Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

<strong>School</strong> Visits<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the Rev ew Comm ttee v s ted three schools to meet w th staff nvolved n<br />

the del very <strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal educat on programs. The three schools v s ted were<br />

dent fied because they were cons dered by the Rev ew Comm ttee to prov de good<br />

pract ce models for the del very <strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal act v ty programs for the r students<br />

and prov ded opportun t es for all students to be nvolved n phys cal act v ty.<br />

Tullawong State High <strong>School</strong><br />

Tullawong State H gh <strong>School</strong> has a student populat on <strong>of</strong> 1408 and s s tuated on the<br />

western outsk rts <strong>of</strong> Caboolture, 60 k lometres north <strong>of</strong> Br sbane. The school commun ty<br />

h ghly values sport and phys cal act v ty and encourages all students to part c pate.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the examples <strong>of</strong> school sport and phys cal act v ty programs and strateg es<br />

Tullawong uses to promote part c pat on ncluded:<br />

• Mult -d sc pl nary un ts are <strong>of</strong>fered where HPE theory s ntegrated nto subjects such<br />

as maths, Engl sh, sc ence, art etc. ‘Let the Games Beg n’ was an example <strong>of</strong> hol st c<br />

approach where students learnt what t meant to be a good sport, and how to des gn<br />

sport ng fields as part <strong>of</strong> the r Maths program.<br />

• Compulsory nter-school sport s played on Wednesday afternoons.<br />

• It s mandatory for all Years 8, 9, and 10 students to do phys cal educat on as a<br />

subject and spend 140 m nutes each week do ng HPE.<br />

Ferny Hills State <strong>School</strong><br />

Ferny H lls State <strong>School</strong> has a student populat on <strong>of</strong> 616 and has a comm tment to<br />

sport and phys cal act v ty that s nclus ve <strong>of</strong> all ch ldren. The follow ng nformat on was<br />

prov ded as examples <strong>of</strong> the school’s nvolvement n sport and phys cal act v ty:<br />

• The school s one <strong>of</strong> 23 schools w th n the North West <strong>Sport</strong> D str ct and has 10<br />

soccer teams, 3 rugby league teams and a beach volleyball team.<br />

• The school leadersh p has bu lt the sport program over the last seven to e ght years<br />

and the school has a culture <strong>of</strong> part c pat on.<br />

• Year P–3 students are regularly nvolved n motor sk ll development programs.<br />

• The school s nvolved n the Greater Br sbane <strong>School</strong>s compet t on wh ch has more<br />

than 2000 students compet ng across the compet t on each weekend.<br />

• A gymnast c club operates n the school hall for up to 300 ch ldren from 4 p.m. to<br />

7 p.m. each day. Many <strong>of</strong> the school students attend th s program.<br />

Aspley State High <strong>School</strong><br />

Aspley State H gh <strong>School</strong> fac l tates a cluster school sport program n collaborat on w th<br />

teachers from three other local h gh schools. The cluster school sport program prov des<br />

part c pat on opportun t es n phys cal act v ty for all 630 students n Year 8 at these<br />

schools.<br />

The schools nvolved n the cluster are Aspley State H gh <strong>School</strong>; Bracken R dge State<br />

H gh <strong>School</strong>; Earnshaw State H gh <strong>School</strong> and Sandgate State H gh <strong>School</strong>. The four<br />

sports played nclude:<br />

1. Oztag – boys and g rls played at Bracken R dge<br />

2. Netball – g rls only played at Sandgate<br />

3. 9 a-s de Austral an Football – boys only played at O’Callaghan Park<br />

4. Soccer – boys and g rls played at Aspley.<br />

A shared bus system was developed w th the a m <strong>of</strong> prov d ng cost-effect ve transport,<br />

s mpl fied collect on processes, and a central sed order ng and payment system to<br />

reduce school organ sat onal workload.<br />


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