Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

Involvement <strong>of</strong> community organisations<br />

The schools surveyed nom nated 192 examples where commun ty sport and recreat on<br />

organ sat ons were nvolved n support ng the prov s on <strong>of</strong> sport and phys cal act v ty<br />

programs n 2006. The types <strong>of</strong> nvolvement <strong>of</strong> these organ sat ons are l sted below. It<br />

must be noted that n some cases, organ sat ons may be counted as part <strong>of</strong> more than<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the below categor es:<br />

• 89 examples where schools use the organ sat on’s grounds and fac l t es<br />

• 78 examples where organ sat ons came to schools to conduct sport and phys cal<br />

act v ty programs<br />

• 11 examples where organ sat ons suppl ed volunteers as <strong>of</strong>fic als and ump res for<br />

compet t on<br />

• s x examples where organ sat ons prov ded sponsorsh p to schools<br />

• 16 examples where organ sat ons prov ded other types <strong>of</strong> support to schools.<br />

Barriers to school sport and physical activity<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong>’s geograph cal nature means schools are s tuated n a d verse range <strong>of</strong><br />

env ronments, from metropol tan and reg onal centres to rural and remote locat ons. In<br />

order to overcome the potent al barr ers <strong>of</strong> cl mate, d stance, the ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> resources<br />

and the s ze <strong>of</strong> school populat ons, schools develop local solut ons to ncreas ng<br />

students’ part c pat on n regular sport or phys cal act v ty.<br />

All stakeholder groups were asked about the ssues they perce ved as potent al barr ers<br />

prevent ng students from part c pat ng n school sport and phys cal act v ty programs.<br />

State schools<br />

<strong>School</strong> respondents were prov ded w th a l st <strong>of</strong> poss ble barr ers to student<br />

part c pat on, and asked to nd cate the five most mportant barr ers.<br />

The ssues perce ved as potent al barr ers by the 67 state schools that responded to th s<br />

sect on <strong>of</strong> the survey are l sted n Table 5.<br />

Table 5: Most important perceived barriers to student participation, survey <strong>of</strong> state schools<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> schools indicating<br />

this was one <strong>of</strong> the five most<br />

Barrier<br />

important barriers<br />

Cost <strong>of</strong> compet ng – travel, reg strat on fees, un forms 46<br />

Ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> appropr ate fac l t es – no fac l t es or ex st ng fac l t es do<br />

not meet needs 32<br />

D stance to compet t on – d stance between schools s too far for<br />

students to travel 30<br />

There are other compet ng curr culum areas 26<br />

Staff lack exper ence, confidence or sk lls n del ver ng phys cal act v ty<br />

programs, or are unw ll ng to conduct act v ty 26<br />

Non-ava lab l ty <strong>of</strong> staff or volunteers to run or ass st w th runn ng<br />

act v t es 25<br />

The ssues perce ved as potent al barr ers by e ght or more <strong>of</strong> the 24 Ind genous<br />

commun ty schools that responded to th s sect on <strong>of</strong> the survey are l sted n Table 6.<br />

Some 11 Ind genous commun ty schools stated that d stance to compet t on was the<br />

most mportant barr er, and th s was clearly the most common response.<br />


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