Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

The top cs presented by the academ cs prov ded the bas s for d scuss on and debate<br />

among part c pants. Th s debate was successful n prov d ng data and stat st cs<br />

regard ng part c pat on by students and teachers n the del very <strong>of</strong> health and phys cal<br />

educat on programs w th n school env ronments.<br />

More than 40 people attended the full-day forum and were keen to be nvolved n<br />

develop ng the future d rect on for school sport n <strong>Queensland</strong>.<br />

Findings<br />

The forum ended w th stakeholders dent fy ng the key changes they bel eve were<br />

requ red to ncrease the amount <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty n state schools. The small group<br />

d scuss ons resulted n the follow ng suggest ons:<br />

• Mandate – schools have to move towards a defined number <strong>of</strong> hours <strong>of</strong> phys cal<br />

act v ty n the school curr culum and prov de appropr ate mon tor ng<br />

• <strong>School</strong> improvement agenda – nclus on <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty n the school<br />

mprovement agenda as part <strong>of</strong> the school mprovement and accountab l ty<br />

framework<br />

• Cultural change – through the school system and strateg c processes. Change has to<br />

be ngra ned through leadersh p, valu ng phys cal act v ty, and ownersh p by schools<br />

• Resources – allocate and secure human and phys cal resources through appropr ate<br />

fund ng and other n t at ves and to meet accountab l ty requ rements<br />

• Inclusive staffing model – allocate a key teacher role for phys cal act v ty,<br />

demonstrate leadersh p and ncrease the capac ty for schools to perform dut es<br />

by prov d ng pr<strong>of</strong>ess onal support and development, prov de a mentor ng model,<br />

enabl ng PE teachers w th teach ng roles some flex b l ty to take on add t onal<br />

mentor ng roles<br />

• Daily physical activity – advocate the ntroduct on <strong>of</strong> bas c phys cal act v ty programs<br />

on a da ly bas s<br />

• Teacher confidence – bu ld on the confidence <strong>of</strong> teachers to engage n phys cal<br />

act v ty and phys cal educat on outs de mandated act v t es<br />

• Teacher registration – as a cond t on <strong>of</strong> teacher reg strat on, advocate for a certa n<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ess onal development, w th phys cal act v ty and phys cal educat on<br />

classes as a core component<br />

• Local solutions – develop local solut ons relevant to each school<br />

• <strong>School</strong> audits – need to aud t schools n relat on to the r ssues regard ng the<br />

del very <strong>of</strong> ncreased phys cal act v ty and phys cal educat on and dent fy ways to<br />

address the areas <strong>of</strong> resources, nfrastructure, number <strong>of</strong> teachers etc.<br />

• Finding the balance – schools need to have a balance <strong>of</strong> both sport and phys cal<br />

act v ty programs w th part c pat on by all students<br />

• Modelling – students enjoy sport and phys cal act v ty when t s played well, as they<br />

w ll emulate role models and part c pate n these act v t es<br />

• Support systems – coord nat on <strong>of</strong> support mechan sms at the state and local level<br />

to ass st schools and commun t es n conduct ng phys cal act v ty programs for<br />

school ch ldren<br />

• Market share – need to develop strong sport ng programs to stop the flow <strong>of</strong> state<br />

school students to the pr vate sector. The most reported reason for transferr ng s<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the sport <strong>of</strong>fered n the pr vate schools.<br />


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