Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty Review Report<br />

Teachers use the syllabus to plan work un ts that focus on develop ng students’<br />

knowledge and sk lls relevant to the r local context. Th s enables young people to make<br />

nformed dec s ons about the r health.<br />

Intra- and nter-school sport are also valued act v t es n state schools and prov de<br />

opportun t es to put the knowledge and sk lls learned n HPE nto pract ce.<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong><br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> s managed by the <strong>Queensland</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Counc l. The<br />

counc l coord nates and fosters the development <strong>of</strong> representat ve school sport w th n<br />

state and non-state schools and state colleges affil ated w th <strong>Queensland</strong> Secondary<br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and <strong>Queensland</strong> Pr mary <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong>.<br />

The <strong>Queensland</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Un t w th n Educat on <strong>Queensland</strong> fac l tates<br />

representat ve school sport for ch ldren and schools w th n the state and non-state<br />

educat on systems. The un t supports the operat ons <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Queensland</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong><br />

Counc l, ts assoc ated secondary, pr mary and sport spec fic comm ttees, and the<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Foundat on. It ma nta ns l nks w th state and nat onal sport<br />

organ sat ons and agenc es as well as prov d ng pol cy adv ce and advocacy for school<br />

sport to execut ve management and <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Austral a.<br />

Reg onal <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong>s Officers are respons ble for the operat on and adm n strat on<br />

<strong>of</strong> the representat ve <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Program across Educat on <strong>Queensland</strong> D str cts. The<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers oversee all aspects <strong>of</strong> the program nclud ng human resourc ng, financ al control,<br />

stock control, travel, promot on and development <strong>of</strong> school sport and commun cat on<br />

w th n the Department and w th assoc ated cl ent groups. Each Reg onal <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong><br />

Un t s governed by a Reg onal <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Board and operates w th n an Educat on<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> D str ct Office.<br />

A D sab l ty <strong>Sport</strong> Comm ttee has been establ shed to oversee the ntroduct on,<br />

encouragement and nclus on <strong>of</strong> athletes w th d sab l t es nto school sport programs.<br />

Th s commences at the school, d str ct and reg onal level through to state and nat onal<br />

level. Athletes w th d sab l t es are now afforded the same opportun t es as the r peers to<br />

part c pate n school sport at the r level <strong>of</strong> ab l ty and enthus asm.<br />

Safe and Healthy <strong>School</strong>s initiatives<br />

As part <strong>of</strong> ts 2004 elect on comm tments, the <strong>Queensland</strong> Government announced an<br />

$11.1 m ll on Safe and Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Pol cy, w th $6.9 m ll on allocated to Educat on<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> to promote safety, phys cal act v ty and a health er l festyle n <strong>Queensland</strong><br />

schools. These n t at ves recogn se the mportance <strong>of</strong> students learn ng to get fit and<br />

healthy at school and also develop ng a l felong apprec at on <strong>of</strong> healthy l festyle cho ces.<br />

Safe and Healthy <strong>School</strong>s n t at ves nclude:<br />

a. Smart and Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Grants<br />

Between 2004 and 2006, $1.5 m ll on n Smart and Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Grants<br />

was prov ded to state and non-state schools and clusters <strong>of</strong> schools to enhance<br />

opportun t es for students to undertake phys cal act v ty and sport n school<br />

sett ngs n partnersh p w th other local commun ty agenc es.<br />

b. Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Vans<br />

Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Vans staff work w th school personnel, tuckshops, parents and<br />

other key stakeholders to promote healthy eat ng and phys cal act v ty messages n<br />

school sett ngs.<br />


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