Multi-Year Tariff Petition for FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 - UERC

Multi-Year Tariff Petition for FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 - UERC

Multi-Year Tariff Petition for FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 - UERC


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PETITION FOR TRUE-UP OF <strong>FY</strong> 2004 TO <strong>FY</strong> 2011-12 &MYT PETITION FOR THE CONTROL PERIOD <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong> TO <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2015</strong>-<strong>16</strong>PTCUL is submitting the projections <strong>for</strong> ARR <strong>for</strong> each of the years <strong>for</strong> the Control period <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>FY</strong> <strong>2015</strong>-<strong>16</strong> in line with the methodology defined in the <strong>UERC</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Regulations 2011.Further, it is submitted that going <strong>for</strong>ward, PTCUL will have two revenue streams:Revenue from intra state transmission of energy which would be recoverable from the distributionutility i.e. UPCL (currently the sole beneficiary)Revenue from intra-state lines being used by genera<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> inter-state transfer of power andcharges <strong>for</strong> the use of these lines <strong>to</strong> inter-state consumers through CTU in accordance with thePoC mechanism adopted by the Hon‟ble CERC.Accordingly, PTCUL has projected the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) in two parts i.e. one <strong>for</strong>the transmission network currently being utilized by the UPCL and second <strong>for</strong> the transmission network <strong>to</strong>be utilized by various generating companies <strong>for</strong> evacuation of power <strong>for</strong> inter-state sale.Details of the assumptions along with justification <strong>for</strong> arriving at the various parameters of the ARR <strong>for</strong> therespective distribution networks are summarized in the sections below. The annual accounts of <strong>FY</strong> 2011-12 have been used as the basis <strong>for</strong> projections <strong>for</strong> the Control period. Also, the <strong>Petition</strong>er has consideredthe capital expenditure <strong>for</strong> each year of the Control period in line with the detailed Business Plan <strong>for</strong> thecontrol period submitted <strong>to</strong> the Hon‟ble Commission <strong>for</strong> approval.4.2 AGGREGATE REVENUE REQUIREMENT FOR THE CONTROL PERIOD <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong> TO <strong>FY</strong><strong>2015</strong>-<strong>16</strong> IN RESPECT OF INTRA-STATE TRANSMISSION NETWORKPTCUL is responsible <strong>for</strong> constructing and maintenance of the transmission infrastructure in the Stateafter the unbundling of the transmission and distribution function of UPCL in on 31 st May 2004. There<strong>for</strong>e,PTCUL was declared the State Transmission Utility by the Government of Uttarakhand. In compliance <strong>to</strong>the <strong>UERC</strong> <strong>Tariff</strong> Regulations 2011, PTCUL is required <strong>to</strong> file aggregate revenue requirement <strong>for</strong> thecontrol period <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2015</strong>-<strong>16</strong> with the Hon‟ble Commission <strong>for</strong> approval.In this section the <strong>Petition</strong>er has outlined the broad details of the capital expenditure proposed <strong>to</strong> beundertaken during the control period i.e. <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2015</strong>-<strong>16</strong> in line with the Business Plansubmitted <strong>to</strong> the Hon‟ble Commission <strong>for</strong> approval. Further, PTCUL has projected the aggregate revenuerequirement <strong>for</strong> each year of the Control Period in this section. The approach and assumptions adoptedby PTCUL <strong>for</strong> projection of each parameter <strong>for</strong> determination of aggregate revenue requirement duringthe period is detailed in paragraphs below:Power Transmission Corporation of Uttarakhand Ltd. Page 25

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