OScale Trains

OScale Trains

OScale Trains

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Narrow MindedBobber GibbsI hope there were a good numberof entries in the Narrow Gauge/Industrialcategory of our Third AnnualDigital Photo Contest, because thereis a brand-new Bachmann On30 Consolwaiting to be delivered to our firstplace winner. By the time you read this,the contest will be over, so you mighthave to wait for one more issue to findout who won in the four categories,which also included Steam, Diesel andTraction.Once again, I suggest that the qualityof digital cameras has gone way upwhile prices have come down, and thata digital camera will help make you abetter modeler. I recently upgraded toa Sony DSC-H5 Cyber-shot with 7.2mega-pixels, 12x optical zoom, and ahuge three-inch screen. The big screenis such a useful feature that I stronglyadvise you not to settle for anything lessthan a three-inch screen. In my opinion,it is unlikely that screens will getmuch bigger.The 26th National Narrow GaugeConvention was held in Durango, Colorado,on August 21-26. I hope to havephotos for our next column. It’s not tooearly to start planning for NNGC #27 tobe held in Portland, Maine, on August29 through September 2, 2007. I haveoffered to conduct an On30 clinic, andI hope to meet and talk privately withevery person who attends and joins inon our group howl. Watch [http://www.27thnarrowgaugeconvention.com/] fordetails.At this time, the best value in <strong>OScale</strong> narrow-gauge model railroadingis the combination of the BachmannDCC-equipped On30 Davenport Dieseland the Bachmann E-Z Command DCCsystem. For under $100 for both, plusa few Grandt Koppel ore cars, sometrack and turnouts, you can join theDigital Age and create a small O Scalenarrow-gauge quarry or mining layout.Be advised that you might not be ableto resist adding a second Davenport ora rail truck, to really enjoy the benefitsof DCC.Speaking of Davenports, I recentlypurchased an old, unpainted On3 Fujiyama30-ton Davenport switcher oneBay, mainly because I suspected fromthe seller’s description that it mighthave a better drive than the model Ialready owned. This is the D&RGW#50 model that was imported by PacificFast Mail in 1971 and sold for $85. Theone I had runs nicely, but the neweracquisition has had the Faulhaber conversionkit installed. The husky canmotor is mounted vertically under theengine cover, and contains a reductiondrive that makes this switcher justcrawl. I intend to change it to a genericindustrial switcher.Fans of D&RGW #50 will appreciatethat Davenport 2245 (built in 1937)is currently being rebuilt at the ColoradoRailroadMuseum.When Iinquired inJuly aboutany recentprogress, theCRM advisedme that theywere waitingfor thetransmissionto arrive,and also abull gear, before repairs could be completed.When 2245 returns to service,I predict that there will be a surge ofinterest in this critter.Davenport 2245 was built in 1937as Number 101 for the Sumpter ValleyRailway in Oregon. It operated as aswitcher at Baker City for 24 years until1963, when it was sold to the D&RGW.It was run through the Denver shops,where the strap ladders on all fourcorners were replaced with old steamtender steps. It was painted black, yellow,and orange, given number 50,then assigned to Durango as the shopswitcher.In 1970, it was sold to the RoaringCamp & Big Trees tourist line in California,retaining its D&RGW colors. Atsome point, it sustained major damageto the transmission and, in 1981,it was acquired by the Durango RailroadMuseum. The Colorado RailroadMuseum purchased it in 1984. Havea look at [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Davenport2245/]. By the way,I was recently advised by Accu-craft<strong>Trains</strong> that their new On3/On30 modelof Davenport 2245 should be availablebefore Christmas of this year.Happy trains to you...Bobber GibbsuStevenson Preservation LinesO Gauge Kits and Parts from pastMaster ModelersCatalog 2005 Price: $3.00Baldwin Model Locomotive WorksLobaughAdams & SonsLenoirKansas City KitHines LinesAlexanderPearce Tool Co.Bob Stevenson, 2326 230th St. Boone, IA 50036Sept/Oct ’06 - O Scale <strong>Trains</strong> • 41

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