Academic Staff Profile - Universiti Tenaga Nasional

Academic Staff Profile - Universiti Tenaga Nasional Academic Staff Profile - Universiti Tenaga Nasional
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Academic Staff ProfileFull NameStaff ID/No.E-mailContact NoDepartment/CollegeAcademicQualificationsCurrent PositionWorkingExperienceCourses Taught inUNITENProfessional BodiesYasmin Hanum Md Ext.7304College of Graduate StudiesPh.D Electrical EngineeringSenior LecturerSenior Lecturer, IKATAN/ Universiti Tenaga Nasional , 1996 - PresentSenior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, 1991 – 1996Research Fellow, MIMOS, 1990 - 1991Electronics I, Circuit Analysis I, Digital Logic Design, Signals andSystems, Digital Signal Processing, Engineering Diagnostic Tools,Research Methodology, Electrical Measurement Lab, Electronics Lab andDigital Logic Lab.IEEEResearch(ongoing /completed projects)No. Project Title Grant Role Status Duration1. Diagnosis and ReliabilityAssessment of the Insulation ofPower Transformers Using PartialDischarge (PD) DetectionTechniqueIRPA ProjectLeaderCompleted Jan 2004 -June 20062. Analysis and Characterization ofAcoustic Emission Signals FromPartial Discharge in Oil-Pressboard Insulation System3. Study of Space Charge andElectroluminescence Phenomenonin Solid Dielectrics subjected toHigh Electrical Field4. Under Frequency Load-Shedding(UFLS): A New AdaptiveApproach5. Analysis Of The WavePropagation Characteristics inDegraded XLPE Cables from HighFrequency cable ModelsFRGSFRGSSCIENCEFUND(MOSTI)FRGSProjectLeaderProjectMemberProjectMemberProjectMemberCompleted Sept 2009 -Aug 2011Completed Sept 2009 –Aug 2011Completed Oct 2009 –Sept 2011Completed May 2010 –April 2012

<strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>Full Name<strong>Staff</strong> ID/No.E-mailContact NoDepartment/College<strong>Academic</strong>QualificationsCurrent PositionWorkingExperienceCourses Taught inUNITENProfessional BodiesYasmin Hanum Md Ext.7304College of Graduate StudiesPh.D Electrical EngineeringSenior LecturerSenior Lecturer, IKATAN/ <strong>Universiti</strong> <strong>Tenaga</strong> <strong>Nasional</strong> , 1996 - PresentSenior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, 1991 – 1996Research Fellow, MIMOS, 1990 - 1991Electronics I, Circuit Analysis I, Digital Logic Design, Signals andSystems, Digital Signal Processing, Engineering Diagnostic Tools,Research Methodology, Electrical Measurement Lab, Electronics Lab andDigital Logic Lab.IEEEResearch(ongoing /completed projects)No. Project Title Grant Role Status Duration1. Diagnosis and ReliabilityAssessment of the Insulation ofPower Transformers Using PartialDischarge (PD) DetectionTechniqueIRPA ProjectLeaderCompleted Jan 2004 -June 20062. Analysis and Characterization ofAcoustic Emission Signals FromPartial Discharge in Oil-Pressboard Insulation System3. Study of Space Charge andElectroluminescence Phenomenonin Solid Dielectrics subjected toHigh Electrical Field4. Under Frequency Load-Shedding(UFLS): A New AdaptiveApproach5. Analysis Of The WavePropagation Characteristics inDegraded XLPE Cables from HighFrequency cable ModelsFRGSFRGSSCIENCEFUND(MOSTI)FRGSProjectLeaderProjectMemberProjectMemberProjectMemberCompleted Sept 2009 -Aug 2011Completed Sept 2009 –Aug 2011Completed Oct 2009 –Sept 2011Completed May 2010 –April 2012

6. Analysis and Classification ofPartial Discharge (PD) Sourcesfrom Acoustic Emission Signals ina Simulated Transformer Tank7. Determination of WavePropagation Characteristicsthrough High Voltage PolymericCable Models8. Analysis of Cable InsulationPerformance via Polarization andDepolarization CurrentCharacteristics9. A New Method of Detecting andClassification of Transformer Oilin Service using Ultrasonic SoundDetection, Fast Fourier Transformand wavelet TransformUNITENUNITENERGS(MOHE)SCIENCEFUND(MOSTI)ProjectLeaderProjectMemberProjectMemberProjectMemberCompleted May 2010 –Nov 2011Completed May 2010 –April 2011On-going Sept 2011 –Aug 2013On-going Jan 2012 –Dec 2013No. Project Title Grant Role Status DurationConsultancy(ongoing /completed projects)1. Development of Guideline inInsulation CoordinationPractices for MV OverheadDistribution System2. A Feasibility Study to Detectthe Location of Water Trees inMedium Voltage XLPE Cableusing Traveling WavePropagation TechniqueTNBDTNBRProjectMemberProjectLeaderCompleted May 2008 -May 2009Completed June 2009 -May 2010Publications1. Nidzamuddeen Ishak, Norashidah Md Din, Md Zaini Jamaludin, Yasmin Hanum MohdThayoob, Power Line Carrier Technology and Home Automation, 2nd StudentConference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2002), IEEE Malaysia, UiTM,Shah Alam July 16 - 17, 2002.2. Ahmad Qisti Ramli, Yasmin Hanum Thayoob, Muhamad Mansor and Dr. ProdiptoSankar Ghosh, “Strategic Positioning of Acoustic Sensors for the Detection andLocation of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers”, 2 nd WEC, Sarawak, July 2002.3. Yasmin H M Thayoob, John S T Foo and P S Ghosh, “A Novel Method of transformerInsulating Oil Condition Monitoring”, CIRED 2002 Kuala Lumpur, August 2002.4. Yasmin H. Md Thayoob, Ahmad Basri Abd. Ghani and P. S. Ghosh, “A New Approachto Identify Electrical PD Signal Patterns using Frequency Spectral Analysis”, AnnualReport of the 2002 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena,IEEE CEIDP 2002, October 2002, pp.716-719.5. Y.H.M. Thayoob, A.B.A. Ghani and P.S. Ghosh. “Partial Discharge PatternClassification Using Frequency-Domain Statistical Descriptors”, IEEE ElectricalInsulation Conference Sept. 2003.6. Yasmin H. Md Thayoob, Ahmad Basri Abd. Ghani and P. S. Ghosh, “Partial DischargePattern Classification Using Frequency Spectrum”, UNITEN Student Conference onResearch & Development (SCOReD), Dec. 2003.7. Chai Min Lee, Ahmad Qisti Bin Ramli, Dr. Prodipto Sankar Ghosh and Yasmin HanumMd. Thayoob, “Acoustic Measurement of Partial Discharge Signals in SimulatedTransformer Tank”, UNITEN Student Conference on Research & Development(SCOReD), Nov. 2004.8. C.M. Lee, A.Q. Ramli, P.S. Ghosh, Y.H.M. Thayoob and Z. Wang, “The Effect ofDifferent Partial Discharge Sources on Acoustic Waves Propagation in an ExperimentalTank”, Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage

Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Aug. 25-29, 2005.9. M.L. Chai, Yasmin H. Md Thayoob, P.S. Ghosh, Ahmad Zuri Sha’ameri and MohdAizam Talib, “Identification of Different Types of Partial Discharge Sources fromAcoustic Emission Signals In the Time-Frequency Representation”, IEEE InternationalPower and Energy Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Nov. 2006.10. Yasmin H. Md Thayoob, P.S. Ghosh and Ahmad Basri Sbd. Ghani, “Preprocessing ofElectrical Partial Discharge Signals using Autocorrelation Function (ACF)”, IEEEInternational Power and Energy Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Nov. 2006.11. Yasmin H. Md Thayoob, P S Ghosh and Ahmad B. Abd. Ghani, “Frequency SpectralAnalysis of Electrical Partial Discharge Signals in XLPE Cable under Various SoilConditions”, 2 nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), Dec.2008, Malaysia, pp. 1528-1531.12. Z. Zakaria, Y.H Md Thayoob, M.R. Samsudin, P.S. Ghosh, M.L. Chai, “Analysis ofAcoustic Emission Signal Patterns From Different Types of Partial Discharge Sources”,UNITEN Student Conference on Research & Development (SCOReD 2009), Aug2009, UNITEN.13. Yasmin H. Md Thayoob, Raffi Samsudin, Ahmad B. Abd. Ghani and P S Ghosh,“Analysis of Partial Discharge Signal Patterns in XLPE Cable under Various SoilConditions Using Self Organizing Map”, 16 th International Symposium on High VoltageEngineering, August 2009, South Africa.14. Z. Zakaria, Y.H Md Thayoob, M.R. Samsudin, P.S. Ghosh, M.L. Chai, “FeatureAnalysis of Acoustic Emission Signals in Time-Frequency Representation from PartialDischarge Sources using Self-Organizing Map”, International Conference on Signaland Image Processing Applications 2009, November 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.15. A. Mohd Ariffin, N. Mat Tajudin, S. Sulaiman, Y. H. Md Thayoob, “ComparingSimulation Results and Experimental Measurements of ElectroluminescencePhenomenon in Dielectric Materials”, International Symposium on Electrical Insulation(ISEI) 2010, USA, June 2010.16. Farah Hani Nordin, Azni Wati Azizan, Zeti Akma Razali, Yasmin Hanum Md Thayooband Norashidah Md. Din, “ Alumni Survey as part of Continual Quality ImprovementInput for Outcome-based Education <strong>Academic</strong> Programme”, IEEE InternationalConference on Engineering Education 2010 (ICEEDU2010), September 2010, KualaLumpur, Malaysia.17. Y.H Md Thayoob, S. Sulaiman, A. Mohd Ariffin, “Analysis of Wave Propagation in TimeDomain Reflectometry Circuit Simulation Model”, 2010 IEEE International Power andEnergy Conference (PECon2010), November 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.18. Y.H Md Thayoob, Z. Zakaria, M.R Samsudin, P.S Ghosh, M.L. Chai, “Preprocessing ofAcoustic Emission Signals From Partial Discharge in Oil-pressboard InsulationSystem”, 2010 IEEE International Power and Energy Conference (PECon2010),November 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.19. Y.H Md Thayoob, A. Mohd Ariffin , S. Sulaiman, “Analysis of High Frequency WavePropagation Characteristics in Medium Voltage XLPE Cable Model”, 2010 InternationalConference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE2010),December 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.20. T. M. Kuan, A. Mohd. Ariffin, S. Sulaiman and Y. H. Md Thayoob, "Wave PropagationCharacteristics of Polymeric Underground Cables", The 5 th International PowerEngineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO 2011), Jun 2011, Selangor,Malaysia21. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob, Nur Faizah Abidin, Zurita Zakaria, Ahmad Qisti Ramliand Chai Min Lee, “Detection of Acoustic Emission Signals from Partial DischargeSources in Oil-Pressboard Insulation System”, 2010 IEEE Student Conference onResearch and Development (2010 IEEE SCOReD), December 2010, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.22. Ab Ghani, S.; Md Thayoob, Y.H.; Ghazali, Y.Z. Yang; Khiar, M.S. Ahmad; Chairul, I.Sutan; , "Evaluation of transformer core and winding conditions from SFRAmeasurement results using statistical techniques for distribution transformers," PowerEngineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2012 IEEE International , pp.448-453, 6-7 June 2012.

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