N B.S.™ - social.dankennedy... - Dan Kennedy

N B.S.™ - social.dankennedy... - Dan Kennedy

N B.S.™ - social.dankennedy... - Dan Kennedy


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ecome multi-millionaires. Sheep don’t ride inlimos. Sheep don’t fly in private jets. Sheep don’tretire rich. You must think for yourself, thinkcritically, and question everything, to successfullysee through, smell, and shuffle aside the monstrousquantity of b.s. in order to focus on and use thehighest value, most reliable tools and activitiesand investments that move you and your businessmeasurably closer to your goals. That’s what myNO BS is supposed to stand for.At a recent gathering where I am a guest coach, abusiness owner explained how he had gone from$700,000.00 a month to $1.2-million a month inunder 6 months, implementing a short-list of seventhings I’d suggested. None were revolutionary,none involved any ‘new’ media, most weredecidedly un-sexy. He had recently been at a greatshovel-seller’s seminar where he’d been pitchedon a pricey top-to-bottom, inside-out makeover ofhis own seminar presentation, which consistentlycloses 50%+ of ‘cold’ audiences brought in withadvertising. I tossed cold water, given that the bestin his biz converted about 60%, so the margin ofopportunity wasn’t great, the risk of doing damagegreater, and other, more certain things to do, morethan enough in quantity and cost to keep himoccupied for months, existed. None of those wereas sexy or seemingly easy as writing some guru afat check to magically makeover his seminar.It is easy to be seduced. In Greek mythology,there are the ‘Sirens’, sexy women or mermaidsor witches, I forget which, who by beauty and/ormelodic and hypnotic voices singing, cause sailorsto abandon methodical navigation and turn theirships so as to better hear and hopefully see theSirens – then crashing onto the rocks and sinkingtheir ships. I’m a little fuzzy on the details, andforget the Sirens’ motives. Perhaps they were a clubof wronged ex-wives of cheating sailors, caughttweeting photos of their masts to women in otherports, and this was vengeance. Doesn’t matter.Everyday, sexy Sirens are seeking to distract youfrom the steady implementation of what definitelyworks, to fascinate you with things more melodic,alluring and hypnotic.Don’t make the moral here too narrow – I do notmean blanket indictment of <strong>social</strong> media as amarketing vehicle. Far from it. In fact, elsewherein this issue, from that same issue of Entrepreneur, Ishare the most interesting thing about <strong>social</strong> mediaI’ve encountered in a while. Fact is, emergingmedia, even enormously popular, temporary fadmedia (like 900 numbers once were), can offerreal opportunity to some marketers. That reallyisn’t the critical question. Just because you can dosomething, others are doing it, it is popular, andeven if it works, still doesn’t mean you should bedoing it ahead of or instead of other things. I’mtalking here about judgment. And self-imposeddiscipline.About a month ago there was a documentary aboutthe legendary, iconic coach Vince Lombardi playingon HBO, so it is likely still at HBO On Demand, oravailable for purchase at Netflix. It showed howobsessed with and committed to one single play –the power sweep – Lombardi was. He worked onperfecting it constantly, he coached his players onit daily, he could – and did – lecture on it for as longas five hours straight. One single play. And he ranit again and again and again, daring opponents tostop it; yelling to them from the sidelines “We’rerunning it again!” (Lombardi was not a gracefulwinner.) In the Super Bowl that his Packers ranup 30-something points against the New YorkGiants’ zero points, his defense gave the Giants thegoose-egg, and his “power sweep” provided thepoints – combined, the kind of brutally punishinghumiliation a championship opponent is neversupposed to take. One single play. Brilliantlyengineered then perfectly executed every time soas to be nearly unstoppable. One single play.Mr. Lombardi might very well have been deaf tothe Sirens. Sailed right on by.DAN’S IN-BOXFACTOIDS OF THE MONTH.•The #1 source of internet trafficis: NETFLIX, consuming 30%of peak-times traffic. (SandvineEntertainment Research). •BritneySpears is the celebrity moms wouldleast want babysitting their kids(31%), followed by Courtney Love(24%) and the Octomom (24%).Incredibly, all three scored above Casey Anthony. (YahooPoll). My questions are: who the hell bothers to participatein such a poll? And, isn’t Congressman Weiner a celebrity?®The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 3

Would you want him babysitting? •25% of kids 9 to 17 yearsold believe that sending and receiving text messages countsas reading. (Scholastic). My question: how big of an idiot doesa parent need to be to have a 9 year old texting? •Parentswith smartphones say 30% of their apps were downloaded bytheir kids….and kids begin downloading apps to their parents’phones at age 9. (Nielsen.com) It is my painful observationthat parents are engaged in incessant negotiation with theirchildren – over everything, what they’ll eat, what app theycan next get and when, etc., etc. When I was 9, I didn’t evenget to pick out my own comic books. Negotiating was not anoption. •Out of photo line-ups, women ranked smiling andhappy-appearing guys last, for sexual attractiveness. (HappyGuys Finish Last: The Impact of Emotional Expression onSexual Attractiveness, University of British Columbia studyin 4/2011 issue of the Journal of the American PsychologicalAssociation). Does this have any application to photos inadvertising? •Top Home Improvement Projects 2010-2011:landscaping projects, 50 million homes; painting/wallpapering,47 million homes; bathroom remodels, 25 million; carpet/floorcoverings also about 25 million. Where did consumers go tobuy supplies for these projects? – obviously overlap in thesestats, i.e. same consumers spending in more than one place:Home Depot 51% Kmart 7%Lowes 47% True Value 7%Walmart 31% Sherwin-Wms 5%Ace Hardware 23% Sam’s Club 3%Target 11% Indep Retailers 3%Sears 10% All Other 9%(Source: Scarborough Research. Scarborough.com)ONLINERS QUIETLY RIDE THE DINOSAUR. If you are notan eBay seller you might miss what Diamond Luxury MemberTimothy Seward (ROIRevolution.com) called to my attention:eBay publishes and snail-mails a printed quarterly magazine,PowerUp, for its merchants. Hmm. Wonder why they don’t juste-publish this online and save a ton of money and just let theirobviously internet savvy merchants fetch it there? I have moreto say about this specifically for info-marketers, in upcomingNo BS. INFO-Marketing Letter. Here, suffice to say, eveninternet giants dealing with internet marketers aren’t walkingaway from print media. If you are, better think twice. And if youare not publishing and sending a newsletter or magazine orboth to your customers/clients/patients, ideally monthly, youhave your business structure without strong foundation, andyou have a fool for a builder.TROUBLES IN PARADISE. •At some point, I would thinkconsumers will become less blasé about the ever-growingevidence that the information they let enter the internet can’tbe protected by anybody. In the past 6 months, securitybreaches we know about include: 12-14-10, Silverpop: e-mailaddresses for customers of McDonalds and Honda stolen;3/30/11 Epsilon: long list of banks, retailers and hotels notifiedcustomers of “unauthorized entry” exposing their e-mailaddresses and other data; 4/19/11: The Children’s Place, aretailer: entire customer database hacked. 4/19/11: Sony’sPlaystation Network: over 100 million users’ e-mail addresses,zip codes, birthdays and credit info hacked. Stolen e-mailsare sold, and used to spam, to set up <strong>social</strong> media profiles,to back into getting other data. Of course, all your medicalrecords which include your Social Security numbers, youronline banking info – perfectly safe. •Google quietly escrowed$500-million of its 1 st -quarter earnings for potential operationalchanges and other costs to come, stemming from an extensiveU.S. Justice Dept. investigation into “use of Google advertisingby certain advertisers.” (Source: Google disclosures toshareholders and SEC) •U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D)introduced new legislation: The Do Not Track Online Act,which would mandate creation of do-not-track mechanismsat all sites, so consumers can opt out of behavioral/buyingtracking online and on their mobile devices, to be enforced bythe FTC. I personally doubt this getting to fruition quickly, butit’s coming, and once in place will spawn more regulations,and what Do Not Call did to telemarketing, this threatens to doto internet marketing: shrink its value, limit its uses, severelyimpact certain kinds of businesses dependent on it, and drivesome US-based entities to foreign countries, beyond reach ofour FTC. DO NOT BE DEPENDENT. I WARN YOU.GUARANTEED DIRECT-MAIL? The U.S. Postal Serviceis selectively offering postage-refund guarantees to largecompanies, to motivate their testing and use of direct-mailintegrated with their present, extensive use or dependence ononline marketing, or to expand use of direct-mail. The USPShas declined to name the companies invited or participating,but the criteria includes at least $25-million a year spent onadvertising, solid metrics for tracking direct response andmeasuring ROI, and the ability to mail at least 500,000 piecesa year. These are not very big numbers; I certainly have anumber of clients topping the 500,000 piece mark and otherswho could and should. The USPS is guaranteeing up to$250,000.00 of postage refunds on direct-mail campaignsthat fail to meet pre-agreed expectations. Person in charge:Susan Plonkey, V.P. of Sales, USPS. (Source: DM News6-11) Hurrah for the USPS! Now if only the damn gov’t wouldlet them sensibly reign in costs so they could avoid pricingthemselves out of existence. Anyway, there are numerouslessons here. For consultants, copywriters, P.O.B. coaches,etc.: client selection and control of the objectives and accuratemeasurement are essential – and done well, can even enableyou to guarantee satisfactory results. For everybody: used®Page 4The PLACE For PROSPERITY

properly, direct-mail is so powerful it can be guaranteed. If youcan’t figure out how to use it properly, get professional help.(Note: Bill and I are continuing contemplating an “everythingdirect-mail” training event. If that interests you, you must lobbyBill @ GKIC to make it happen.)BUYING SOCIAL MEDIA ‘FRIENDS’. This caught my eyein Entrepreneur (6/11): a report by Jonathan Blum, owner ofBlumsday, a tech-news online publisher, about using a Miamibasedcompany BUY FANS TODAY, which promised to deliverat least 5,000 real followers within a month for the paltry feeof $430.00. He used his sports tech blog (@sportscircuit), andwithin a week watched Twitter followers climb from just 35 tonorth of 3,000. And, no negativity from Twitter purists, no hatemail, no Twitter police at his door. Interesting, because buyingleads is something I really understand, and getting them viaugly, inefficient manual labor is something I avoid and teachclients to avoid. Unfortunately, Blum dropped the other shoe:the new followers delivered to him are small fry; they have50 or fewer followers of their own; they’ve only tweeted ahandful of times; and they have not translated into markedlyincreased traffic to his blog, let alone any money. But henotes that traffic from his self-created, “real” followers is notsteady or increasing either – he and the geniuses at Buy FansToday both say that this is the reality of Twitter: most usersare not active and don’t tweet much. Blum says that he finds<strong>social</strong> media “bizarre”. Still, the core concept of outsourcingand paying for the generation of followers, friends, fans couldmorph what is now way too much of a time suck for manyinto viable marketing. I suspect Blum is not a direct marketingsavvy fellow who knows what to do with a lead when he getsone. On the other hand, if the followers ‘n friends you attractand accumulate cannot be made active AND moved over to asales environment where they can be monetized, what’s thepoint? As an author, I can tell you publisher-folk drool overlist sizes and <strong>social</strong> media followings with zero intelligenceabout active v. inactive, responsive v. unresponsive, quality v.quantity, or simple translation to sales. I’m working on a bookfor the NO BS series right now, on grassroots marketing, witha new co-author, Jeff Slutsky, who I do not know all that well –so I was very happy to find in his first draft a statement almostidentical to my own position: if you can’t measure results indollars, don’t do it. To the broader point, buying (good)leads and/or customers and buying speed are both soundmarketing strategies, and there are lots of known, reliableways to do so, including advertising in print media known todraw your audience, mailing to well-selected lists containingbuyers with demonstrated responsiveness to what you offer,and alliances with other marketers or merchants who haveyour ideal customers. To determine how much to spend,you have to know what it costs you, all costs considered, toPage 5create a lead from scratch. And when using purportedly “Free”online media, you must calculate time, labor and opportunitycosts. If you check your <strong>social</strong> media sites four times a daytimes 5-minutes, that’s 20 minutes x 365 days = 122 hoursa year, times whatever your hour is worth. Mine is worth$2,000.00, so that would be an investment of $244,000.00 forme, requiring a direct return of at least $488,000.00 to evenget considered. Same with any labor: when I was getting newcustomers by speaking, I could make myself feel rich beyondimagination if counting only the hour giving the speech or eventhe several hours on site – or I could opt for accuracy andcount the day of travel on either side plus the day of the gig,plus the opportunity costs of not being at home doing otherproductive work. Last point: there’s no leverage in media thatmust be managed, massaged, even re-created and laboredover every day. There’s only leverage in media that can beput to work and then left alone to work again and again oversome length of time. An oil well that needs drilled anew eachmorning isn’t much of an asset. (Note: I just read a previewcopy of Perry Marshall’s forthcoming book about Facebook aspaid ad media, and it seems he has figured this out just as hedid Google AdWords. Watch for this book.)AGGRAVATING CUSTOMERS FOR DUMMIES. EXHIBIT#1 (shown on Page 6) is a flier urgently brought to me by anAssistant Manager at a bank where I have accounts, including,that day, a fairly big chunk in a regular checking account. Asyou see, it humorously brags about a new account offeringa generous 1% interest rate – “better than any of our otheraccounts,” she said breathlessly. But it also says “NEWMONEY”, so I inquired whether moving a large sum from mypresent checking account to this new account would qualify,knowing the asinine answer in advance: no, that’s not new tothe bank money. I was in a playful mood, so I then asked if Iwithdrew $100,000.00 and took it out to my car, sat for a songor two, and brought it back in, if it would then be new money Icould use to open the account and get the extremely seductive1%. She agreed that would do. The rest of our conversationdoesn’t matter. Suffice to say, this is how you destroy goodwill with good customers. Maybe not enough to make themangrily exit and never darken your door again, but certainlyenough to bear ill will, split their business up, never refer. Asmarter approach is – in advance of a promotion targetingbrand new customers – reach out to current customers whosegood will you value and say: “you’ll soon see Promotion X,created to bring brand new customers through our doors.While that is its purpose, I certainly wouldn’t want to fail toreward you, our most valued and honored great customer,so if you’d like to take advantage of it too, you can do soanytime before deadline-date. All I ask is that you give metwo referrals I can send some information to and use your® The PLACE For PROSPERITY


name with.” Something along those lines. But then, bankersare notoriously stupid, and banks are run arrogantly, so suchcrafty intelligence can never be expected from them. Gettingmad at them for this kind of bad behavior is like getting madat a dumb pig for rolling in filth. But YOU should be smarter.ITS DEATH GREATLY EXAGGERATED. The new editions ofthe Cleveland and my community’s Yellow Pages directorieswere plopped on my porch as I was writing this, and as Iperused them, I was struck by three things: first, a lot of servicebusinesses and professional practices as well as specialtyproduct (like lighting fixtures) businesses are still there withhalf, full and multi-page ads, and a quick comparison withlast year’s book revealed some had stepped up to biggerads. Second, I noted an increasing amount of cleverout-of-category advertising, something I first pushed RoryFatt to, with his original home-delivery meals business; weadvertised it in the Restaurants section. In my YP this year, inthe ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES category, there’s an ad forwalk-in bathtubs smartly headlined “There Is An Alternative ToAssisted Living” (EXHIBIT #2.) They didn’t just stick theirregular ad in there – they tweaked it for the category. Theychose to be there rather than in a category called ASSISTEDLIVING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, where the “I’ve Fallen& I Can’t Get Up” guys and the mobility scooter guys are. If Ihad a home security/burglar alarm company, by the way, I’d bein that second category. None are. And if I had a law practicespecializing in elder law, I’d be in the first category right alongwith the walk-in bathroom guys. By the way, notice the walk-intub ad is immediately below a same-sized ad for an assistedliving facility – I imagine they are not at all happy with their outof-categoryneighbor. In the old days, it was a lot tougher to getan out-of-category ad in. Today, the YP, like most print media,has a shrinking pool of advertisers and can’t afford to be asdifficult. This same out-of-category strategy applies online:anyplace there’s search for one thing and you can step inand divert traffic to your other thing that they hadn’t thought tosearch for but might offer a better/smarter/cheaper/alternativesolution, consider the theft. Third, as I’ve called to attentionbefore, savvy national direct-response advertisers are buyingspace in every YP book, stepping into local merchants’ andservice providers’ categories. EXHIBIT #3 (shown on Page11) is a stacked ad from my client, Guthy-Renker, at the startof the Beauty Salons category (in this book, a page too early,a problem I’m not sure can be controlled with a national YPbuy), for two of its widely advertised products: WEN® forhair and PROACTIV® for skin. Were I involved with this, I’dhave an AS SEEN ON TV logo in place. I also question theabsence of drive to a larger ad at a web site. Nonetheless,this leverages the massive amount of TV advertising for theseproducts into a media where they are the only DR advertiser,(Continued Page 11)Page 7EXHIBIT #2® The PLACE For PROSPERITY

An OUTRAGEOUS Turtle Experience& anOUTRAGEOUS Shoe BoxRecently, Karen and I celebrated our 34 th Anniversary by taking a River Boat Cruise from Germanyto Hungary down the <strong>Dan</strong>ube River. Although we’ve cruised many times, we’ve always taken thebigger seaworthy ships and this is the first time we were on a River Boat. If you like cruising like wedo, I highly recommend this form of travel.While we were in Budapest, Hungary, we had a chance to grab dinner with DIAMOND LuxuryMembers, Kriszta and Gábor Wolf. You might know the Wolf’s as they routinely attend most ofthe GKIC events in the States and have grown a very sizeable marketing business in Hungary usingGlazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> strategies.Gábor took us to one of his client’s restaurants, called Tortuga, because he said I would really likethe fact that it was OUTRAGEOUS (and the food was really good). When we arrived, we walkedin to what looked like a packed indoor Rainforest complete with foliage, fountains, birds in cagesas well as an indoor pond throughout, that housed over 40 live Turtles. Imagine how you feelwhen you’re sitting at your table and beneath your feet is an indoor pond with a bunch of Turtlesswimming around.Shortly after we ordered our meal, all of the lights went off and in walked one of the staff dressed ina black tunic, wearing a golden mask to our table carrying a piece of cake with the biggest sparklerI’ve ever seen shooting out firein all directions.Here is an OUTRAGEOUSphoto of Gábor, themasked character andme, to memorialize thisOUTRAGEOUS occurrence.Best of all, attached to thecake was a personalized cardwelcoming me to Budapest.Thank goodness Gábor couldtranslate it for me because myHungarian is a bit rusty (as in….I can’t speak a word of it).Page 8®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

The important point about this story is that my experience at the restaurant was memorable, (andOUTRAGEOUS) and even if I didn’t get treated to the fireworks surprise, I would still be talkingabout it, as I’m sure everyone who goes to the packed restaurant does.So, how can you make your customers’ experience more OUTRAGEOUS when they consume yourproducts or services so it’s memorable to them and they’ll tell all of their friends about it?My next OUTRAGEOUS example deals with a Shoe Boxthat I received in the mail. It was sent to me from GoldLuxury Member, Dr. Carney, a Chiropractor who providesOUTRAGEOUS Marketing solutions for people in hisniche.As you can see, inside the box it is filledwith a bunch of assorted stuff (includinga flip flop) with the message that he justwants one-foot-in-the-door.Page 9®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

So here are 2-smart questions for you:1. If you were to receive a box like this in the mail, would you open it? (As I did!!!!)2. What can you send to customers/clients/patients/prospects that they have to open, soyour message gets looked at?Entrepreneurs don’t think about this nearly enough when marketing their businesses and this is atrue GAMECHANGER. That’s why I like OUTRAGEOUS advertising like the example above.People notice it, they remember it, and they talk about it.BTW…want a great example of how powerful OUTRAGEOUS advertising can be? Bob Parsonsbuilt his GoDaddy Domain name and hosting company into the biggest provider in the world andrecently sold it for a reportedly 2.5 Billion dollars on the back of OUTRAGEOUS advertising.•••••OPEN CALL-IN TIME with BILL GLAZERThis Call-In Time is reserved for Members with “InformationMarketing” QuestionsThursday, September 22, 2011TITANIUM/ Platinum/Diamond Members OnlyCall-In Time: – 5:00 – 6:00pm ESTAll MembersCall-in Time – 6:00 – 8:00pm ESTCALL: 410-823-1611Everyone will get 10-minutes of Bill’s one-on-one attention.If the line is busy, keep dialing until you get through.Page 10®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

(Continued From Page 7)hitting a consumer at the precise momentshe is looking for a beauty or hair salon.(nobody goes to the YP to idly browse;they are BUYERS.) I need to rememberto mention to Titanium Info-MastermindMember Michael Gravette that he shouldexperiment with an ad for do-it-yourselfhome security for his SafetyTechnology.com company, in the BURGLAR categoryin the YP. Every security company’ll hatehim. Remind me, willya? Guthy-Renker’sstrategy for WEN® and PROACTIV®should be tried for an arthritis/joint pain reliefproduct in the CHIROPRACTIC category.(By the way, this is Wealth Magnet #9 fromthe book, NO BS WEALTH ATTRACTIONIN THE NEW ECONOMY)…..it is “placestrategy”….and it is on my list of pathwaysto business breakthroughs I’ve taught atvarious times, partially summarized insidebox here. PLACE STRATEGY is oneof the least understood, most neglectedareas of expansive opportunity for anyand every business, small or large. My oldclient’s GOLD BY THE INCH business wasentirely a Place-Strategy play; by gettingthat product off the back shelf of gift shops,where it did poorly, out to table-top sellingwith humans, stationed out of category,at horse shows, county fairs, swap meetsand flea markets, hotel lobbies, etc.,etc., into living rooms via home parties,all accomplished by making it into ahome-based business opportunity, over 50-million dollars ofgoods were sold at retail each year – driven largely by a TVPartial List of<strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>’sPATHWAYS TOBUSINESSBREAKTHROUGHS1: Sell to SOMEONE DIFFERENT (Person)2: Sell SOMEWHERE DIFFERENT (Place)3: Sell DIFFERENTLY (Process)4: Sell at DIFFERENT PRICES (Price/Profit)5: Sell SOMETHING DIFFERENT (Product)6: Sell SOMETHING THAT SEEMSDIFFERENT (Positioning)EXHIBIT #3infomercial about the opportunity. The written-off-for-deadYellow Pages may very well offer your business new placestrategyopportunity, but you should also take the lesson andlook everywhere you can.AWAY WE GO. The amount of U.S. capital investmentexiting the U.S. to expand elsewhere is staggering, in everyimaginable business. Fast food a leader, in love with India.Their market is projected to grow by no more than 1% a year tohaving negative growth here (depending on Obama policies),but projected to grow by 20% annually in India. Franchisingin India already employs 500,000 – growing by 40% a year; ahuge jobs creation machine. India’s middle-class has topped300-MILLION PEOPLE and is growing while ours hasbeen significantly shrinking. There are 1,200 franchisors in© 2011/Rights Reserved(Continued On Page 13)® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 11

The BIG Lesson Of The MonthBy Bill GlazerHands Down...Your MostImportant AssetRecently, Scott Manning and I facilitated what wecalled a ”2-Day Extreme Marketing Makeover” eventwhere 12 GKIC Members flew in to Baltimore andreceived a complete marketing diagnosis and left witha NEW prescription for their business growth.The fee to attend was appropriately priced at $15K,so as you can imagine, this didn’t attract Memberswho weren’t serious and already successful in theirmarketing. Prior to their attendance, we had them fillout 2-questionaires totaling 8-pages and send us all oftheir current advertising materials. Scott and I alsovisited and reviewed all of their websites.So….what do you think was the #1 Business Flaw thatmost (not all…but nearly every one of them) had incommon? It was that they were not strategic enoughabout building the most important asset for theirbusiness.What do you think is the most important assetthat any (including your) business has?Before you read any further…..STOP right here andthink about it. Give it a full 15-seconds.Now give it another 10-seconds to make sure you’regood with your answerOkay……Got your answer?Was your answer that your most important asset isyour customers?Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re only half right.Your business’ most important asset is your entiredatabase which includes current customers, pastcustomers and prospects.Now getting back to the most common flaw that Isaw most of these Members had in common… theywere not good at building their entire database. Theywere pretty good at building a database of customers,but not of prospects.Most of their websites were pathetic in gettingpeople to opt-in so they could put them into afollow-up marketing funnel. Most of their sites werecontent driven with attempting to get the visitors topredominantly pick up the phone and call them orsend them an email. But withOUT having a system inplace to collect prospect contact data, how can youpossibly follow-up with them?And this shouldn’t just be thought of as an onlinestrategy. It’s even a bigger problem in brick-n-mortarbusinesses such as the one I came from (menswearretail).Think about it…when was the last time you wentinto a business, didn’t buy anything and they neverasked for your contact information so they couldfollow-up with you? I’m embarrassed to say that wemade that mistake in my own retail business. Whilewe were terrific at gathering customer information,we sucked at gathering prospect information of nonbuyers.Think about it…when was the last time you wentinto a restaurant, paid for your meal and had them askyou for your contact information so they could keepin touch with you? Very seldom…right?Think about it…when have you purchased ticketsfor the State Fair or some other local event and theyasked you for your contact information so they couldinvite you to attend the event the following year?Almost never….right?But these are all opportunities either online and/oroffline to build the biggest asset of your business…your database, and most entrepreneurs are very lazyabout it.Your database IS a goldmine and you need to be muchmore strategic about building that goldmine so youcan continue to mine it over and over again.•••••Page 12® The PLACE For PROSPERITY

(Continued From Page 11)India, 300 of them U.S. or U.K. companies – those makingsubstantial investments include Dominos, Pizza Hut, KFC andSubway. Quiznos is the latest franchisor to enter Brazil, toopen 200 shops by end of 2011. 600 of its 3,500 locations arenow in outside-U.S. locations, they are initiating operations in40 countries, and I calculate the number of non-U.S. locationswill surpass the U.S. number by 2014. You might think: good,U.S. co.’s fetching money from abroad, but most are not onlykeeping it abroad, but shipping money made in U.S. overseasto build their businesses there. You have seen widely reportedthe $2-trillion “capital on strike” number, but I’ve not seenanybody reporting the “capital in exit” number. IGNORINGOVERSEAS MARKETS if you are anything but a local shop orservice operator is just plain goofy.OOPS. Less than 2 months after the winner of TV’s ‘America’sNext Great Restaurant’ reality show, SOUL DADDY: NEWHOME COOKIN’ opened in 3 cities, it has closed in 2. Itsinvestors, celebrity chefs Curtis Stone and Bobby Flay andSteve Ellis, founder of Chipotle, all very arrogant on the show,issued a statement: “THE REALITIES OF running a restaurantare very difficult.” Same thing the Bachelor and Bachelorettecontestants discover about the realities of relationships.REALITY IS A HARSH PROFESSOR.Marketing 101 – Back To The BasicsEach month, a quick-summary review of a single, keyGlazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong>-style marketing strategy. This month, thesimplest, elementary, yet important envelope choices –with EXHIBIT #4 from Diamond Luxury Member DeanKillingbeck (NewCustomersNow.com) as illustration…Too little thought is given to the lowly envelope. You maywant it to sneak into the from-friends-n-neighbors pile.You may want it to stand out and arouse uncontrollablecuriosity. Whatever you want it to do must then governits every square millimeter. Too much is mailed withpresumption. Halbert was right on this: people sort theirmail at the trash can. If you don’t make the cut, you haven’tgot a chance.SIZE. This Example is a greeting-card size envelope,suggesting that there may be a greeting card or other personalmail inside. You can go with something smaller, bigger, muchbigger; standard in size like a #10 business envelope or 9x12”envelope or very odd in size, like long and narrow.COLOR. This one is neon green. Just about any bright colorhelps an envelope stand out in a pile.(Continued On Page 14)EXHIBIT #4® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 13

(Continued From Page 13)MATERIAL. This is paper, but there are plasticized Tyvek®,metallic, padded, cardboard, and other types of material, aswell as partial or full-side see-through envelopes. For thetabloid piece for the Info-SUMMIT SM you received, Bill chosea see-through/billboard envelope because the piece was sointriguing and because it was sent only to Members, whowelcome our mail.RETURN ADDRESS ID. Here, a colorful return address labelwith a goofy character on it is used. Sometimes pure sneakupis invoked, i.e. address only. In B2B and non-profit, oftenthe company/organization name is replaced with a celebrity’sor a famous CEO’s. Other times, there’s no attempt made tohide or disguise the fact it is coming from a business and theidentity of that business. This is an important choice.ADDRESSING. This is sloppily hand-addressed, clearly NOT“fake”, machine or computer generated handwriting. A personaddressed this by hand, strongly suggesting it is personal,sent just to me. There are, of course, very good handwritingfonts and software apps you can load your own handwritinginto, and mailing houses that specialize in large quantities ofhandwriting addressed direct-mail. Such vendors regularlyexhibit at Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> SuperConferences SM and include:City Blue Print at www.cityblue.com, City Print at www.cityprintusa.com and Handy Mailing at www.handymailing.com.Other options include official-looking labeling (refer to pages31 - 45, the ULTIMATE SALES LETTER book, 4 th Edition), fakepriority/express labeling, and good old-fashioned typewriterfont addressing.STAMPS. Even though this is identified as mail from abusiness, a live, first class stamp still gives it more importancethan a meter imprint that goes unnoticed – and combined withthe hand-addressing suggests this is NOT mass mail fromthat business, but a piece of personal mail sent just to me.The stamp is intentionally applied imperfectly, at odd angle,reinforcing that this is NOT mass mail from that business, buta piece of personal mail sent just to me. Finally, in this case, aspecial stamp – this one celebrating Archie Comics – is used,garnering attention. Someone might even want to keep it.The important thing to know about these choices is that theyare, in fact, choices – that should be THOUGHTFULLY made•••••I GETZ MAIL& Y’ALL GET EARTH-SHATTERINGMENTAL ORGASMS*From Gold Member Jeromy Mason,Goldwing Enterprises: “Your WEALTHATTRACTION FOR ENTREPRENEURSPROGRAM is one of the mosttransformational videos I’ve ever seen.I’ll admit it. I used to get queasy when asking for money.I used to under-charge for my services. I had even boughtinto the fairytale that says ‘work for free and people will seeyour dedication, then the law of reciprocity will give themurge to pay you.’ Thank you for taking the BS out. Thankyou for being my financial Dramamine – my queasiness isgone and good riddance!”Thanks, Jeromy, and congratulations. What I call ‘wealthinhibition’ and one of its by-products, timidity about askingfor money; commanding appropriate compensation isa big problem for a whole lot of folks. Even extremelyknowledgeable, high income financial advisors – in their case,it often stops them from asking for planning fees at all, takingonly commissions, thus sacrificing authority and influence.(There is what my client and co-coach working with financialadvisors, Matt Zagula, calls the ‘signatory effect of fee paid’.This is one of the reasons I don’t do free consults or even freelunch meetings in selling my services.) I recently got a letterfrom a Dr. Terry Gibson, who first joined me via a seminar mycompany put on, featuring a speaker named Foster Hibbard,about 30 years ago. Terry was at one of the first of what wouldbecome some 500 seminars; the one he attended had only 4in attendance – in total, over 15,000 doctors passed through.From small acorns. When I got Foster, he was a mesmerizingand popular speaker, ironically on prosperity subjects, whofroze when time came to command audiences to buy. Thatfixed by me freed him to earn well over a million dollars fromspeaking in the ensuing couple years, and 30 years back, amillion dollars was something. One of the groups I work withnow, freelance copywriters and writers, through AmericanWriters & Artists, has many who are similarly inhibited whenit comes to their compensation. This “handicap” is rampantin just about every field, and is a prime contributor to theexistence of the money-income-wealth pyramid that exists inevery field: 1% reaping top income, 4% very good income, 15%good income, then precipitous drop from there through about60% barely eking out a living, and 20% not even doing that.The Program you cite* - and the book on which it is based* -deal mostly with the harmful, restrictive and – often – deeplyingrained attitudinal, psychological, intellectual and emotionalself-sabotage that stands squarely in the way of attracting® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 14

money, including the willingness and ability to command yourchosen compensation. This deserves conscious thought,attention and work. To further yours, I recommend my book*that the video program links with, and these books by others:To Be Or Not To Be Intimidated (Ringer), The Trick To MoneyIs Having Some (Wilde), The New Psycho-Cybernetics (Maltz/<strong>Kennedy</strong>) and Thick Face, Black Heart – I don’t have theauthor’s name handy.(*Program mentioned here is available from the Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> ResourcesStore via <strong>Dan</strong><strong>Kennedy</strong>.com. Newest edition of the book, No B.S. WealthAttraction In The New Economy, available at all booksellers includingAmazon and via Kindle.)From Gold Luxury Member Brian Kaskavalciyan(www.11into5.com). “YOU ARE A DAMN CRACKDEALER. I imagine that somewhere deep inside it givesyou satisfaction or pleasure knowing that – after all thistime – there is a group of us ‘lifers’ that will still consumeeverything you put out. Last weekend I was at Barnes &Noble and what did I buy? With hundreds of other options,I bought the 4 th version of your Ultimate Sales Letterbook. Isn’t it enough that I already own the 3 previousversions? And your Copywriting Workshop. And RenegadeMillionaire. And read the NO BS MARKETING LETTER, theNO BS INFO-Marketing Letter, and the NO BS MARKETINGTO THE AFFLUENT Letter – month after month, year afteryear. I thought you were going to retire. I don’t know whoneeds the break more – you or me. Well, you have veryeffectively got me addicted to your stuff, I’m happy aboutit, I feel incomplete without it. Makes you kinda like a crackdealer.”Where to begin? I do not find the crack dealer comparisoninsulting. Some would. Not me. Heck, I happily co-authored abook with a former Madam, and wrote another book about oneof the greatest medical-cure charlatans of American history.I’m not afraid of being seen dancing with the devil in the palemoonlight. For everyone’s benefit, you and I go back quitea ways. I’m not sure how far. You were in my old coaching/mastermind groups, at least 5 or 6 years back. You’re in myprivate client group now, with monthly coaching call. I’m sureyou’re in the $100,000.00 CLUB – having invested 6-figureswith me. I could be cruel and suggest: slow student, but forthe fact that you progress, and have a solid business movingtoward explosive growth. And that I’m generally a kind-heartedsoul. Anyway, “effectively got me addicted” is appropriateand accurate, in that it is deliberate, thoughtful effort on mypart to create addiction, and to be missed. And that is whatEVERY business owner should be about, in his relationshipwith his clientele – even if he owns a hardware store or sellsindustrial chemicals. There is a lot to such addiction. Thereis (1) frequency, (2) constancy, (3) range and nature ofsubject matter, (4) philosophical connection – NOT just “howto” instruction, (5) writing voice and style, (6) provocation,(7)entertainment, (8) the way one arrives (egs. online vs. offline),and much more. All such “secrets” are visible for those wholook. The pay-off of creating such addiction is a sufficientnumber of sufficiently valuable customers and/or referralsources as a solid foundation on which to make money, evenmake money at will, and the ability to withstand economicdownturns – when consumers drop x-number of expenses,they don’t drop me. Few business owners really get beyondtransactional thinking and sales tactics; they do not get to realrelationship. Most reading a letter like yours and my commentshere will still insist that it doesn’t apply to their business ORthat it isn’t worth the cost, time, energy when there’s freshprey to kill and eat just ‘round the corner. The term for thefirst is myopic; for the second, short-sighted. Thanks for yourcheerfulness about your addiction. Your next big fix is availableat the Info-SUMMIT SM ; I assume you’ve registered; the amountof crack (seats) available is limited – and as a private clientgroup member, you qualify for a personal meeting with mewhile there if requested from Vicky.From Silver Member Greg Milner, in Western Australia,at www.WorldwideSalonMarketing.com: You mightget a chuckle out of this. For years you’ve mercilesslyattacked ad agencies for taking clients’ money to winawards. Here’s proof. This is an actual advertising awardscompetition instruction: ‘To win an award, an ad mustbe the one most liked by a panel of advertising creatives,based on a creative criteria. It doesn’t actually have to sellanything.”“Does NOT have to sell” – says it all. Heaven forbid weshould start evaluating things based on results. The Presidentand Congress would be impeached, scores of teachersreplaced, employees canned hourly in most companies,chaos would reign. Seems a simple litmus test: does it SELL?Good for activity, media, investment or person. The way mostpeople handle their advertising, they should happily own carsthat don’t start, toasters that pop out cold bread, and soap thatemits foul odors. And for the record, as mentioned elsewhere,if used for business, <strong>social</strong> media IS NOT <strong>social</strong> media; it ISadvertising media and ought not get a special pass. I still lovePhysicians Weight Loss Centers’ founder Chuck Sekeres’ inboundcall center staff training re. booking appointments: “Weplay baseball here. Three strikes and you’re out. Grab yourstuff and exit without being asked – fire yourself. Next batterup.”(Continued On Page 17)® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 15

QR CodesThis is one of the COOLEST shiny objects that I haveever seen online and it’s about to take over the world.They are called QR codes. It’s similar to your old schoolbar code, but you can use these to redirect peopleto any website, phone number, add a v-card content,compose an email or text a message. Then someonecan use a QR reader on their smart phone to scan thecode, and then be taken to the message the creatorwanted to send you. At first glace you may be thinkingthat doesn’t sound too cool, but let me show you oneway we recently used it.One of my continuity programs is called the “InternetMarketing Illuminati.” We were trying to think of goodstick strategies to help retain our members, so eachmonth we send out a postcard that looks like this:When they scan the QR code, they are taken to a secretvideo message from me. Go ahead… try it. Scan thecode on the above postcard with your QR reader (ifyou don’t have one you can download them free on anysmart phone. We are using this as a retention strategy,but there are dozens of other ways you can use it. Hereare 10 that will get the wheels in your head spinning.1. Special Offers – send your members (eitherthrough email or direct mail) special offersthey can only get by scanning the QR code2. Profile Images – instead of putting your faceon your facebook or twitter profiles, puta QR code and send your fans to a specialvideo message from you3. Signature Files – in your emails or forumposts, change your normal signature to a QRcode and send people to a special offer4. Replace DVDs – DVDs are expensive to printand send – instead send people QR codes topush them to your “online” DVD5. Resources – at the end of any article youwrite, add a QR code to push people to yourrecommended resources6. Soft CTA’s – at the end of your blog posts, ifyou don’t want to hard sell something – showa QR code with a “special video message”that redirects them to your sales video orsales letter7. Print CTA’s – add these to your postcards,magazine and newspaper ads as anothermethod to take action8. Dominate Image Search – find the keywordsyou want to rank for, make QR images, titlethem the keywords you want. They canshow up in Google search, people scan andare taken to your site!9. T-Shirt Design – design shirts or hats andgive them away to customers, wear them toevents, and more!10. Tattoo – Tattoo your QR code somewherethat is easy to see and become a walkingbillboard for your business! (ok – maybe notthis one)QR codes are free to create online. Just search forQR generator and get started today! •®Page 16The PLACE For PROSPERITY

(Continued From Page 15)From Diamond Luxury Member Dr. Brian Bergh: “Thankyou for including my unconverted leads 3-letter sequence(Bryley’s birthday) in the new, 4 th Edition of yourULTIMATE MARKETING PLAN book. That’s the 2 nd bestthing that’s happened with that sequence! The 1 st is themoney it brings in. We used it again, in 2011, for the 5 thyear in a row, and it pulled $55-to$1 ROI.”Folks, please go to the Ultimate Marketing Plan book andlook at this. For every $1,000.00 spent on it, it brings in$55,000.00. That’s in its FIFTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR of use.There is a term for this, and that term is not “sales letters”. Thecorrect term is: ASSET. Don’t justscurry around making money withperishable activity. Create assets.Learn THAT here, from us. Dr.Bergh demonstrates TWO assets:first, the evergreen campaignthat can be used continuallyor periodically for many years.Second, his list of accumulated,unconverted leads, an asset mostbusinesses (could) automaticallyacquire through normal course ofbusiness but let age into dust, itsvalue never accessed. Back tothe first: you can actually measurethe sustainability of a business bythe number of these assets it has.Personally, I’d be skittish aboutbuilding or buying a businesswithout these – daily dependent onthe next new promotion, next “hit”;subject to constant change in theway it sells that must be kept upwith. My client Guthy-Renker beganas an infomercial company relianton next hit and next hit; became anowner of multiple, vertical consumer product brands launchedand continually sold via infomercials but also by many othermedia where evergreen campaigns are possible. Iger recentlysaid Disney needed done with one ‘n done movies; to focuson franchise properties guaranteeing a series of sequels anddriving merchandise sales and licensing revenues for years,not weeks. WISE BUSINESSPEOPLE CREATE MARKETINGASSETS.*Earth-Shattering Mental Orgasms excess hype? Overplayed?Maybe, but what kind of a headline is: Mild MentalStimulations? Geez, we ARE in the advertising business.Final Thoughts, This Month,on B.S.What’s wrong with this picture? The June/Julyissue of American Music Teacher, the “official!” journalof the Music Teachers Association featured an articlepurportedly on marketing, essentially on grassrootsmarketing, titled ‘One Of These Studios Is Not LikeThe Others’. Unfortunately, the article was written by acollege student pursuing her doctorate degree who onceupon-a-timeran her own music studio. The “research”for her article was made possible by some sort of grantAs soon as you realizethat the person giving you business adviceis not currently, successfully doingwhat it is they are dispensing advice about,stop reading or listening. Stop.If you want fiction, read Stephen King.If you want unqualified opinions,you can get them free,from your brother-in-law.“Book reports” can be dangerous to your health.When I read ‘Body By Jake’ Jake Steinfeld’s bookor Gene Simmons’ book or Felix Dennis’ there isan unmistakable authenticity;these people who’ve actually done it.It is important to DISCRIMINATE.To be open to considering only the authentic.or subsidy by the Women’s Council at the University ofMissouri-Kansas City. I’m sure the author, Erika Kinser,is a nice person and a good student. There’s nothinghorribly wrong with the advice in the article, bland, vanilla,ordinary and vague as it is, although there’s a slight leantoward “build a better mousetrap and they will come”and a further lean toward the fools’ idea that if you arereally good at your core service, that should entitle youto success. Apparently, she surveyed and collected inputfrom studio owners who self-identified as not adverselyaffected by the recession and then compiled a list of nine® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 17

things these ‘recession survivor’ studio owners do. It’s allokay. But it’s also academic. Incredibly, the studio ownersstayed anonymous, responding to an online survey.There are no facts, figures, case histories, examples orsamples, nor even any superstars cited to go look at,observe and emulate. Oh, and she found her way to theAmerican Marketing Association’s web site in order tolift its definition of marketing. Wow – a college studentwho can use Google®. So, here’s the thing. Away fromthe college campus, the protected fantasy land of idlepursuits and happy theory, there is a real world – andbusinesspeople competing there need and deserve realworld information based on verified, real results fromreal people. Preferably not biz owners just surviving, butleaders in their fields, thriving. If you run a music studio,who do you want advice from – somebody like ourDiamond Luxury Member Marty Fort, who kicks buttcurrently running and marketing a hugely successfulstudio, or a college student compiling theoreticalideas from anonymous sources?When I wrote the very first book in my now long-running,18 year series of NO BS books – it, the original NO BSBUSINESS SUCCESS book (now replaced by NO BSBUSINESS SUCCESS IN THE NEW ECONOMY), I wasinspired by the proliferation of academic theorists, Ph.D’s,accountants and other assorted pinheads dispensingbusiness advice, and being taken seriously to boot. Itmade me sick. And it’s gotten worse not better, now thatthe internet lets even the living-in-parents’-basementscrowd appoint themselves as experts and often gounchallenged.The #1 “complaint”/excuse we hear, here, is that thereis just too much information to process, it’s all sooverwhelming. I have a suggestion. As soon as yousee that the author of business advice is not currently,successfully doing or intimately assisting others in doingwhat it is they are dispensing advice about, stop reading.Or listening. If you have a minute, drop a note to yourtrade association and tell ‘em, if you wanted to hearfrom children, you’d go to the playground. If you wantedunqualified opinions, you’d ask your brother-in-law. If youwanted fiction, you’d read Stephen King. DISCRIMINATE,please. There is too much to pay attention to if youindiscriminately pay attention to crap.One of the things I’ve worked very hard at my wholecareer, and am proud that Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> has honored,is putting people in front of you who not only have goodideas and solid information but who actually use theirideas and information successfully. Doers. Even ourcelebrity-entrepreneur speakers like Kathy Ireland orGene Simmons are chosen because they are actuallyentrepreneurs, not just brand-names. This article’s authorcouldn’t buy her way onto a Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> stage orinto a Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> publication. The co-author of myupcoming NO BS book on grassroots marketing, JeffSlutsky, works intimately, daily with restaurant franchisorsand chains, independent restaurants and retailers, andlocal business groups actually implementing grassrootsmarketing campaigns. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be my coauthor.One of the many failings of the Obama Administrationis the entrusting of all economic policy to academictheorists, college professors. Supposedly, his #1 priorityis job creation, but he has no one on his team who hasany experience with it. He does have a couple privatesector buddies who run companies where massive jobcutting,outsourcing and automation has occurred. Butnot one job creator. (Tip: not hard to find some. CallHerman Cain.)Even if some of the ideas in this article might bevalid, they can’t be trusted. What sane businessowner would trust a college student armed with a surveyof anonymous sources, to come into their businessand make advertising, marketing and sales decisions,implement initiatives, invest his money? Obama might.No sane businessperson would. Please don’t. Investyour time in information and guidance only from themost credible, experience-rich sources. A monkey witha typewriter might write a how-to article, but unless it’sabout being a monkey, it ought not be bothered with.Show me money. Real world results. DANPage 18® The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Thanks to GKIC, I Quit My $94,300.00 JobWith Full Benefits, a Pension, and Summers OffBEFORE GKIC:I began as a "personal trainer" training athletes in my parent's garage and back yard.I didn't even own a web site and I was charging people $5 per workout because thelocal gym charged $5 for a workout.I typed up a bunch of fliers and had my girlfriend at the time drive me into affluentneighborhoods, drop me off as I taped fliers to trees and ran down the road to hopinto her car as I knew this was illegal to do :)AFTER GKIC:Once I began my GKIC membership I always read the RenegadeMillionaire back page FIRST because I LOVED the attitude of running a businesson my own terms.My business evolved from training anyone and everyone who could pay to ONLYtraining Football players and Wrestlers.I bought a new home and converted my 2 car garage into my gym, now called'The Underground Strength Gym'.Zach Even-EshUnderground Strength CoachZachEven-Esh.comManasquan, NJDIAMOND MemberMy rates went from $5 per workout to $250-350 per month with a 3 monthcommitment.I leveraged EVERYTHING I did, so I took photos, videos and wrote articles onALL my training methods and converted them into e-books, physical books, DVDs,CDs and more.Today, I run an invite-only gym for athletes only. I have a certification program for my training methods whereCoaches fly to my gym in NJ from all around the country AND the world. Almost every certification course I holdhas Coaches flying in from overseas as far away as Australia, Thailand and all over England.I also have micro niche web sites and courses for educating Strength Coaches in the business area, trainingwrestlers, training athletes and a membership site. I always laugh when I look back at my early days;EVERYONE laughed at me when they heard I was selling my workouts online and said it wouldn't work.Everyone said training wrestlers only was WRONG, said it was a "poor man's sport" and said I should trainanyone who wants to be trained. If I listened to them and never followed the rules of GKIC (I am now a proudDIAMOND Member) I would have been a flop.I was a teacher for 11 years and resigned 2 years ago when I was at Max Pay at $94,300 per year with fullbenefits, pension and summers off.Thank YOU, GKIC!!Put your success story in 1,000 words or less and email it to GKIC at SuccessStory@<strong>Dan</strong><strong>Kennedy</strong>.com. Winning entries will be featuredin future Issues of the No B.S. Marketing Letter and you’ll receive your choice of either Magnetic Marketing for the NEW Economyor the Renegade Millionaire Marketing. Please indicate in your email which of the above Resources you would like to receive.®Page 19The PLACE For PROSPERITY

What’s Going On With...No B.S. Certified Business AdvisorsGKIC Local Chapter MeetingsAZ Phoenix (East): 8/3, 9/7AZ Phoenix (West): 8/3, 9/7CA Glendale/Pasadena: TBACA Orange County: 8/31, 9/28CA San Diego: 8/16, 9/20CA San Francisco: 8/11, 9/8CA Yuba City/Chico/Redding:8/11, 9/8CA San Joaquin Valley: 8/16,9/20CO North Denver & North CO:8/23, 9/20CO South Denver & West CO:8/24, 9/21CO Colorado Springs: 8/25, 9/22FL Jacksonville: 8/16, 9/20FL Emerald Coast: 8/30, 9/27FL Tampa: 8/16, 9/20FL Miami: 8/31, 9/28FL Fort Lauderdale: 8/31GA Atlanta: 8/9, 9/13ID Idaho: 8/11, 9/8IL South & West ChicagoILSuburbs: 8/17, 9/21Chicago & NW Suburbs:8/15, 9/19IN Indianapolis: 8/12, 9/9IN Michiana Area: 8/9, 9/13IN Fort Wayne Area: 8/16, 9/20KY Louisville: 8/23, 9/27MA Boston/North Shore: 8/17MA Cape Cod: 8/18MA South Shore: 8/17MD Potomac, Rockville,Bethesda, Silver Spring:8/17MI S.E. Michigan: 8/16, 9/27MI Grand Rapids: 8/25NM Albuquerque: 8/9, 9/13NV Las Vegas: 8/25, 9/22NY New York City & AllBoroughs: 8/18, 9/22OH Cleveland/Akron: 8/23OH Cleveland East: TBAOR Portland: 8/11, 9/8PA Philadelphia: TBAPA Pittsburgh: 8/23, 9/27TX Dallas/Irving: 8/15, 9/19TX Tarrant City/Ft Worth: 8/8,9/13TX Houston North: 8/31, 9/28TX Houston Central: 8/30, 9/27VA Northern Virginia: 8/25,9/22VA Charlottesville: 8/2, 9/6VA Harrisonburg: 8/4, 9/1WA Seattle South: 8/30, 9/27WA Seattle/East Side: 8/2, 9/6WA Ellensburg/Yakima: 8/17,9/14WI Milwaukee: 8/11, 9/8WI Green Bay, Appleton,Oshkosh: 8/17, 9/12WI Madison: 8/9, 9/13To contact your Local IBA go towww.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com:• Locate the Local Chapters Icon along the top of the website and “click”• Insert your GKIC MEMBER number in the box and click SUBMIT.(Your number can be found on your NO B.S. Marketing Newsletterenvelope and/or CD Mailing envelope).• Select an area on the map and “click”• A list of No B.S. Certified Business Advisors will come up• Contact the IBA in your area for Chapter/Mastermind Meeting InformationCHAPTERMEMBERS TALK“Wow…what a great meeting. I really enjoyedthe learning that happened at the GKIC PhoenixMarketing Party. The small group breakoutdiscussions and the members sharing ideas wasreally illuminating. The energy in the room wasFUN! I loved how many great suggestions wereshared. I will definitely be back!”Therese SkellyGKIC/Scottsdale“I just wanted to say how much Derek Freund’sChapter meetings in S.E. Michigan rock. Everyminute is jam packed with ‘what’s working now’killer GKIC marketing strategies.As a professional copywriter and long time GKICmember I see this group and Derekas an absolute GOLDMINE! I am inspired andahead of schedule, I’ve already completed mynewsletter info-product, and I’m looking forwardto another incredible Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’sCircle Info-Summit in November… The Diamondreception, <strong>Dan</strong> and Bill’s presentations and allthe others I’m sure are going to (again) boost mybusiness to another level. THANK YOU!”Julie Guest AllowayGKIC/SE MichiganI just wanted let all of the San Diego Chaptermembers know… I S&D’d (swipe & deploy) oneof Henry’s recent emails and with minor changesfor our business turned around and sent it to myemail list. The results were impressive with an11% increase in opens and a 100% increase insales. Very surprised and pleased.I didn’t think it would work with my business!!!IT DID!!!! GOOD STUFF. Keep it up andTHANKS.”Bill and OlyaGKIC/San DiegoPage 20®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

GKIC Local Mastermind MeetingsThere is nothing like the group dynamic of the “Mastermind”where like minded progressive individuals can meet to sharetheir ideas to strengthen the courage of their convictions.AZ Phoenix (East): 8/2, 9/6AZ Phoenix (West): 8/2, 9/6CA Glendale/Pasadena: TBACA San Diego: 8/8 & 10, 9/12 & 13CA Yuba City/Chico/Redding: 8/25CO North Denver & Northern CO: TBAFL Jacksonville: 8/8, 9/20FL Miami: 8/2 9 & 16, 9/6 13 & 20FL Emerald Coast: TBAIL South & West Chicago Suburbs:8/26, 9/30IL Chicago & NW Suburbs: 8/2 & 4,9/1 & 7IN Indianapolis: 8/19, 9/23IN Michina Area: 8/23, 9/27KY Louisville: 8/9, 9/13MA Boston/Newton: 9/12MA Cape Cod: TBAMA South Shore: TBAMD Rockville/Potomac/Bethesda:8/16MI S.E. Michigan: 8/24, 9/28NM Alburquerque: 8/16, 9/20NV Las Vegas: 8/10, 9/14NY New York City & AllBoroughs: 8/23, 9/27OH Cleveland/Akron: 8/18 & 23OH Cleveland East: TBAPA Philadelphia: TBAPA Pittsburgh: 8/30, 9/20TX Dallas/Irving: 8/15, 9/19TX Tarrant City/Ft Worth: 8/16 &18, 9/6 & 29TX Houston North: 8/31, 9/28TX Houston Central: 8/16, 9/20VA Northern Virginia: 9/15WA Seattle South: 8/10WA Seattle Eastside: 8/10WI Green Bay: 8/16, 9/20WI Madison: 8/16, 9/20IBA Profile“Since becoming theIndependent BusinessAdvisor (IBA), in theMilwaukee, WI area, Ihave had the pleasureof seeing dozensof entrepreneursKevin Kowalke successfully enhanceand recreate their businesses. Fromtheir first participation with the LocalChapter meetings and then ascendingto the Mastermind level and personalcoaching with me, it has been awonderful and rewarding experiencefor me,” says Kevin Kowalke, the NOB. S. Certified Business Advisor.“I am so proud to have such anamazing group of entrepreneurs thathas clearly transformed our localChapter of GKIC to be THE PLACEFor PROSPERITY in the Milwaukeearea. From member one, I am soimpressed with their willingness toopenly listen to new ideas, implementthe ideas they get, report back theirresults and then to be eager to shareto help everyone else.”MORE CHAPTERMEMBERS TALK“I have hired and fired 3 businessconsultants. When I met Wayne, Iknew that the universe had deliveredme the right consultant (the Law ofAttraction). I now know the process ofturning myself from a self-employedperson into a business that runs itselfon systems. At the AlbuquerquePowerCircle meetings sometimes Ihear the same tips again and it remindsme I haven’t implemented yet and thatI need to do it NOW!”Ginger HollowellGKIC/ AlbuquerqueBrad and Tara at a recent GKIC/Phoenix Marketing Party“My biggest ‘AH-HA’ is seeing theevolution of this amazing group ofbusiness owners, sales professionaland entrepreneurs achieve realprofitable results from Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Style Direct Marketing. Thishas been life changing for me andhas inspired me to be a better person,mentor, leader, marketer and businessowner. I am thankful to have made thecommitment from the inception of thelocal IBA program to join <strong>Dan</strong> andBill. It is so true what <strong>Dan</strong> and Billsay ‘The teacher always does learnmore than the student,’ and GKIC/Milwaukee is looking forward tocelebrating the Fifth Anniversary nextmonth.”Kevin KowalkeMilwaukee, WIChapter Meetings are open to all Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM Members and your guests. In most areas, you may attend one meeting free. If there is noAdvisor in your area and you would be interested in becoming a No B.S. Certified Business Advisor, contact Howard Zeiden at 410-825-8600 x109.Page 21®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Welcome New Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Members toThe PLACE For PROSPERITYRick HarmonJane GraebnerEmily SpauldingMelissa StricklinRoy SencioAllen SerfasTodd BookspanStan HigginsFred LimbRandal CadePeter RobsonEd Stapleton, Jr.Leo GoykhmanDiana GordonKelli RichardsTess WittlerSusan SchleefCandra DavisTristan NeagleJeff MelandMichael ConnellSergio JerezMohd MericanEd HaryckiNeil BakewellKenneth SimmonsMartin FischerCindy LavertyMargo DeGangeFelicia SlatteryBlake EnsignRian C.Nancy SpainKarsten AmlieTony D’AssisiTim CroftDamon PendletonPolly HunterChase ShermanLutalo AryeeCatherine MaleyBecky KirkseyGary CarrHere is a list of new members who joined the ranks of GKIC in the past month.Paul KingConor HeaneyPeter McCarrollScott WalkerColleen McNameeRichard StevensChris HinesAndy PatrylickJanice CroweBill GlickRobert EbboleRobert KnechtBrian StockhoffOnkar SinghAlexander HayesSteve McCombsJohn ToumpakkeKari HalsteadShawn SnyderDominique S.Eric JuergensJane BourkeDick HopfenspergerJulie WilliamsPhillip TheriaultDavid <strong>Kennedy</strong>Adam ParksLori RadunTraci KuhnRobert VasquezCleo SimmondsLisa MorganDelores SaundersJoel HelferTroy PeoplesStephen AntisdelDunbar RavenJeremy ChanceMaria AdamsBrian DalyAdam FigurskiRichard SherryJosh AdlespergerMrs L OllerheadHarry BoadweeBarbara RozgonyiDarren StorkKristian HarrisNicholas ValenzuelaKaren SandelinTanya BlixtBrooke MottKaren VallsNgoc-Anh T. NgoTamera AragonNick ThorschRob MartinScott CartwrightNadine JanssenDeborah LongworthDora BocaterBrooke WilliamsSandi MasoriBarbara BorchardtAggie SaxedoMichael PalumbosOuattara IssaMonica TuminelloMaria MatthewsBruce MatthewsJudith CurtinGary EldridgeCirco GuerraKen WaldenJeremy PetersTim LavinWoodrow WilcoxJames FlackMinesh BhindiFrank DeardurffMichael PowellTracy SwainCherie MirandaEdward YoungCarole CyrYaroslav KorchaginAlister De AbreuSteven DaarScott AmbergZachary TurnerFrank ZaragozaMichael SurlsRick WestlingMark AubreyScott VydraKeith PenaBryce McDavisDavid SchoenemanJanet Hicks<strong>Dan</strong> KingAndrew RossScott SakoffSteve SmithAnne CucchiaraGary WilsonGeorge RinggerEarl RobinsonJose RezaMarene WaidJanice BassettLuther ToddJay D CuppEdgar De las AlasPhil WebbJeff ArvinSteve ScottYashika CherryDavid FolkmanMargo ThomasLaurie SchaefferJohn KraftValerie BullockLaura HulbertGentry BillingsleyMinesha WhiteEddie MetcalfBob McCulloughJudy WardRalph KnaussKevin KunzKelvin HoskingMiguel De JesusAdam AnundiTim JohnsGeorge TyssedreCatherine KlemeyerSteve KingWilliamn JachimekRyan WistukRoberta TurkBryan MeyersKim TracyMacy JessenVictoria HendersonJulie FogleSuzzanne SheagleyRandy LuceErica SheltonJanene BurdickNorb RodefeldMatthew FerrisInga SmithAndrew AngleAdrian PankoNicole GebhardtIgor MelomedKen HuddlestonThomas LarsonRyan CushFord SunderlandJeff HerzogDianne ScopeAdam BohlmannTravis GreeneDenny KladisPeter MakulecIan SherrenAllie BensonAnthony LindauerNorb RudefeldKelly WarmothJudith TrezisePage 22®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Titanium Info-MASTERMIND Member Benefits:• Three 2-day ‘closed door’ meetings where every Member will receive a minimum of 45-minutes to presentwhat’s working and group discussion concerning growth opportunities within their business• Five 30-minute ‘one-on-one’ private phone calls with Bill Glazer personally• DIRECTORY LISTING: You will receive a Business Listing, Business Description and “live” link to yourwebsite on the GKIC Directory Listing located on the Membership site at <strong>dankennedy</strong>.com• Copy CONFIDENTIAL/LOS• ALL of the benefits of Gold/Gold Luxury, DIAMOND Luxury, and Platinum Info-MASTERMIND MembershipPlatinum Info-MASTERMIND Member Benefits:• THREE “2-day” Platinum Info-MASTERMIND Meetings personally facilitated by Bill Glazer. Each meetingwill include: 45-minute Business Hot Seats, “Crush-It” Contest, Affiliate/JV Opportunities Sign-up Session,Open Q & A Session, and Interesting Stuff Manual• Two “one-on-one” 30-minute “GET UNSTUCK” calls with Bill Glazer• DIRECTORY LISTING: You will receive a Business Listing, Business Description and “live” link to yourwebsite on the GKIC Directory Listing located on the Membership site at <strong>dankennedy</strong>.com• All DIAMOND Luxury Member and GOLD/GOLD Luxury Member Benefits• Copy CONFIDENTIAL/LOSDIAMOND Luxury Tele-Coaching Member Benefits• Monthly DIAMOND Luxury Tele-Coaching Call with <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong> and Bill Glazer and a CD of the call• Private Annual NETWORKING Event• No BS Internet Profits Report monthly newsletter• The DIAMOND Luxury ‘Members-Only’ Content Rich Membership Site• The DIAMOND Luxury Member 4-Page Hot Sheet• The DIAMOND Luxury Weekly Fax• DIAMOND Luxury Member Discounts• “Marketing To The Affluent” Newsletter• ALL of the benefits of Gold/Gold Luxury MembershipGold/Gold Luxury Membership• Monthly No B.S. Marketing Letter• Monthly Marketing Interview on CD• Monthly Marketing Hot Sheet• Gold ONLY Call-In Hours• Gold ONLY Restricted Website• Continually Up-Dated MILLION DOLLAR RESOURCE DIRECTORY• Member Only DISCOUNTS• FREE On-Line Success Marketing Strategies• “Marketing To The Affluent” Newsletter (GOLD Luxury Only)®GKIC Membership BenefitsFor more information,visit www.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com or call 410-825-8600.PUBLISHERBill GlazerGlazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM , LLC.PHONE: 410-825-8600. 9-6pm EST Monday through Thursday, 9-5pmEST on Friday. FAX: 410-825-3301.WEBSITE: www.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.comMAILING ADDRESS: Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLC,401 Jefferson Ave. Towson, MD 21286.EMAIL: If your email is in regards to your membership, contactcustomer service at info@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com. If your email is in regardsto an upcoming event, please contact event@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com.EDITOR<strong>Dan</strong> S. <strong>Kennedy</strong>Should you wish to communicate with Mr. <strong>Kennedy</strong>’s office directlyconcerning consulting, copywriting or speaking engagements,FAX: 602-269-3113 Phone: 602-997-7707For extra information about <strong>Dan</strong> and his co-branded clients, specialopportunities, and extensions of the Renegade Millionaire System TM ,visit www.RenegadeMillionaireMarketing.com. For more informationabout <strong>Dan</strong>’s books: www.NoBSBooks.com.PUBLISHER’S NOTICES:Copyright Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLC expressly disclaims all warranties as to the contents of this publication including, without limitation, the implieswarranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and on-infringement, and makes no warranty as to the results that may be achieved by using theinformation contained in this publication. Because this information can be used a variety of ways to fit various business purposes, Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLCwill not be responsible for any damages (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, special, or punitive damages) suffered or incured by any person arising outof such person’s use of or reliance on this publication or the information contained herein.All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act withoutpermission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be adressed to Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLC.GKIC will pay $500.00 for evidence of illegal photocopying, and/or electronic or fax distribution of this newsletter that leads to a successful resolution of a claim.Confidentiality is assured. Please contact Jessica Prueitt at jessica@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com.Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong>’s trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed here, including, but not limited to: NoB.S. ® , Insider’s Circle TM , Info-SUMMIT SM , Marketing and Money-Making SuperConference SM , Magnetic Marketing TM , Renegade Millionaire TM , “<strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>” and <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>’s image and likenessare trademarks of and used exclusively by Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM , LLC in the US and/or other countries. Nothing contained in these materials should beconstrued as granting, by implication, estoppels, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark displayed in this publication without the written permission ofGlazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> or such third party that may own other trademarks displayed here. Your misuse of the trademarks displayed here, or any other content is prohibited.You are also advised that Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> will enforce its intellectual property rights to the extent of the law.Content © copyright 1996-2011, Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM , LLC, all rights reserved.Page 23

The Back PagePlanes, Trains, Automobiles, Outer Space,Cyberspace, Opportunity and Hazard,and The Proactively Paranoid EntrepreneurAcross the pond again! Late in June, I spoke to a group of 700entrepreneurs in London, England for Titanium Info-MastermindMember Chris Cardell. I traveled only about 20 minutes from my Ohiohome to do it, to a studio where I was linked up live with Chris andhis audience, and I was sent by under-ocean wire to the BBC, andfrom there by satellite uplink to the hotel ballroom, or vice versa. Thetrip was still not without incident. The main cross-streets between myhome and studio were shut for the town’s bicentennial parade, andI had to go a roundabout way to get home. But I did not have to getstrip-searched, stuffed in a tube, brave the ocean, suffer through yetone more tea with the queen –who absolutely insists I drop inevery time I’m there. I did nothave to pay Branson for thetransport. My Ford Explorer anda ¼ tank of gas was sufficient.I did not blow 3 days to dothese 90 minutes and bank myspeaking fee. I used but 180minutes.This is the good news/badnews “picture” of today’scommunications. The barriersto entry into just about anybusiness on a global scale arelower than ever before. Thecosts of communicating withcustomers by many means,lower than ever before. This means that you have more options andmore opportunities and more tools than ever. It means you can – andshould – think bigger and more expansively than ever before. It alsomeans everyone else has these same barrier destroying, playing fieldleveling, boundaries erasing powers too. And it encourages many totake the entire situation for granted. Few see it as a unique window intime certain to close, as I do. It also has a dark side: consumers arecommunicated with by just about everybody in greater quantity, withgreater frequency, deluged with junk, overwhelmed, and increasinglyunaffected. Facebook masquerades as ‘<strong>social</strong> media’ but is, in fact,advertising media, which for most people is inevitably a pollution.You are competing there as in all other ad media with Kelloggs andBMW and Disney and Wal-Mart and many other “giants” with giantresourcesRenegade Millionaires see both opportunity and dangersimultaneously, and act accordingly, simultaneously. One of theIdeas Of The MonthPage 24most extreme illustrations is the much misunderstood and reviledGoldman Sachs activities in the run-up of the housing bubble,simultaneously creating an investment product to sell based on therise and placing wagers on the collapse. You can question the ethicsof standing at the craps table betting “Don’t Pass” while loaningmoney to your friend who is wagering on “Pass” and has the dice in hishands – although casinos obviously bet against their clients routinely.If Goldman ever was an investment bank allied with its clients, thatwas long ago; it is a casino. You must recognize what Goldman’sCEO, Blankfein, a Renegade or, if you prefer, rogue billionaire didto make himself and his firm richer regardless of what number cameup; he was in play on opportunity and on danger at the exact sameminute. Almost akin is the “next” in development even as a “now” ispumping out profits at hyper-successful businesses of every stripe.To survive, a movie studio must have its 2013 hits moving throughdevelopment to production even as its 2011 releases are in theaters.The aforementioned RenegadeMillionaire Richard Branson iswell-known for his airline buthe also owns high-speed rail inEurope – why own trains andplanes? In a way, every day, hebets against himself, competeswith himself, and investors in hisairline might question the justiceof his pushing consumers ontotrains; investors in the trainsmight question his pushingpeople onto planes. Odds are,both won’t go to hell in a handbasketsimultaneously. Hedgingbets and expansively exploitingopportunity go, awkwardly,hand in hand.In other words, whatever’sworking for you now may represent an opportunity to be moreinvested in, to shove more resources at, to give more focus, toblow up bigger – but it almost certainly also represents hazard,about which you should be proactively paranoid. In most cases,you should be doing both, simultaneously. Those who get andstay super-rich are.There is no safe refuge but diversity. Many speak my “diversity =stability” principle but fewer aggressively invest in it and practice it.Success lulls with false sense of security. Lying on a grassy hill ona warm August day with light breeze and only white clouds driftingoverhead, imagining the arrival of the bitterest, longest cold winterof a century isn’t easy. But it may be less than 75 days away, withclock ticking.®••••The PLACE For PROSPERITY

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