Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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Review Report <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty<br />

Other organ sat onal pr or t es were mplemented such as the use <strong>of</strong> commun ty fac l t es<br />

and sport ng assoc at on expert se and support n Austral an Football; use <strong>of</strong> student<br />

expert se for ump r ng and coach ng; a map and draw for each venue so that any<br />

teacher who was to superv se the act v ty knew what was happen ng and could organ se<br />

students; and a commun ty set <strong>of</strong> equ pment for use by all schools.<br />

8. Key Recommendations<br />

A. Leadership<br />

Leadersh p s mportant to fac l tate cultural change n school env ronments regard ng<br />

the value <strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal act v ty and prov d ng opportun t es for ch ldren to be<br />

phys cally act ve. Students are more l kely to become nvolved n phys cal act v ty f they<br />

enjoy the act v t es ava lable, f the act v t es are well organ sed, and f students have<br />

strong role models and leadersh p n the r chosen act v ty.<br />

Recommendation 1<br />

All pr nc pals are to annually report on the r allocat on <strong>of</strong> school sport and phys cal<br />

act v ty through the school mprovement and accountab l ty framework.<br />

Recommendation 2<br />

<strong>School</strong>s are to ensure they work w th jun or sport ng organ sat ons to max m se the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> school and commun ty fac l t es for the benefit <strong>of</strong> the broader commun ty.<br />

Recommendation 3<br />

All schools are to develop a Physical Activity Strategy n consultat on w th the r school<br />

commun ty, to enhance students’ phys cal act v ty.<br />

B. Staff Expertise<br />

A cons stent message throughout the rev ew was that teacher confidence s cr t cal n<br />

more students becom ng act ve. Anecdotal ev dence suggests pr mary teachers’ lack<br />

<strong>of</strong> confidence n conduct ng sport and/or phys cal act v ty programs d rectly mpacts on<br />

student part c pat on. There s a need to bu ld teachers’ confidence and sk lls to del ver<br />

phys cal act v ty programs.<br />

Recommendation 4<br />

Pr mary school phys cal educat on teachers are to take a leadersh p role n enhanc ng<br />

mprov ng phys cal act v ty n the r nd v dual schools.<br />

Recommendation 5<br />

All state pr mary classroom teachers are to undertake pr<strong>of</strong>ess onal development n the<br />

del very <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty.<br />

Recommendation 6<br />

Educat on <strong>Queensland</strong> s to make the find ngs <strong>of</strong> <strong>Queensland</strong> Health’s Healthy Kids<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> Survey 2006 ava lable to schools to nform school pract ces.<br />

Recommendation 7<br />

Educat on <strong>Queensland</strong> s to develop support networks for teachers nvolved n the<br />

del very <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty n schools.<br />


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