Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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Review Report <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty<br />

Table 6: Most important perceived barriers to student participation, survey <strong>of</strong> state schools in<br />

Indigenous communities<br />

Barrier<br />

16<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> schools indicating<br />

this was one <strong>of</strong> the five most<br />

important barriers<br />

D stance to compet t on – d stance between schools s too far for<br />

students to travel 19<br />

Ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> appropr ate fac l t es – no fac l t es or ex st ng fac l t es do<br />

not meet needs 16<br />

Cost <strong>of</strong> compet ng – travel, reg strat on fees, un forms 16<br />

Cl mate – weather s too hot, too wet to part c pate 12<br />

Non-ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> staff or volunteers to run or ass st w th runn ng<br />

act v t es 9<br />

Student numbers are too low to form teams 8<br />

The perce ved barr ers nom nated by five or more <strong>of</strong> the 13 spec al schools that<br />

responded to th s sect on <strong>of</strong> the survey are l sted n Table 7.<br />

Table 7: Most important perceived barriers to student participation, survey <strong>of</strong> special schools<br />

Barrier<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> schools indicating<br />

this was one <strong>of</strong> the five most<br />

important barriers<br />

Non-ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> staff or volunteers to run or ass st w th runn ng<br />

act v t es 7<br />

Students’ nab l ty to part c pate due to phys cal, emot onal, or health<br />

cond t on 6<br />

Student numbers too low to form teams 5<br />

Non-ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> staff w th PE and sports expert se 5<br />

The barr ers to part c pat on dent fied by Reg onal <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Officers, State <strong>Sport</strong> ng<br />

Organ sat ons and <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Comm ttees were analysed to dent fy common themes.<br />

These were also compared w th the barr ers to part c pat on dent fied by part c pants <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Forum held n July 2006. Analys s dent fied five<br />

common barr ers:<br />

Financial Barriers: All respondent groups dent fied financ ng sports and phys cal act v ty<br />

as a barr er to part c pat on. Issues ncluded: costs related to part c pat on, purchas ng<br />

and ma nta n ng equ pment, venue h re and access ng fac l t es, pay ng for spec al sts<br />

(e.g. tra ners, coaches), school adm n strat on costs (e.g. teachers, adm n strat ons), and<br />

travel costs.<br />

Workforce Barriers: Issues relat ng to the workforce capac ty to del ver sport and<br />

phys cal act v ty were also dent fied by all respondent groups. Issues ncluded: lack <strong>of</strong><br />

sk lls and qual ficat ons lead ng to a poss ble lack <strong>of</strong> confidence n general classroom<br />

teachers to del ver sport and phys cal act v ty programs, lack <strong>of</strong> tra n ng n the del very<br />

<strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty programs for pre-serv ce teachers, workforce demograph cs, the role<br />

<strong>of</strong> del ver ng phys cal educat on s seen to be l m ted to PE teachers, mpacts <strong>of</strong> staff<br />

changes on sports and phys cal act v ty programs, and the extra pressure placed on<br />

t nerant phys cal educat on teachers due to the challenges <strong>of</strong> travel and work ng across<br />

schools.<br />

Time Barriers: Most respondent groups (three <strong>of</strong> four) noted ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> t me w th n<br />

the school curr culum as a barr er to part c pat on n del very <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v ty and<br />

sports programs. Issues ncluded: lack <strong>of</strong> t me to devote to sport and phys cal act v ty,<br />

compet ng pr or t es w th n the school program and for school staff, and t me nvolved n<br />

prepar ng for school sport and phys cal act v t es.

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