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Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

effect ve when t s comprehens ve, flex ble and coord nated across the ent re school<br />

env ronment. The whole-<strong>of</strong>-school approach <strong>of</strong>fers opportun t es to promote cons stent<br />

messages about rema n ng phys cally act ve and to encourage teachers, parents,<br />

guard ans and volunteers to be phys cally act ve role models and fac l tators. In th s<br />

way, phys cal act v ty can be ncluded n as many school events as poss ble (The State <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Queensland</strong>, 2006).<br />

Certa n groups <strong>of</strong> students are less l kely to part c pate n suffic ent phys cal act v ty<br />

(Chau, 2007). Develop ng nclus ve programs that connect soc al, cultural and<br />

env ronmental spheres s an mportant aspect to encourage part c pat on n phys cal<br />

act v ty (Booth, Owen, Bauman, Clav s & Lesl e, 2000; L ndstrom, Hanson & Ostergren,<br />

2001; Mota, Alme da, Santos & R be ro, 2005; K m, Subraman an, Gortmaker & Kawach ,<br />

2006; Chau, 2007; Ferre ra, van der Horst, Wendel-Vos, Kremers, van Lenthe & Burg,<br />

2007). It s essent al phys cal act v ty programs are culturally and gender sens t ve to<br />

the values and trad t ons <strong>of</strong> part c pants and recogn se the d vers ty <strong>of</strong> nterests w th n<br />

a school commun ty, nclud ng the d fferent needs and range <strong>of</strong> ab l t es for students<br />

(Amer can Academy <strong>of</strong> Ped atr cs, 2000). An nclus ve phys cal act v ty program<br />

ensures a d verse, developmentally-appropr ate range <strong>of</strong> non-compet t ve, compet t ve,<br />

structured and unstructured act v t es are <strong>of</strong>fered (Gebel, K ng, Bauman, V ta, G ll, R gby,<br />

and Capon, 2005).<br />

Best pract ce phys cal act v ty programs are therefore those n wh ch schools are<br />

comm tted to an nclus ve, comprehens ve, developmentally-appropr ate, flex ble and<br />

coord nated approach to phys cal act v ty across the ent re school env ronment. They<br />

prov de a range <strong>of</strong> phys cally act ve opt ons tak ng nto account the d verse range <strong>of</strong><br />

nterests and ab l t es w th n the r school commun ty and value phys cally act ve role<br />

models.<br />

7. Survey <strong>of</strong> key stakeholders<br />

The Rev ew <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty ncluded surveys <strong>of</strong> key stakeholder<br />

groups. The groups surveyed were:<br />

• a random sample <strong>of</strong> state schools, nclud ng pr mary schools, secondary schools and<br />

spec al schools<br />

• a random sample <strong>of</strong> state schools n Ind genous commun t es<br />

• a random sample <strong>of</strong> spec al schools<br />

• all Reg onal <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Officers<br />

• all State <strong>Sport</strong> ng Organ sat ons<br />

• all <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Comm ttees.<br />

Other stakeholders also had the opportun ty <strong>of</strong> complet ng a survey quest onna re.<br />

Data was gathered from approx mately 270 surveys.<br />

In the collat on <strong>of</strong> data, state schools n Ind genous commun t es and spec al schools<br />

have been reported d scretely. It was dec ded to report spec al schools separately due<br />

to d fferences n class structures and types <strong>of</strong> phys cal act v t es undertaken. Spec al<br />

schools were therefore prov ded w th a mod fied vers on <strong>of</strong> the ma n state school survey.<br />


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