What's a Seawolf? - Student Affairs - Stony Brook University

What's a Seawolf? - Student Affairs - Stony Brook University

What's a Seawolf? - Student Affairs - Stony Brook University


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What’s a <strong>Seawolf</strong>?Now YOU’RE a <strong>Seawolf</strong>!www.stonybrook.edu/housing(631) 632-67501

Diversity on Campus and in Your Residence HallsAt <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong>, we’re proud of the diversity on campus and in the residence halls! With almost 10,000students living on campus, you’ll likely meet (or perhaps live with) someone who has a different set of lifeexperiences than you. We encourage you to embrace those differences and be open to sharing your lifeexperiences with those whom you come in contact with. Remember that people come from all over theworld to attend <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong> and that’s something you have in common!We look forward to seeing you on move-in day and hope that you enjoy this unique residential experience!For more information on <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong>’s Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action, visit:http://www.stonybrook.edu/diversity/index.htmlFor information on <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong>’s Committee to Celebrate Diversity, visit:http://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/celebrate_diversity/Stay Safe On CampusWe’re very proud of our outstanding safety record hereat <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong>. But safety is no accident. It takes the dedicationof many hard-working professionals across the campusand the vigilance and awareness of all students, faculty, andstaff.For information on:Traffic Safety, Sexual Safety, Residential Safety, EnvironmentalHealth & Safety, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Mental Health,Personal Health, and CommunityVisit the following website:http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/safety/4

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Around Town"Save time and money on NYS Thruwaytravel with E-ZPass!"For more information, please visit:www.e-zpassny.com<strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong> is just a short trip away frommany things to do on Long Islandincluding the Smith Haven Mall, severalbeaches, and Port Jefferson.We’re also just a train ride away from NYC!For more information on:Banks, mail services, safety & security,parking permits, and more, visit:studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/res/amenities.shtmlTransportationSBU TransitFREE transportation around campus, the <strong>University</strong>Hospital, and South PNow track the on-campusbus schedule using an appon your smart phone!MTA Long Island Buslocations include the Smith Haven Mall, Port Jefferson, and <strong>Stony</strong><strong>Brook</strong> VillageLong Island Rail Roadstops right on campus! This line also makes several other stopsfrom Penn Station all the way to Port JeffersonPort Jefferson Ferryconnects to Bridgeport CT7

FAQ’sQ: I am a new student and I heard that I will be placed in temporary housing. What exactly does that mean?A: To honor the guarantee of housing to all new undergraduates who apply for housing by the May 1st deadline, the <strong>University</strong> finds it necessaryto assign a significant portion of our new admits into temporary housing (double rooms assigned as tripled accommodations or loungesutilized as bedrooms). It is anticipated that approximately 1,400 new students will start out in temporary housing. Temporary housing is aphenomena occurring on many campuses as the number of college bound graduates continues to grow. <strong>Student</strong>s assigned to temporaryhousing should assume that they will be there for the entire fall semester. Furthermore, every resident of temporary housing will receive a $5daily credit to their <strong>University</strong> account for everyday that they reside in a temporary space.Q: I have been assigned to a triple for the fall semester. Am I guaranteed to be de-tripled for the Spring?A: Our goal is to offer ever resident of temporary housing a permanent space by the start of the Spring semester. That said, there may be asmall number of students who return for the spring semester and are still assigned to a tripled roomQ. I'm glad I'm living on campus but I'd rather live in another room. Can I request a room change?A: We hope you're happy in your assigned space. If not, there may be an opportunity to change your room after the Room Freeze ends onSeptember 9th. If you decide you want to change rooms you can submit a room change request on the Campus Residences homepage (www.stonybrook.edu/housing ) on or after September 9, 2013. Since occupancy is expected to remain beyond capacity for the entire Fallsemester, room change requests are not guaranteed. However, we'll do our best to accommodate requests. Freshmen may only changerooms within their assigned Undergraduate College and room change requests will only be considered to “like” type spaces (double to double,single to single, etc). For more information contact your quad office.Q: I applied for campus housing this Fall, but if I find that I am able to live off-campus instead, when is the last day I can contactthe school and receive a full refund?A: If you've decided to cancel your housing request you need to notify us in writing of your change of plans. The last day to cancel housingand receive a partial refund of the housing deposit is August 15. You should email your cancellation request to reside@stonybrook.edu.Q: How are roommates assigned?A: While we make every effort to honor specific roommate requests we are unable to guarantee placement with requested roommates. Whenassigning spaces we do our best to match lifestyle preferences as indicated on the on-line housing preference form. Also, because we housestudents based on their Undergraduate College placement, it may not be possible for roommate requests to be accommodated.Q: How do I log onto the Internet from my residence hall room?A: The <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong> ResNet registration will require that your computer have up-to-date anti-virus software and all critical Micro-soft Windowspatches. You will not be able to go on-line until your computer is registered. Remember, all students must register their computer every semester.To prepare for this, test your machine before you arrive back on campus through https://testme.resnet.stonybrook.edu. This willallow you to take care of any problems before the semester begins. If you experience problems and would like to make arrangements forremote assistance, please contact Client Support at (631) 632-9800.Q. What is <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong>'s smoking policy?A. <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a "Smoke-Free <strong>University</strong>" it prohibits smoking in all buildings, in enclosed areas, and certain outdoor locations.Any resident or guest who wishes to smoke should vacant the building and smoke at least 25 feet from the perimeter of the building. <strong>Stony</strong><strong>Brook</strong> will become a Tobacco-Free campus as of January 1, 2014. For more information on this subject, visithttp://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/tobaccofree/faq.html9

Important DatesInternational New <strong>Student</strong> Move-In August 18New <strong>Student</strong> Move-InAugust 23, 9am-3pmExperience <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong> (Orientation) August 23-25Returning <strong>Student</strong> Move-InAugust 25, 10am-5pmClasses Begin August 26Saturday Classes Begin August 31Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (Without Tuition Liability)September 1 (Sunday—offices closed)Labor Day: No Classes September 2Last Day to Add/Drop Classes (Without “W”) September 10Homecoming October 5Grade/Pass/No Credit Deadline October 25Thanksgiving Break November 27-29Classes End December 6Saturday Classes End December 7Final Exams December 10-18Residence Halls Close for Winter Break December 18Your Undergraduate College & Living Learning CentersYou are placed in an Undergraduate College based on the answers provided on the New <strong>Student</strong> PreferenceForm, not your major. Your Undergraduate College will determine what quad you are placed in for your freshmanyear. You must remain in your Quad your entire freshman year.The Living Learning Centers (LLC) are internationally recognized programs that add an academic dimensionto campus living. Those students who want to connect their academic pursuits and social life in the residence hallscan choose themes that capture their interest and inspire their imagination. There are currently six different LivingLearning Centers in which <strong>Stony</strong> <strong>Brook</strong> students have the option to participate:Human Sexual and Gender Development; International Studies; Science and Engineering; Environmental Studies;Media Arts; and Health and WellnessEach Living Learning Center is affiliated with one of the six Undergraduate College themes. <strong>Student</strong>s whowish to participate in a Living Learning Center can do so by declaring the minor and contacting the faculty directorof the LLC they are interested in. Applicants will also be asked to identify an interest in one of the Living LearningCenters on their New <strong>Student</strong> Preference Form. For more information students can call 631-632-1322 or visit theLiving Learning Center’s website at www.stonybrook.edu/llc.10

Who to ContactChapin Apartments700 Health Sciences DriveComputing Center Chapin Commons 2-6843Fitness Center Chapin Commons 2-6842Quad Office Building A 2-6755 ChapinQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidential Mailroom Chapin Commons 4-6746H-QUAD 200 Circle RoadComputing Center Benedict 2-6482Fitness Center Benedict 2-3975Quad Office Benedict 2-6775 HQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls Benedict 2-6669/2-6776James 2-6670/2-6777Langmuir 2-6671/2-6773Residential Mailroom Irving (Mendelsohn Quad) 2-4746Kelly QUAD300 Circle RoadComputing Center Baruch 2-6592Fitness Center Schick 2-3978Quad Office Hamilton 2-6790 KellyQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls Baruch 2-6665/2-6792Dewey 2-6649/2-6791Eisenhower 2-6666/2-6793Hamilton 2-6668/2-6795Lauterbur 2-9257/2-9253Schick 2-6667/2-6794Residential Mailroom Keller (Roosevelt Quad) 6-4150MENDELSOHN QUAD100 Circle RoadComputing Center O-Neill 2-6279Fitness Center O-Neill 2-3974Quad Office Irving/O'Neill Lobby 2-6760 MendelsohnQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls Amman 2-6643/2-6765Gray 2-6764/2-6642Irving 2-6640/2-6762O-Neill 2-6641/2-6763Residential Mailroom Irving 2-474611

Roosevelt Quad400 Circle RoadComputing Center Nobel 2-6987Fitness Center Greeley 2-3979Quad Office GLS/HDV Center 2-6800 RooseveltQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls Greeley 2-6799/2-6109Keller 2-6796/2-9423Stimson 2-6797/2-6981Wagner 2-9449/2-9481Yang 2-9242/2-9203Residential Mailroom Keller 6-4150Roth Quad600 Circle RoadComputing Center Cardozo 2-4969Fitness Center Mount 2-3976Quad Office Gershwin 2-2040 RothQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls Cardozo 2-6673/2-6788Gershwin 2-6664/2-6802Hendrix 2-6674/2-6789Mount 2-6785/2-4885Whitman 2-6672/2-6787Residential Mailroom Keller (Roosevelt Quad) 6-4150Schomburg/West Apartments350 Circle Road/450 Circle RoadComputing Center West E Commons 2-4927Fitness Center West E Commons 2-4938Quad Office West E Commons 2-4728 SchomburgWestQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls West A,C,D (Phase I) 2-4142West B,E, F (Phase II) 2-4970West G, H, I (Phase III) 2-4999Residential Mailroom Keller (Roosevelt Quad) 6-4150Tabler Quad500 Circle RoadComputing Center Douglass 2-4942Fitness Center Dreiser 2-3977Quad Office Hand 2-6780 TablerQuadOffice@stonybrook.eduResidence Halls Douglass 2-6646/2-6779Dreiser 2-6647/2-6782Hand 2-6778/2-6645Sanger 2-6781/2-6429Toscanini 2-6648/2-6783Residential Mailroom Keller (Roosevelt Quad) 6-415012

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