExecutive DirectorBoard of DirectorsRobin Fray CareyJocelyn CunninghamCo-Chairs19Top: Chandra Sangrula (left)welcomes fellow Bhutaneserefugee Dhana Thapa to Tucson,Arizona, with a welcome basket,part of an IRC program wherebyrefugee women help each otheradjust to their new communities.Above: Star chef David Burkevisited refugee farmers at theIRC’s New Roots garden in theBronx where he cooked a gourmetmeal using herbs and greens fromthe garden.We gave1.4 millionpeople accessto cleandrinking waterand sanitation

20Financial <strong>Report</strong>Condensed Statement of Activitiesfor the years ended Sept. 30, <strong>2012</strong> and Sept. 30, 2011 (in thousands)<strong>2012</strong> 2011Operating RevenuesContributions $36,270 $50,877Contributed goods and services 6,502 4,413Grants and contracts 337,351 329,472Investment return used for operations 3,823 3,430Loan administration fees and other income 3,160 3,064Total Operating Revenues 387,106 391,256Operating ExpensesProgram Services<strong>International</strong> relief and assistance programs 268,784 266,546US Programs 68,436 62,862Emergency preparedness, technical units and other 21,194 21,559Women’s Refugee Commission 5,403 4,656Total Program Services 363,817 355,623Supporting ServicesManagement and general 19,844 17,162Fundraising 12,275 11,549Total Supporting Services 32,119 28,711Total Operating Expenses 395,936 384,334Excess of Operating Revenues over Operating Expenses (8,830) 6,922Excess related to unrestricted funds 1,768 4,459(Deficiency) / Excess related to Temporary Restricted Funds* (10,598) 2,463Endowment, planned giving and other non-operating activities (net) 7,044 (2,376)Increase in Net Assets (1,786) 4,546Net assets at beginning of year 129,106 124,560NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $127,320 $129,106* Unspent temporarily restricted funds are carried forward and therefore may produce deficits in the years when expended.Complete financial statements, audited by KPMG LLP, are available on rescue.orgUse of Funds3%5%Program ServicesFundraisingManagement and GeneralProgram Services92%HealthResettlementCommunity DevelopmentWater & SanitationEducationDistributionOther Programs*36%20%10%* Includes protection, shelter and livelihoods10%10%7%7%IRC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

How You Can Support the IRCAdvocateJoin the IRC’s online global family at<strong>Rescue</strong>.org to receive important advocacy alertsand news about the humanitarian issues that areimportant to you.DonateGive online by visiting our website at <strong>Rescue</strong>.org.Call toll-free:+1 855 9RESCUEMake a tax-deductible contribution by mail to:Vice President, Development<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>122 East 42nd St.New York, NY 10168-1289The IRC accepts gifts in the form of securities.For more information, please contact Brian Ringo,Development Manager: +1 212 551 2925 orBrian.Ringo@<strong>Rescue</strong>.orgVolunteerThe IRC relies on volunteers to support its workhelping refugees adjust to a new life in the U.S.For information about how you can help, contact:<strong>Rescue</strong>.org/volunteerFuture GiftsEnsure that displaced people make their wayfrom harm to home in the future through a bequestto the IRC. Contact Tom Schloegel, Director ofMajor and Planned Gifts, +1 212 551 3057 orTom.Schloegel@rescue.org for information or toindicate that you have already included the IRC inyour estate plans.Raise MoneyStart your own fundraising campaign to support theIRC and make a difference. For information visit thei<strong>Rescue</strong> DIY fundraising site at diy.rescue.orgJoin the Conversation@theIRCFacebook.com/<strong>International</strong><strong>Rescue</strong><strong>Committee</strong>Pinterest.com/theIRC<strong>Report</strong> CreditsEditor: Steven Manning, Publications DirectorContributor: Peter BiroEditorial Director: Edward BlighPhoto CreditsAll photos by Peter Biro except: Inside front cover:Donna Alberico; p. 4 left: Chris deBode/SV;Right: Ned Colt; p.9 top, p.12: Ned Colt;P.15: Adam Mastoon; P.19: Katja HeinemannDesigned by www.reddogdesigninc.comPrinted by Digital Color ConceptsThis document is printed on Finch Fine whichis made using 10% post-consumer wasteand produced using 66% on-site sustainableenergy sources.Through our Resettlement SupportCenter in Thailand, we assisted over 14,000refugees who departed from camps and citiesin East Asia to enter United States and buildnew lives with help from the IRC and sisterresettlement agencies

Get InvolvedVolunteerDonate<strong>Rescue</strong>.org+1 212 551 3000New York<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>122 East 42nd StreetNew York, NY 10168-1289USAWashington, DC<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>1730 M Street, NWSuite 505Washington, DC 20036USALondon<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>–UK3 Bloomsbury PlaceLondon WC1A 2QLUnited KingdomBrussels<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>–BelgiumPlace de la VieilleHalle aux Blés 16Oud Korenhuis 161000 BrusselsBelgiumGeneva<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>7, rue J.-A GautierCH-1201GenevaSwitzerlandBangkok<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>888/210–212 MahatunPlaza Bldg., 2nd FloorPloenchit RoadLumpini, PathumwanBangkok 10330ThailandNairobi<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rescue</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>IKM Place5th Ngong AvenueUpper HillNairobiKenya

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