Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

Resource Barriers: All respondent groups dent fied ssues relat ng to resources that<br />

presented barr ers to part c pat on. These focused pr mar ly on the ava lab l ty and<br />

access b l ty <strong>of</strong>: spec al sed fac l t es, equ pment and expert sport ng pr<strong>of</strong>ess onals (e.g.<br />

<strong>of</strong>fic als, coaches).<br />

Cultural Barriers: Responses from Reg onal <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Officers and forum part c pants<br />

both h ghl ghted cultural barr ers to part c pat on. These ncluded: the v ews <strong>of</strong> some<br />

pr nc pals and adm n strators that school sport lacked value when compared to other<br />

learn ng areas, some students’ unw ll ngness to part c pate, an el t st att tude n<br />

some c rcles that may prevent all students from part c pat ng, and a lack <strong>of</strong> report ng<br />

accountab l ty mean ng sport s not always a pr or ty.<br />

Good practice in sport and physical activity programs<br />

State schools<br />

There are many <strong>Queensland</strong> state schools demonstrat ng good pract ce n sport and<br />

other act v t es des gned to boost students’ levels <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty. The survey<br />

dent fied a number <strong>of</strong> examples <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> good pract ce programs n the selected<br />

state schools.<br />

Embedd ng sport and phys cal act v ty programs nto the school curr culum was the<br />

most common method used by schools to promote school sport and phys cal act v ty.<br />

For example: school phys cal educat on programs ncluded as part <strong>of</strong> class act v ty,<br />

ntegrat on <strong>of</strong> theoret cal and pract cal components <strong>of</strong> phys cal educat on, compulsory<br />

health and phys cal educat on subjects, da ly health and fitness act v t es, perceptual<br />

motor and gross motor programs, fun part c pat on-focused rotat on act v t es.<br />

Respondents also dent fied the r regular sports programs as examples <strong>of</strong> good pract ce.<br />

Other good pract ce elements dent fied by schools were:<br />

• develop ng soc al sk lls and bu ld ng peer relat onsh ps<br />

• focus ng on part c pat on rather than compet t on when organ s ng nter-school sport<br />

compet t ons, nclud ng spec fic compet t ons for small schools.<br />

State schools in Indigenous communities<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> schools located n Ind genous commun t es nom nated elements <strong>of</strong> good<br />

pract ce w th n the r school commun ty.<br />

Embedd ng sport and phys cal act v ty nto the school curr culum was ev dent n some<br />

programs. The examples <strong>of</strong> good pract ce also tended to nvolve regular part c pat on n<br />

sport or phys cal act v ty, nclud ng programs nvolv ng nter- sland carn vals or general<br />

sports rotat ons. Implement ng spec fic programs such as Ausk ck were also dent fied as<br />

good pract ce.<br />

Other good pract ce elements dent fied by schools n Ind genous commun t es were:<br />

• organ s ng nter-school (and nter- sland) sport programs<br />

• support ng parental and commun ty nvolvement<br />

• focus ng on part c pat on rather than compet t on.<br />

Special <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Elements <strong>of</strong> good pract ce dent fied by spec al schools a med for nclus ve outcomes<br />

for students, focus ng on a var ety <strong>of</strong> sk lls and act v t es that can be adapted to<br />

meet student needs. Several programs suggested are h ghly spec al sed, for example<br />

hydrotherapy.<br />


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