Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

Executive Summary<br />

In March 2006, the Honourable Rod Welford MP, M n ster for Educat on and the Arts (now<br />

Educat on, Tra n ng and the Arts) announced a M n ster al Rev ew <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and<br />

Phys cal Act v ty to prov de d rect on for the future del very <strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal act v ty<br />

n <strong>Queensland</strong> state schools.<br />

The rev ew exam ned a range <strong>of</strong> ssues nclud ng the levels <strong>of</strong> part c pat on n sport and<br />

act v ty n <strong>Queensland</strong> state schools and the types <strong>of</strong> act v t es and sports undertaken.<br />

Other ssues ncluded the potent al barr ers that could prevent students from<br />

part c pat ng n school sport and phys cal act v ty, commun ty nvolvement n the del very<br />

<strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal act v ty n schools, examples <strong>of</strong> good models n the del very <strong>of</strong><br />

school sport and act v ty n schools, and acc dent nsurance cover for students engaged<br />

n sport and phys cal act v ty.<br />

The Rev ew Comm ttee used nformat on gathered throughout the rev ew to develop<br />

recommendat ons for the M n ster’s cons derat on. These ncluded a research and<br />

l terature rev ew, a survey <strong>of</strong> key stakeholders, a Health/Phys cal Educat on teachers’<br />

focus group; a sport and phys cal act v ty forum w th presentat ons from health and<br />

phys cal educat on experts; and school v s ts.<br />

The Rev ew Comm ttee was very mpressed w th the work already be ng done by many<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> state schools to enable students to part c pate n sport and phys cal act v ty<br />

programs. A w de var ety <strong>of</strong> examples <strong>of</strong> ex st ng sport and phys cal act v ty programs<br />

were reported by schools. These programs were des gned to develop students’ phys cal<br />

sk lls and create nterest and enjoyment n phys cal act v ty. It s clear that many schools<br />

also use a number <strong>of</strong> sport ng organ sat ons as part <strong>of</strong> the r sport and phys cal act v ty<br />

programs.<br />

The rev ew sought feedback from all stakeholder groups about the factors they perce ved<br />

as poss ble barr ers prevent ng students from part c pat ng n school sport and phys cal<br />

act v ty programs. The most commonly perce ved barr ers ncluded:<br />

• cost <strong>of</strong> compet ng – travel, reg strat on fees, un forms<br />

• ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> appropr ate fac l t es<br />

• d stance to compet t on – d stance between schools s too far for students to travel<br />

• compet ng curr culum areas<br />

• staff del ver ng phys cal act v ty programs requ r ng tra n ng or exper ence to bu ld<br />

sk lls<br />

• ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> staff or volunteers to run or ass st w th runn ng act v t es<br />

• student numbers n some schools are too low to form teams.<br />

The major ty <strong>of</strong> rev ew stakeholders nvolved were asked to prov de recommendat ons<br />

for the future development <strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal act v ty n state schools. The most<br />

common suggest ons related to mandat ng t me for phys cal act v ty and establ sh ng<br />

accountab l ty and mon tor ng systems, enhanc ng the sk lls and confidence <strong>of</strong> pr mary<br />

classroom teachers to enable them to conduct act v t es w th the r students, address ng<br />

ssues <strong>of</strong> transport / d stance to nter-school compet t on, more affordable part c pat on<br />

and better plann ng and school and commun ty use <strong>of</strong> resources and fac l t es.<br />

The Rev ew Comm ttee formulated a range <strong>of</strong> recommendat ons from the nformat on<br />

and data prov ded by rev ew part c pants. The comm ttee cons dered the data and<br />

stakeholders’ v ews and formulated recommendat ons w th n the target areas <strong>of</strong><br />

leadersh p, staff expert se, curr culum, commun ty and partnersh ps.<br />


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