Stagetec Nexus Brochure - PDF - Aspen Madi.

Stagetec Nexus Brochure - PDF - Aspen Madi. Stagetec Nexus Brochure - PDF - Aspen Madi.
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Digital Audio Routing and Interconnect System

Digital Audio Routing and Interconnect System

NEXUS - Digital Audio Routing &Interconnect SystemAn audio network? A router? An I/O matrix? None of these terms is anap pro pri ate description of what this system really is. So we need a newname: NEXUS!NEXUS is not only simultaneously an audio network, a router, and anI/O matrix; it also offers audio-format conversion, A/D and D/A con vert ersys tems, audio processing, data forwarding, routing in ter faces, multi-channelmetering, power-amplifi er control, in ter com, log i cal functions, andmuch more . . .The basic proposition is convincing: Optical interconnections cover theen tire studio complex carrying all audio and control data in a digital format.So-called Base Devices are installed in studios, con trol rooms, apparatusareas, and on stages. They provide all the nec es sary I/O resources in theap pro pri ate formats via standard ports. A handy graphical control softwareap pli ca tion allows any in put to be routed to the desired outputs — no matterwhere the I/O re sources are physically located.The NEXUS is THE versatile audio network and routing system for controlling studio or mixing-console resources, for routing areas, broad casting-complex networking, OB trucks, sound reinforcement, and for all otherpro fes sion al audio applications.Audio ConversionAll audio boards read and write the internal 24-bit audio format of the timedivi sion multiplex bus system. Thus, audio inputs of any type can be routedvia NEXUS to any type of audio output (e.g. an a logue inputs to digital outputs,or Y2 inputs to AES/EBU outputs). With NEXUS, format conversion —usually a complex and awkward busi ness — ceases to be an issue.Signal ProcessingSignal distribution does not require signal-processor boards. How ev er, aNEXUS DSP can be routed to wherever signal processing is need ed — virtual ly anywhere on the system, providing all nec es sary con trols for EQ,de lay, dynamics, faders, etc. The processing modules are controlled fromthe NEXUS user in ter face.Analogue AudioIncorporating Stage Tec‘s specifi cally designed A/D and D/A convertersys tems, the XAD+ (input) and XDA+ (output) 8-channel line I/O boardsof fer exceptional dynamic range of 133 dB(A) and 131 dB(A), respectively.The 8-channel XMIC+ 32-bit microphone-input board achieves anim pres sive dynamic range of 158 dB(A). The microphone inputs can evenbe used as line inputs — without any modifi cations. At last, input clippingand in put gain/preamplifi cation are consigned to history!Saving costs and time, two boards are the fi rst to eschew galvanic isolation (which is a standard feature of all other NEXUS boards): The HXADand HXDA boards make available eight analogue stereo inputs and outputs,re spec tive ly, via D-Sub or RJ45 ports on just 4 HP!Both the A/D and D/A converters support a maximum analogue levelof 15 dBu and are mainly designed for fi xed installations.Digital AudioInterface boards for converting audio and ancillary data to the NEXUS24-bit TDM format are available for a variety of digital formats. The boardscan be equipped with sample-rate converters for interfacing with asyn chronousdevices. They are also certifi ed by Dolby ® for forwarding Dolby Esig nals (without: XAF, XSF, XTF, XYF).Non-audioNEXUS routing and forwarding capabilities also apply to other signal types.The system can distribute and even generate various serial formats such asRS 232, RS 422, RS 485, MIDI, DMX, LTC etc. and control signals for downstreamdevices, e.g. power-amplifi ers, light ing and machine control.Dolby EDolby E is a method used for transporting eight encoded audio channels ona stereo AES digital audio sig nal. It has gained con sid er able sig nifi cancedue to the increasing acceptance of surround broadcast ing. Stage Tecoffers two Dolby E components:The XDED decoder board extracts the individual channels from a DolbyE stream or SDI signal and feeds them to the NEXUS system as discreteaudio signals.The XDEE encoder board encodes up to eight discrete audio signalsfrom the NEXUS system in compliance with the Dolby E encoding specific a t i o n s .Dolby® Laboratories has examined and certifi ed the transparency ofthe NEXUS hardware. Stage Tec is an offi cial Dolby E partner.NetworkingNEXUS offers almost unlimited and cost-effi cient connectivity via op ti calfi bres. Distances of up to 100 kilometers (more than 60 miles) can bespanned without deterioration in audio-quality or sync inaccuracies.ComponentsNEXUS Base Devices are 19" mainframes that come in 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, or15 unit sizes. All inputs and outputs are made available on 3-U plug-inboards.OperationNEXUS is operated using a graphical control program running on a PCand/or from AURUS and AURATUS audio mixing consoles. Intuitive accessto, and control of, all system components is provided by NEXUS controlsoft ware. All settings can be stored, and presets can be easily recalled.ReliabilityReliable operation is a core feature of the NEXUS. Systems can be config ured with a high level of redundancy, and every Base Device in cludesa dedicated controller board. The concept of »distributed in tel li gence«pre vents total failure in case of malfunction. Defects are immediatelyin di cat ed by the graphical alert system. Single boards can be replaceddur ing operation without affecting other sys tem components (hot-swapca pa bil ity). Every board is available on the system within a few secondsaf ter installation.* Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Digital Audio Routing and Interconnect System

Applications• In Radio and TV broadcasting: Central transmission rooms, fullbroadcast-centre networking, studio routing matrices, transmissionlinks• In recording and post-production studios: Routing matrix for mixingconsoles and studios, complete wiring of studio complexes, A/D, D/A,and format conversion• In theatres, concert halls, convention centres, exhibition grounds:Interconnection of recording studios, stages, sound-re in force mentfacilities, and other areas; hall and building networkingGeneral Audio Specifications• Sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz (software-controlled)• Analogue full-scale level: 0 dBFs = 0 to 22 / 24 dBu analogue (globalsetting)Digital AudioXER AES/EBU-input Board• Formats: AES/EBU and S/PDIF (XLR, TOSLINK, BNC, RJ45, RCA coaxial)• Sample-rate converters (standard)• Supports legacy modeXET AES/EBU-output Board• Formats: AES/EBU and S/PDIF (XLR, TOSLINK, BNC, RJ45, RCA coaxial)• Sample-rate converters (standard)• Supports legacy modeXAF ADAT I/O Board• Formats: Alesis ADAT via TOSLINK• Re-quantization to 16 or 20 bits with noise shaping and ditheringSample-rate converters (option)XTF TDIF Board• Formats: Tascam TDIF DB-25• Re-quantization to 16 or 20 bits with noise shaping and dithering• Sample-rate converters (option)XMF MADI I/O Board• Formats: MADI with BNC and optical ports• Supports legacy modeXSDI I/O Board for embedded Audio• Audio embedder/de-embedder for SMPTE-259M video (SD) for all 16audio channels• Independently adjustable delay (0 to 170 ms @ 48kHz) on each outputchannel• De-embeds, embeds, replaces, and/or deletes audio• Free channel routing on the NEXUS• Re-quantization to 16 or 20 bits with noise shaping and dithering• Sample-rate converters (option)XHDI I/O Board for embedded Audio• Audio embedder/de-embedder for SMPTE-259M (SD) and SMPTE-292M (HD) video for all 16 audio channels• Independently adjustable delay (0 to 170 ms @ 48kHz) on each outputchannel• De-embeds, embeds, replaces, and/or deletes audio• Free channel routing on the NEXUS• Source signals with 20 or 24 bits,Re-quantization with noise shaping and dithering• Sample-rate converters (option)Analogue AudioXAD+ Input Board• Balanced, galvanically isolated, transformer-isolated• A/D converters: 24-bit, TrueMatch• Dynamic range: 133 dB (A) @ 24 dBu (typ.)• THD&N: 0.001 % @ 24 dBu (typ.)XDA+ Output Board• Balanced, galvanically isolated, transformer-isolated• D/A converters: 24-bit Delta-Sigma• Dynamic range: 131 dB (A) @ 24 dBu (typ.)XMIC+ Microphone-Input Board• Balanced, galvanically isolated, transformer-isolated• A/D converters: 32-bit, TrueMatch• Input level: 24 dBu balanced (max.), Input impedance: 12.5 kilohm• Makeup Gain: up to 70 dB, click-free adjustment in 1-dB steps• Dynamic range: > 158 dB (A) @ 24 dBu• THD&N: < 0.003 % @ 24 dBu• Phantom power, four split outputs with independent subsonic fi lter,amplifi er and phase inversionHXAD A/D Converter• Balanced, transformer-isolated• Dynamic range: 112 dB(A) (typ.)• A/D converters: 24-bit Delta-SigmaHXDA D/A Converter• Balanced, transformer-insulated• Dynamic range: 120 dB(A) (typ.)• D/A converters: 24-bit Delta-SigmaNon-audioXCI Communication Board• Operating-panel interface for controlling the NEXUS• Supported protocols: RS 232, RS 422 AES 15, RS 422 SMPTE/EBU,MIDI, Stage Tec protocol, Ethernet portXRI Relay-interface Board• Signalling and remote-start distributionXTI Data-forwarding Board• Level and format conversion• Forwards RS 232, RS 422, RS 485, MIDI, DMX, and LTC dataAudio ProcessingXDSP Signal-processor Board• Extended 40-bit fl oating-point format• Signal processors: parametric EQ, gain control, delay• Limiter, compressor, summing, and various signal-processor modulesavailable on requestXFAD Signal-processor Board• 8-in-8 summing for autonomous controlled crossfades• Full NEXUS integration; operation via graphical user interfacenexus Digital Audio Routing and Interconnect System

Base DeviceBase Devices are designed as 19" mainframes for NEXUS boards fea turingthe XBP backplane with the TDM-bus system, controller boards, andpower- supply units. Optional redundant power-supply units are avail ableon request. Interface boards are installed as requested.Configuration• 19" mainframe (fl ightcase or mounting rack on request)• 1 to 3 front-panel rows (3 U each)• Up to 2 extra rows without backplanes, for detached front panels• 1 XCPU controller board• 1 backplane power-supply unit (min.)• Redundant power-supply units (optional)• I/O boards as requestedSlots• 4-DU grid (20.32 mm)• 20 free slots per front-panel row• 60 slots (max.) plus space for detached front panels in two extrarows (max.) per Base DeviceBus System• TDM audio bus• 256 dynamically assigned time slots per Base Device• 24-bit audio plus ancillary data (AES-3 compliant)• 4,096 inputs and 4,096 outputsOperating Voltages• Power supply: 90 to 264 VAC• Line frequency: 47 to 63 HzDimensions• Height: 132.5 to 665.9 mm/5.22 to 26.22" (3/6/9/12/15U)• Width: approx. 482.6 mm/19"• Depth: approx. 440 mm/17.32" (without handles, ports)NEXUS Single-Unit Base Device• 1 XCPU controller board, 5 free slots• Height: approx. 45 mm/1.77"• Width: approx. 482.6 mm/19"• Depth: approx. 470 mm/18.50"System BoardsThe XCPU central controller module and the power-supply units are mandato ry components of NEXUS Base Devices. In addition, XFOC fibre-opticin ter face boards must be implemented for networking multiple BaseDevices.XCPU Controller Board• Central Base Device controller board, controls and monitorsBase Device and routing• Control-computer interface• Global signal and noise generator• Wordclock I/O• Level meteringXFOC Fibre-optic Interface Board• Base Device Intercommunication• 4 duplex ports supporting up to 256 audio channels each (max.)• Spanning distances of up to 100 kilometers/> 62 miles• Control-information transmission• Sync-information transmission• Redundant operation supportedXPSU Power-supply Unit• Wide-range units supplying all components; no fans• Multiple units and/or redundant units per Base Device supported• Space-saving backplane installation• Output power: 100 W eachReferencesSeveral hundred NEXUS systems of various sizes, with more than a thousandBase Devices, have already been installed world-wide — for example,in film and radio studios, OB trucks, theatres and con ven tion centres, government buildings, and for live applications. In ad di tion, there are nu merousAURUS, CANTUS, and CINETRA in stal la tions where NEXUS systemsare used as I/O interfaces and/or audio networks or rout ing systems.NEXUS users include: 20 th Century Fox, Vati kan Radio, various germanTV broadcasters (ZDF, RTL, SAT1, N-TV, Deutsche Welle, MDR,BR, SWR, RBB) RAI, BBC, NBC, CBS, CCTV, RTBF, Canal+, Top Vision,Eu ro scena, Dresden Semper Opera, Vienna State Opera, Bun des kanzleramt, Kreml, German T-Com AG, Disney Resort, Athens OlympicSta dium, Space Center II (French Guyana), German Reichs tag Berlin,Olympic Games 2008 in Peking, and many more...Ne|xus (Latin) n. [,neks‘s] -(inter)connection, link,interweavementStage TecEntwicklungsgesellschaft fürprofessionelle Audiotechnik mbHTabbertstraße 10D-12459 Berlin / GermanyPhone: +49 30 639902-0Fax: +49 30 639902-32E-Mail: offi ce@stagetec.comSALZBRENNER STAGETECVERTRIEB PROFESSIONELLER AUDIOTECHNIK GmbHHead Offi ceIndustriegebiet SeeD-96155 Buttenheim / GermanyPhone: +49 9545 440-300Fax: +49 9545 440-333E-Mail: sales@stagetec.comSALZBRENNER STAGETECVERTRIEB PROFESSIONELLER AUDIOTECHNIK GmbHOffi ce Löffi ngenBahnhofstr. 13D-79843 Löffi ngen / GermanyPhone: +49 7654 9104-0Fax: +49 7654 9104-91E-Mail: loeffi ngen@stagetec.comAURUS, AURATUS, CANTUS, CINETRA, NEXUS, and TrueMatch RMC Series are developed and produced by Stage Tec Entwicklungsgesellschaft in Germany.AURUS®, AURATUS®, CANTUS®, NEXUS®, TrueMatch®, and CINETRA® are national and international registered trademarks of Stage Tec Entwicklungsgesellschaftfür professionelle Audiotechnik mbH, Berlin (Germany). Neither presence nor absence of trademark or brand designations or trade descriptionsin this manual should be regarded as affecting the legal status of any trademark.The information given in this manual is subject to change without notice. Errors excepted.2009 © Stage Tec Entwicklungsgesellschaft für professionelle Audiotechnik

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